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Conjunction: Coordination

Coordination is defined for many different categories; here is a sample. The rules apply to lists of two or more elements, and define two general patterns: - ordinary conjunction: X,...X and X - distributed conjunction: both X,...,X and X

VP conjunctions are not covered here, because their applicability depends on language. Some special cases are defined in [``Extra`` ../abstract/].

  abstract Conjunction = Cat ** {


      ConjS    : Conj -> [S] -> S ;       -- "he walks and she runs"
      ConjRS   : Conj -> [RS] -> RS ;     -- "who walks and whose mother runs"
      ConjAP   : Conj -> [AP] -> AP ;     -- "cold and warm"
      ConjNP   : Conj -> [NP] -> NP ;     -- "she or we"
      ConjAdv  : Conj -> [Adv] -> Adv ;   -- "here or there"
      ConjIAdv : Conj -> [IAdv] -> IAdv ; -- "where and with whom"
      ConjCN   : Conj -> [CN] -> CN ;     -- "man and woman"


These categories are only used in this module.
      [S]{2} ; 
      [RS]{2} ; 
      [Adv]{2} ; 
      [NP]{2} ; 
      [AP]{2} ;
      [IAdv]{2} ;
      [CN] {2} ;

List constructors

The list constructors are derived from the list notation and therefore not given explicitly. But here are their type signatures:
    --  BaseC : C -> C   -> [C] ;  -- for C = S, AP, NP, Adv
    --  ConsC : C -> [C] -> [C] ;