[09:49:52] utf-8 is wonderful [09:59:34] good morning GFers! [09:59:53] good morning [10:00:07] perhaps since we have exausted all known biergartens on the island, this evening we should get some beers/wine from the abbey and drink them by the water [10:00:54] Sounds good [10:00:59] that is a good idea. :) [10:11:55] *** Joins: Kaarel (6d2b50e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [10:18:16] will these presentations be available online for download after this summer school? [10:18:25] for instance, Krasimir's? [10:21:26] I was just wondering about the same thing [10:47:44] good point halla, I will collect them and make them available from the summer school page [10:48:38] thanks! :) [11:52:29] *** Quits: Kaarel (6d2b50e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [12:16:26] some links to slides are now up and I will keep adding them as they become available [12:33:05] Thanks [12:44:46] thank you, john [17:06:46] The Eclipse plugin write up motivated me to look for and find vim syntax highlighting files. [17:34:58] do they exist for GF? [17:40:26] drbean, jstar: I wrote a small vim module that does syntax highlighting. If you want to try it out: https://github.com/gdetrez/vim-gf [17:41:14] I don't use vim, but we should add it to the editor-modes pages [17:41:16] *page [17:41:35] http://www.grammaticalframework.org/doc/gf-editor-modes.html [17:45:56] It should… :-) [17:50:47] jstar: this page doesn't mention the eclipse plugin either [17:51:06] that's linked separately from the GF home page [17:51:18] http://www.grammaticalframework.org/eclipse [17:53:58] I'm sure it's available somewhere else but I think it would make sens to include it in the list... [17:55:09] how do you update the site, do you have to ssh to the macmini and change the files or is there a better way? [18:11:40] well most pages are under version control so you need to edit and then commit a patch in darcs [18:12:09] also most pages are in t2t format which gets converted to html on some cron job if I am not mistaken [18:17:52] oh, yeah thanks