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The Ontology of the Phrasebook

Syntactic Structures of the Phrasebook

This module contains phrases that can be defined by a functor over the resource grammar API. The phrases that are likely to have different implementations are in the module Words. But the distinction is not quite sharp; thus it may happen that the functor instantiations make exceptions.
  abstract Sentences = Numeral ** {
The ontology of the phrasebook is defined by the following types. The commented ones are defined in other modules.
      Phrase ;      -- complete phrase, the unit of translation  e.g. "Where are you?"
      Sentence ;    -- declarative sentence                      e.g. "I am in the bar"
      Question ;    -- question, either yes/no or wh             e.g. "where are you"
      -- Greeting ; -- idiomatic phrase, not inflected,          e.g. "hello"
      Proposition ; -- can be turned into sentence or question   e.g. "this pizza is good"
      Object ;      -- the object of wanting, ordering, etc      e.g. "three pizzas and a beer"
      PrimObject ;  -- single object of wanting, ordering, etc   e.g. "three pizzas"
      Item ;        -- a single entity                           e.g. "this pizza"
      Kind ;        -- a type of an item                         e.g. "pizza"
      MassKind ;    -- a type mass (uncountable)                 e.g. "water"
      Quality ;     -- qualification of an item, can be complex  e.g. "very good"
      Property ;    -- basic property of an item, one word       e.g. "good"
      Place ;       -- location                                  e.g. "the bar" 
      PlaceKind ;   -- type of location                          e.g. "bar" 
      Currency ;    -- currency unit                             e.g. "leu"  
      Price ;       -- number of currency units                  e.g. "eleven leu"
      Person ;      -- agent wanting or doing something          e.g. "you" 
      Action ;      -- proposition about a Person                e.g. "you are here"
      Nationality ; -- complex of language, property, country    e.g. "Swedish, Sweden"
      Language ;    -- language (can be without nationality)     e.g. "Flemish"
      Citizenship ; -- property (can be without language)        e.g. "Belgian"
      Country ;     -- country (can be without language)         e.g. "Belgium"
      Day ;         -- weekday type                              e.g. "Friday"
      Date ;        -- definite date                             e.g. "on Friday"
      Name ;        -- name of person                            e.g. "NN"
      Number ;      -- number expression 1 .. 999,999            e.g. "twenty"
      Transport ;   -- transportation device                     e.g. "car"
      ByTransport ; -- mean of transportation                    e.g. "by tram"
      Superlative ; -- superlative modifiers of places           e.g. "the best restaurant"
Many of the categories are accessible as Phrases, i.e. as translation units.
      PSentence    : Sentence -> Phrase ;
      PQuestion    : Question -> Phrase ;
      PObject      : Object      -> Phrase ;
      PKind        : Kind        -> Phrase ;
      PMassKind    : MassKind    -> Phrase ;
      PQuality     : Quality     -> Phrase ;
      PNumber      : Number      -> Phrase ;
      PPlace       : Place       -> Phrase ;
      PPlaceKind   : PlaceKind   -> Phrase ;
      PCurrency    : Currency    -> Phrase ;
      PPrice       : Price       -> Phrase ;
      PLanguage    : Language    -> Phrase ;
      PCitizenship : Citizenship -> Phrase ;
      PCountry     : Country     -> Phrase ;
      PDay         : Day         -> Phrase ;
      PByTransport : ByTransport -> Phrase ;
      PTransport   : Transport   -> Phrase ;
      PYes, PNo, PYesToNo : Phrase ;  -- yes, no, si/doch (pos. answer to neg. question)
This is the way to build propositions about inanimate items.
      Is       : Item -> Quality -> Proposition ;  -- this pizza is good
To use propositions on higher levels.
      SProp    : Proposition -> Sentence ;         -- this pizza is good
      SPropNot : Proposition -> Sentence ;         -- this pizza isn't good
      QProp    : Proposition -> Question ;         -- is this pizza good
      WherePlace  : Place  -> Question ;           -- where is the bar
      WherePerson : Person -> Question ;           -- where are you
This is the way to build propositions about persons.
      PropAction : Action -> Proposition ;         -- (you (are|aren't) | are you) Swedish
Here are some general syntactic constructions.
