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Sentence: Sentences, Clauses, and Imperatives

  abstract Sentence = Cat ** {


The NP VP predication rule form a clause whose linearization gives a table of all tense variants, positive and negative. Clauses are converted to S (with fixed tense) with the UseCl function below.
      PredVP    : NP -> VP -> Cl ;         -- John walks
Using an embedded sentence as a subject is treated separately. This can be overgenerating. E.g. whether you go as subject is only meaningful for some verb phrases.
      PredSCVP  : SC -> VP -> Cl ;         -- that she goes is good

Clauses missing object noun phrases

This category is a variant of the 'slash category' S/NP of GPSG and categorial grammars, which in turn replaces movement transformations in the formation of questions and relative clauses. Except SlashV2, the construction rules can be seen as special cases of function composition, in the style of CCG. Note the set is not complete and lacks e.g. verbs with more than 2 places.
      SlashVP   : NP -> VPSlash -> ClSlash ;      -- (whom) he sees
      AdvSlash  : ClSlash -> Adv -> ClSlash ;     -- (whom) he sees today
      SlashPrep : Cl -> Prep -> ClSlash ;         -- (with whom) he walks 
      SlashVS   : NP -> VS -> SSlash -> ClSlash ; -- (whom) she says that he loves


An imperative is straightforwardly formed from a verb phrase. It has variation over positive and negative, singular and plural. To fix these parameters, see [Phrase Phrase.html].
      ImpVP     : VP -> Imp ;              -- love yourselves

Embedded sentences

Sentences, questions, and infinitival phrases can be used as subjects and (adverbial) complements.
      EmbedS    : S  -> SC ;               -- that she goes
      EmbedQS   : QS -> SC ;               -- who goes
      EmbedVP   : VP -> SC ;               -- to go


These are the 2 x 4 x 4 = 16 forms generated by different combinations of tense, polarity, and anteriority, which are defined in [``Common`` Common.html].
      UseCl    : Temp -> Pol -> Cl  -> S ;
      UseQCl   : Temp -> Pol -> QCl -> QS ;
      UseRCl   : Temp -> Pol -> RCl -> RS ;
      UseSlash : Temp -> Pol -> ClSlash -> SSlash ;
An adverb can be added to the beginning of a sentence, either with comma (externally) or without:
      AdvS     : Adv -> S  -> S ;            -- then I will go home
      ExtAdvS  : Adv -> S  -> S ;            -- next week, I will go home
This covers subjunctive clauses, but they can also be added to the end.
      SSubjS   : S -> Subj -> S -> S ;       -- I go home if she comes
A sentence can be modified by a relative clause referring to its contents.
      RelS     : S -> RS -> S ;              -- she sleeps, which is good
-- A sentence can also be post-modified by a subjunct sentence. -- ModSubjS : S -> Subj -> S -> S ; -- she sleeps, because she is old -- cf. Adverb.SubjS