[00:26:04] @inariksit, now I understand that "tire_V" was not a good example. better example is the simplest verb like "love_V" (or "hate_V"). They need more than "awkward translation". I believe I can write a set of new rules for Compound Verbs based on this theory: http://persian.nmelrc.org/pvc/CompoundVerbs_DabirMoghaddam.pdf [00:34:16] don't you have all those light verb constructions in persian too [00:34:20] like 'X do' [00:37:18] *** Quits: drbean (~drbean@sac.nuu.edu.tw) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:37:49] *** Joins: drbean (~drbean@ [00:44:12] well "X do" is just one form of all these compound verbs [00:44:22] *** Joins: Eidel_ (~eidel@c83-249-247-253.bredband.comhem.se) [00:45:29] I want to follow this list: http://persian.nmelrc.org/pvc/compounds.php?sort=dabir&sem=0&theme=0 [00:45:56] yeah [00:47:02] 13 group, but it's not hard because we already have mkVerb in GF which works fine ... [00:47:14] *** Quits: Eidel (~eidel@c83-249-247-253.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:51:00] we don't proper opers for these formats in resource grammar: (ADJ + aux budan), (ADJ + aux shodan), (Past participle + passive aux) [00:55:27] they are important in lexicon. more importantly, we found out that a set of these verbs needs which only has Prepositional Objects needed immediate attention. [01:00:31] apparently current implementation didn't consider compound verbs without "ra" (the accusative marker). this "ra" grammar is specific for Persian there is nothing similar in turkish [01:02:11] really? [01:02:24] there is accusative in turkic [01:02:51] but there is no postpositional case marker like "ra" [01:03:03] usually -nI [01:03:18] you can consider it a case or a postposition [01:03:21] according to taste ;) [01:04:07] i can't remember if -ra ending in persian is optional with transitive verbs [01:04:11] like -nI in turkic [01:05:15] "ra" is not like a clitic, but it has alternatives like "-o", "-ro" [01:06:23] well some verbs like "hate_V" they don't accept "ra" [01:07:12] they take a PP ? [01:07:35] "I hate something" in persian has translation of "I am in hate with something" [01:07:40] aye [01:07:45] but that is not transitive [01:07:46] yeah [01:07:51] that's an entirely different construction :) [01:08:19] ok but the construction of "hate_V" is like this [01:08:58] (hate_N + toBe) [01:09:40] man az aan motenafer-am [01:09:52] az = from ? [01:09:58] yes [01:10:09] it means "I hate that" [01:10:56] or as I said about long form of "to be": man az aan motenafer hastam [01:13:15] and more about the "ra", there is a case that if you drop it in sentence like: "I saw the book" will become "I saw a book" [01:13:40] "man ketab ra didam" = "I saw the book" [01:13:49] "man ketab didam" = "I saw a book" [01:14:32] yeah [01:14:35] that's how it works in turkic too [01:14:51] the overt accusative is somehow more definite than the non-overt one [01:15:14] :) [01:16:56] maybe I should ignore this structure without "ra", because it sounds unusual. [01:17:46] more unusual than "all surfers eat a tasty coconut" [01:17:47] ? [01:17:51] ;) [01:17:58] brb [01:19:27] back [01:19:33] ok nn! [01:20:04] well in some articles that I read today, dropping the "ra", means connecting the noun to the verb, which is a way to generative new compound. [01:20:43] "ketab didam" can become a book-seeing activity [01:21:40] to generate* [01:23:00] here it is the article: http://www.ensani.ir/storage/Files/20101125162018-146.pdf [01:24:22] the other set of articles are in persian. [01:24:58] this one actually is focused on a set of well-known verbs [03:29:12] *** Quits: drbean (~drbean@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [03:34:11] *** Joins: drbean (~drbean@sac.nuu.edu.tw) [05:13:41] *** Quits: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) (Remote host closed the connection) [08:51:45] *** Joins: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) [08:59:57] I have a question in english grammar. [09:01:39] "he sends flowers to him": NP -> V3 -> NP -> NP -> Cl [09:02:16] now what about "he sends him flowers" [09:04:39] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [09:14:57] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [09:19:38] mmehdig, yep? [09:20:00] I think I found my answer! :D in the sentence "he sends her flowers", "sends" should interpret as "send_V2" instead of "send_V3" [09:20:26] what are V2 and V3 ? [09:21:11] v2 is transitive, v3 ditransitive [09:21:16] yes [09:21:19] but I think both sentences are V3? [09:22:32] when I try it on wide coverage translation, it interpret it as send_V2 [09:22:58] but we don't have send_V2 in english resource grammar [09:23:07] as in "he sends [SN [Det her] [N flowers]" [09:23:11] ..to the moon [09:24:14] it's how CompSlash works [09:24:59] or at least Slash2V3 and Slash3V3 force you to have PP for V3 verbs [09:27:44] so ... do you think it's correct to say it's send_V2 with an optional complement? [09:30:22] "someone gave me flowers" [09:32:52] now this sentence works fine in translator project but it doesn't work on main project. [09:35:14] it was my bad for previous sentence, "her flowers" was an ambiguous phrase. [09:37:21] then the question is there. why can't we have "he gave me flowers"? [09:38:35] an translator marks it yellow [09:38:38] and* [09:45:50] so ... is it ungrammatical to say "he gave me a flower" ? [09:47:29] apparently this structure is not supported in English resource grammar. [10:46:08] that is grammatical [10:46:09] brb [11:11:49] I think I need to understand these kinds of sentences in GF in order fix the problem in Persian. [11:13:39] mail aarne / ping inariksit ? :) [12:43:05] *** Joins: chru (~christina@2001:638:504:2099:d148:8105:9a85:129a) [12:50:26] 01:19:28 < mmehdig> maybe I should ignore this structure without "ra", because it sounds unusual. [12:50:29] 01:20:19 < spectie> more unusual than "all surfers eat a tasty coconut" [12:50:32] :---D [12:50:51] hi everyone! lots of backlog [12:50:52] ^^ [12:51:51] mmehdig: I think the wide coverage translator uses the penn treebank probabilities, and they might be sound or might not [12:52:21] and if V2s are favoured over V3s, then it just gets higher probability to parse send_V2 + PP [12:52:46] yes I figured out that sample [12:52:57] about the yellow colour, it means that the translation comes from the RGL, not from a domain-specific grammar [12:53:10] but in sentences like: "he sent me an email" [12:53:48] why there is no grammar for sentences like "he sent me an email" ? [12:54:22] GF only accepts "he sent an email to me" [12:54:38] yeah, it's defined in lexicon as send_V3 = dirV3 (irregV "send" "sent" "sent") toP ; [12:55:06] the RGL is supposed to be kept without variants [12:55:09] or at least the core [12:55:31] in a big lexicon send_V3 could have both variants, with and without "to" [12:56:00] you're completely free to define your own verb with two direct objects [12:57:36] this just stems from the fact that RGL wasn't originally supposed to be used for wide-coverage translation, just a simple and predictable resource, if you want a NP with indefinite article you write "mkNP a_Det x" and if you want without you use MassNP instead, and it's the problem of an application grammar writer to decide when and in which language use which [12:58:15] or if you want to use "send" with two direct objects or one with "to" [12:59:17] then "send_V3" should have two variants right? [12:59:56] something like: send_V3 = dirV3 (irregV "send" "sent" "sent") toP | dirV3_2DO (irregV "send" "sent" "sent") toP [13:00:20] I don't know how does dirV3 works [13:01:04] yeah that's just a low-level function, mkV3 is overloaded with some options [13:01:05] http://www.grammaticalframework.org/lib/doc/synopsis.html#toc90 [13:01:24] so actually just mkV3 (irregV "send" "sent" "sent") will do the trick [13:01:28] this toP just means to_Prep [13:03:08] so yeah, after modifying that in LexiconEng, it parses [13:03:09] Lang> p -cat=Cl "she sent him flowers" [13:03:09] PredVP (UsePron she_Pron) (ComplSlash (Slash2V3 send_V3 (UsePron he_Pron)) (DetCN (DetQuant IndefArt NumPl) (UseN flower_N))) [13:03:12] PredVP (UsePron she_Pron) (ComplSlash (Slash3V3 send_V3 (DetCN (DetQuant IndefArt NumPl) (UseN flower_N))) (UsePron he_Pron)) [13:03:55] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [13:04:03] yes it worked here too! :D [13:04:20] \o/ [13:04:58] no wait! what are these? [13:05:58] linearization didn't work! [13:07:18] "she sent him to flowers" :)) [13:09:09] now we need to figure out the problem in Slash3V3 or Slash2V3 right? [13:09:56] are you using variants? [13:10:01] yes [13:10:08] yeah, they appear to be buggy [13:10:19] like chru's "all surfers eats" or "every surfer eat" [13:10:38] I just replaced mine with a single mkV3 send_V [13:10:57] Lang> p "she sent him flowers" | l [13:10:58] she sent him flowers [13:11:59] I need to do other stuff now, I might be here in the evening 21->, and from tomorrow on I'll be travelling [13:12:12] but we need both variants at the end, right? "she sent flowers to him" [13:12:22] ok ok. thank you :) [13:12:29] in RGL the policy is to avoid variants; you can ask aarne more about that [13:12:38] good luck! [13:12:44] ok thank you :) [13:48:28] *** Quits: chru (~christina@2001:638:504:2099:d148:8105:9a85:129a) (Quit: Leaving.) [13:48:47] *** Joins: chru (~christina@elpollodiablo.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE) [14:09:01] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [15:00:59] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [15:34:36] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [16:18:33] *** Joins: myoriel (~Myoriel@aftr-88-217-180-130.dynamic.mnet-online.de) [17:41:39] *** Quits: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:13:58] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [18:35:19] *** Joins: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) [18:37:35] *** Quits: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) (Remote host closed the connection) [19:06:33] *** Parts: chru (~christina@elpollodiablo.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE) () [21:41:35] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Quit: Quitte) [22:05:07] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [22:38:05] *** Joins: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) [22:42:33] *** Quits: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [22:51:20] *** Joins: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) [23:28:41] *** Quits: myoriel (~Myoriel@aftr-88-217-180-130.dynamic.mnet-online.de) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)