      ObjItem   : Item -> PrimObject ;             -- this pizza
      ObjNumber : Number -> Kind -> PrimObject ;   -- five pizzas
      ObjIndef  : Kind -> PrimObject ;             -- a pizza
      ObjPlural : Kind -> PrimObject ;             -- pizzas
      ObjMass   : MassKind -> PrimObject ;         -- water
      ObjAndObj : PrimObject -> Object -> Object ; -- this pizza and a beer
      OneObj    : PrimObject -> Object ;           -- this pizza
      SuchKind : Quality -> Kind -> Kind ;         -- Italian pizza
      SuchMassKind : Quality -> MassKind -> MassKind ; -- Italian water
      Very : Property -> Quality ;                 -- very Italian
      Too  : Property -> Quality ;                 -- too Italian      
      PropQuality : Property -> Quality ;          -- Italian
      This, That, These, Those : Kind -> Item ;         -- this pizza,...,those pizzas
      The, Thes : Kind -> Item ;                        -- the pizza, the pizzas
      ThisMass, ThatMass, TheMass : MassKind -> Item ;  -- this/that/the water
      AmountCurrency : Number -> Currency -> Price ;    -- five euros
      ThePlace : PlaceKind -> Place ;                   -- the bar
      APlace : PlaceKind -> Place ;                     -- a bar
      IMale, IFemale,                     -- I, said by man/woman (affects agreement)
      YouFamMale, YouFamFemale,           -- familiar you, said to man/woman (affects agreement)
      YouPolMale, YouPolFemale : Person ; -- polite you, said to man/woman (affects agreement)
      LangNat    : Nationality -> Language ;    -- Swedish
      CitiNat    : Nationality -> Citizenship ; -- Swedish
      CountryNat : Nationality -> Country ;     -- Sweden
      PropCit    : Citizenship -> Property ;    -- Swedish
      OnDay      : Day -> Date ;  -- on Friday
      Today      : Date ;         -- today
      PersonName : Name -> Person ;             -- person referred by name
      NameNN     : Name ;                       -- the name "NN"
      NNumeral   : Numeral -> Number ;          -- numeral in words, e.g. "twenty"
Actions are typically language-dependent, not only lexically but also structurally. However, these ones are mostly functorial.
      SHave       : Person -> Object      -> Sentence ;  -- you have beer
      SHaveNo     : Person -> Kind        -> Sentence ;  -- you have no apples
      SHaveNoMass : Person -> MassKind    -> Sentence ;  -- you have no beer
      QDoHave     : Person -> Object      -> Question ;  -- do you have beer
      AHaveCurr : Person -> Currency    -> Action ;  -- you have dollars
      ACitizen  : Person -> Citizenship -> Action ;  -- you are Swedish
      ABePlace  : Person -> Place       -> Action ;  -- you are in the bar
      ByTransp : Transport -> ByTransport ;          -- by bus

Words and idiomatic phrases of the Phrasebook

  abstract Words = Sentences ** {
kinds of items (so far mostly food stuff)
      Apple : Kind ;
      Beer : MassKind ;
      Bread : MassKind ; 
      Cheese : MassKind ;
      Chicken : MassKind ; 
      Coffee : MassKind ; 
      Fish : MassKind ; 
      Meat : MassKind ;
      Milk : MassKind ; 
      Pizza : Kind ; 
      Salt : MassKind ; 
      Tea : MassKind ; 
      Water : MassKind ; 
      Wine : MassKind ;
properties of kinds (so far mostly of food)
      Bad : Property ;
      Boring : Property ;
      Cheap : Property ; 
      Cold : Property ; 
      Delicious : Property ;  
      Expensive : Property ; 
      Fresh : Property ; 
      Good : Property ;
      Suspect : Property ;
      Warm : Property ; 
kinds of places
      Airport : PlaceKind ;
      AmusementPark : PlaceKind ;
      Bank : PlaceKind ;
      Bar : PlaceKind ;
      Cafeteria : PlaceKind ;
      Center : PlaceKind ;
      Cinema : PlaceKind ;
      Church : PlaceKind ;
      Disco : PlaceKind ;
      Hospital : PlaceKind ;
      Hotel : PlaceKind ;
      Museum : PlaceKind ;
      Park : PlaceKind ;
      Parking : PlaceKind ;
      Pharmacy : PlaceKind ;
      PostOffice : PlaceKind ;
      Pub : PlaceKind ;
      Restaurant : PlaceKind ;
      School : PlaceKind ;
      Shop : PlaceKind ;
      Station : PlaceKind ;
      Supermarket : PlaceKind ;
      Theatre : PlaceKind ; 
      Toilet : PlaceKind ; 
      University : PlaceKind ;
      Zoo : PlaceKind ;
      CitRestaurant : Citizenship -> PlaceKind ;
currency units
      DanishCrown : Currency ; 
      Dollar : Currency ; 
      Euro : Currency ; -- Germany, France, Italy, Finland, Spain, The Netherlands
      Lei : Currency ; -- Romania
      Leva : Currency ; -- Bulgaria
      NorwegianCrown : Currency ;
      Pound : Currency ; -- UK
      Rouble : Currency ; -- Russia
      SwedishCrown : Currency ;
      Zloty : Currency ; -- Poland
nationalities, countries, languages, citizenships
      Belgian : Citizenship ;
      Belgium : Country ;
      Bulgarian : Nationality ;
      Catalan : Nationality ;
      Danish : Nationality ;
      Dutch : Nationality ;
      English : Nationality ;
      Finnish : Nationality ;
      Flemish : Language ;
      French : Nationality ;
      German : Nationality ;
      Italian : Nationality ;
      Norwegian : Nationality ;
      Polish : Nationality ;
      Romanian : Nationality ;
      Russian : Nationality ;
      Spanish : Nationality ;
      Swedish : Nationality ;
means of transportation
      Bike : Transport ; 
      Bus : Transport ;
      Car : Transport ;
      Ferry : Transport ;
      Plane : Transport ;
      Subway : Transport ;
      Taxi : Transport ;
      Train : Transport ;
      Tram : Transport ;
      ByFoot : ByTransport ;
Actions (which can be expressed by different structures in different languages). Notice that also negations and questions can be formed from these.
      AHasAge     : Person -> Number -> Action ;    -- I am seventy years
      AHasChildren: Person -> Number -> Action ;    -- I have six children
      AHasName    : Person -> Name   -> Action ;    -- my name is Bond
      AHasRoom    : Person -> Number -> Action ;    -- you have a room for five persons
      AHasTable   : Person -> Number -> Action ;    -- you have a table for five persons
      AHungry     : Person -> Action ;              -- I am hungry
      AIll        : Person -> Action ;              -- I am ill
      AKnow       : Person -> Action ;              -- I (don't) know
      ALike       : Person -> Item     -> Action ;  -- I like this pizza
      ALive       : Person -> Country  -> Action ;  -- I live in Sweden
      ALove       : Person -> Person   -> Action ;  -- I love you
      AMarried    : Person -> Action ;              -- I am married
      AReady      : Person -> Action ;              -- I am ready
      AScared     : Person -> Action ;              -- I am scared
      ASpeak      : Person -> Language -> Action ;  -- I speak Finnish
      AThirsty    : Person -> Action ;              -- I am thirsty
      ATired      : Person -> Action ;              -- I am tired
      AUnderstand : Person -> Action ;              -- I (don't) understand
      AWant       : Person -> Object -> Action ;    -- I want two apples
      AWantGo     : Person -> Place -> Action ;     -- I want to go to the hospital
Miscellaneous phrases. Notice that also negations and questions can be formed from propositions.
      QWhatAge       : Person -> Question ;            -- how old are you
      QWhatName      : Person -> Question ;            -- what is your name
      HowMuchCost    : Item -> Question ;              -- how much does the pizza cost
      ItCost         : Item -> Price -> Proposition ;  -- the pizza costs five euros
      PropOpen       : Place -> Proposition ;          -- the museum is open
      PropClosed     : Place -> Proposition ;          -- the museum is closed
      PropOpenDate   : Place -> Date -> Proposition ;  -- the museum is open today
      PropClosedDate : Place -> Date -> Proposition ;  -- the museum is closed today
      PropOpenDay    : Place -> Day  -> Proposition ;  -- the museum is open on Mondays
      PropClosedDay  : Place -> Day  -> Proposition ;  -- the museum is closed on Mondays
      PSeeYouPlaceDate : Place -> Date -> Phrase ;     -- see you in the bar on Monday
      PSeeYouPlace     : Place         -> Phrase ;     -- see you in the bar
      PSeeYouDate      :          Date -> Phrase ;     -- see you on Monday
family relations
      Wife, Husband  : Person -> Person ;              -- my wife, your husband
      Son, Daughter  : Person -> Person ;              -- my son, your husband
      Children       : Person -> Person ;              -- my children 
week days
      Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday : Day ;
      Tomorrow : Date ;
      HowFar : Place -> Question ;                  -- how far is the zoo ?
      HowFarFrom : Place -> Place -> Question ;     -- how far is the center from the hotel ?
      HowFarFromBy : Place -> Place -> ByTransport -> Question ; 
                                              -- how far is the airport from the hotel by taxi ? 
      HowFarBy : Place -> ByTransport -> Question ;   -- how far is the museum by bus ?
      WhichTranspPlace : Transport -> Place -> Question ;   -- which bus goes to the hotel
      IsTranspPlace    : Transport -> Place -> Question ;   -- is there a metro to the airport ?
modifiers of places
      TheBest : Superlative ;
      TheClosest : Superlative ;
      TheCheapest : Superlative ;
      TheMostExpensive : Superlative ;
      TheMostPopular : Superlative ;
      TheWorst : Superlative ;
      SuperlPlace : Superlative -> PlaceKind -> Place ; -- the best bar