{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-} module GF.Command.Commands2 ( PGFEnv,HasPGFEnv(..),pgf,concs,pgfEnv,emptyPGFEnv,pgfCommands, options, flags, ) where import Prelude hiding (putStrLn,(<>)) -- GHC 8.4.1 clash with Text.PrettyPrint import PGF2 import qualified PGF as H import GF.Compile.ToAPI(exprToAPI) import GF.Infra.UseIO(writeUTF8File) import GF.Infra.SIO(MonadSIO,liftSIO,putStrLn,restricted,restrictedSystem) import GF.Command.Abstract import GF.Command.CommandInfo import GF.Data.Operations import Data.List(intersperse,intersect,nub,sortBy) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as Map import GF.Text.Pretty import Control.Monad(mplus) import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail data PGFEnv = Env {pgf::Maybe PGF,concs::Map.Map ConcName Concr} pgfEnv pgf = Env (Just pgf) (languages pgf) emptyPGFEnv = Env Nothing Map.empty class (Fail.MonadFail m,MonadSIO m) => HasPGFEnv m where getPGFEnv :: m PGFEnv instance (Monad m,HasPGFEnv m) => TypeCheckArg m where typeCheckArg e = do env <- getPGFEnv case pgf env of Just gr -> either fail (return . hsExpr . fst) (inferExpr gr (cExpr e)) Nothing -> fail "Import a grammar before using this command" pgfCommands :: HasPGFEnv m => Map.Map String (CommandInfo m) pgfCommands = Map.fromList [ ("aw", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "align_words", synopsis = "show word alignments between languages graphically", explanation = unlines [ "Prints a set of strings in the .dot format (the graphviz format).", "The graph can be saved in a file by the wf command as usual.", "If the -view flag is defined, the graph is saved in a temporary file", "which is processed by graphviz and displayed by the program indicated", "by the flag. The target format is postscript, unless overridden by the", "flag -format." ], exec = needPGF $ \opts es env -> do let cncs = optConcs env opts if isOpt "giza" opts then if length cncs == 2 then let giz = map (gizaAlignment pgf (snd (cncs !! 0)) (snd (cncs !! 1)) . cExpr) (toExprs es) lsrc = unlines $ map (\(x,_,_) -> x) giz ltrg = unlines $ map (\(_,x,_) -> x) giz align = unlines $ map (\(_,_,x) -> x) giz grph = if null (toExprs es) then [] else lsrc ++ "\n--end_source--\n\n"++ltrg++"\n-end_target--\n\n"++align in return (fromString grph) else error "For giza alignment you need exactly two languages" else let gvOptions=graphvizDefaults{leafFont = valStrOpts "font" "" opts, leafColor = valStrOpts "color" "" opts, leafEdgeStyle = valStrOpts "edgestyle" "" opts } grph = if null (toExprs es) then [] else graphvizWordAlignment (map snd cncs) gvOptions (cExpr (head (toExprs es))) in if isFlag "view" opts || isFlag "format" opts then do let file s = "_grph." ++ s let view = optViewGraph opts let format = optViewFormat opts restricted $ writeUTF8File (file "dot") grph restrictedSystem $ "dot -T" ++ format ++ " " ++ file "dot" ++ " > " ++ file format restrictedSystem $ view ++ " " ++ file format return void else return (fromString grph), examples = [ ("gr | aw" , "generate a tree and show word alignment as graph script"), ("gr | aw -view=\"open\"" , "generate a tree and display alignment on Mac"), ("gr | aw -view=\"eog\"" , "generate a tree and display alignment on Ubuntu"), ("gt | aw -giza | wf -file=aligns" , "generate trees, send giza alignments to file") ], options = [ ("giza", "show alignments in the Giza format; the first two languages") ], flags = [ ("format","format of the visualization file (default \"png\")"), ("lang", "alignments for this list of languages (default: all)"), ("view", "program to open the resulting file"), ("font", "font for the words"), ("color", "color for the words"), ("edgestyle", "the style for links between words") ] }), {- ("eb", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "example_based", syntax = "eb (-probs=FILE | -lang=LANG)* -file=FILE.gfe", synopsis = "converts .gfe files to .gf files by parsing examples to trees", explanation = unlines [ "Reads FILE.gfe and writes FILE.gf. Each expression of form", "'%ex CAT QUOTEDSTRING' in FILE.gfe is replaced by a syntax tree.", "This tree is the first one returned by the parser; a biased ranking", "can be used to regulate the order. If there are more than one parses", "the rest are shown in comments, with probabilities if the order is biased.", "The probabilities flag and configuration file is similar to the commands", "gr and rt. Notice that the command doesn't change the environment,", "but the resulting .gf file must be imported separately." ], options = [ ("api","convert trees to overloaded API expressions (using Syntax not Lang)") ], flags = [ ("file","the file to be converted (suffix .gfe must be given)"), ("lang","the language in which to parse"), ("probs","file with probabilities to rank the parses") ], exec = \env@(pgf, mos) opts _ -> do let file = optFile opts pgf <- optProbs opts pgf let printer = if (isOpt "api" opts) then exprToAPI else (H.showExpr []) let conf = configureExBased pgf (optMorpho env opts) (optLang pgf opts) printer (file',ws) <- restricted $ parseExamplesInGrammar conf file if null ws then return () else putStrLn ("unknown words: " ++ unwords ws) return (fromString ("wrote " ++ file')), needsTypeCheck = False }), -} {- ("gr", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "generate_random", synopsis = "generate random trees in the current abstract syntax", syntax = "gr [-cat=CAT] [-number=INT]", examples = [ mkEx "gr -- one tree in the startcat of the current grammar", mkEx "gr -cat=NP -number=16 -- 16 trees in the category NP", mkEx "gr -lang=LangHin,LangTha -cat=Cl -- Cl, both in LangHin and LangTha", mkEx "gr -probs=FILE -- generate with bias", mkEx "gr (AdjCN ? (UseN ?)) -- generate trees of form (AdjCN ? (UseN ?))" ], explanation = unlines [ "Generates a list of random trees, by default one tree.", "If a tree argument is given, the command completes the Tree with values to", "all metavariables in the tree. The generation can be biased by probabilities,", "given in a file in the -probs flag." ], flags = [ ("cat","generation category"), ("lang","uses only functions that have linearizations in all these languages"), ("number","number of trees generated"), ("depth","the maximum generation depth"), ("probs", "file with biased probabilities (format 'f 0.4' one by line)") ], exec = \env@(pgf, mos) opts xs -> do pgf <- optProbs opts (optRestricted opts pgf) gen <- newStdGen let dp = valIntOpts "depth" 4 opts let ts = case mexp xs of Just ex -> H.generateRandomFromDepth gen pgf ex (Just dp) Nothing -> H.generateRandomDepth gen pgf (optType pgf opts) (Just dp) returnFromExprs $ take (optNum opts) ts }), -} ("gt", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "generate_trees", synopsis = "generates a list of trees, by default exhaustive", flags = [("cat","the generation category"), ("number","the number of trees generated")], examples = [ mkEx "gt -- all trees in the startcat", mkEx "gt -cat=NP -number=16 -- 16 trees in the category NP"], exec = needPGF $ \ opts _ env@(pgf,_) -> let ts = map fst (generateAll pgf cat) cat = optType pgf opts in returnFromCExprs (takeOptNum opts ts), needsTypeCheck = False }), ("i", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "import", synopsis = "import a grammar from a compiled .pgf file", explanation = unlines [ "Reads a grammar from a compiled .pgf file.", "Old modules are discarded.", {- "The grammar parser depends on the file name suffix:", " .cf context-free (labelled BNF) source", " .ebnf extended BNF source", " .gfm multi-module GF source", " .gf normal GF source", " .gfo compiled GF source", -} " .pgf precompiled grammar in Portable Grammar Format" ], flags = [ -- ("probs","file with biased probabilities for generation") ], options = [ -- ["gfo", "src", "no-cpu", "cpu", "quiet", "verbose"] -- ("retain","retain operations (used for cc command)"), -- ("src", "force compilation from source"), -- ("v", "be verbose - show intermediate status information") ], needsTypeCheck = False }), ("l", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "linearize", synopsis = "convert an abstract syntax expression to string", explanation = unlines [ "Shows the linearization of a Tree by the grammars in scope.", "The -lang flag can be used to restrict this to fewer languages.", "A sequence of string operations (see command ps) can be given", "as options, and works then like a pipe to the ps command, except", "that it only affect the strings, not e.g. the table labels.", "These can be given separately to each language with the unlexer flag", "whose results are prepended to the other lexer flags. The value of the", "unlexer flag is a space-separated list of comma-separated string operation", "sequences; see example." ], examples = [ mkEx "l -lang=LangSwe,LangNor no_Utt -- linearize a tree to LangSwe and LangNor", mkEx "gr -lang=LangHin -cat=Cl | l -table -to_devanagari -- hindi table", mkEx "l -unlexer=\"LangAra=to_arabic LangHin=to_devanagari\" -- different unlexers" ], exec = needPGF $ \ opts arg env -> return . fromStrings . optLins env opts . map cExpr $ toExprs arg, options = [ ("all", "show all forms and variants, one by line (cf. l -list)"), ("bracket","show tree structure with brackets and paths to nodes"), ("groups", "all languages, grouped by lang, remove duplicate strings"), ("list","show all forms and variants, comma-separated on one line (cf. l -all)"), ("multi","linearize to all languages (default)"), ("table","show all forms labelled by parameters"), ("treebank","show the tree and tag linearizations with language names") ], flags = [ ("lang","the languages of linearization (comma-separated, no spaces)") ] }), ("ma", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "morpho_analyse", synopsis = "print the morphological analyses of the (multiword) expression in the string", explanation = unlines [ "Prints all the analyses of the (multiword) expression in the input string,", "using the morphological analyser of the actual grammar (see command pg)" ], exec = needPGF $ \opts args env -> return ((fromString . unlines . map prMorphoAnalysis . concatMap (morphos env opts) . toStrings) args), flags = [ ("lang","the languages of analysis (comma-separated, no spaces)") ] }), {- ("mq", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "morpho_quiz", synopsis = "start a morphology quiz", syntax = "mq (-cat=CAT)? (-probs=FILE)? TREE?", exec = \env@(pgf, mos) opts xs -> do let lang = optLang pgf opts let typ = optType pgf opts pgf <- optProbs opts pgf let mt = mexp xs restricted $ morphologyQuiz mt pgf lang typ return void, flags = [ ("lang","language of the quiz"), ("cat","category of the quiz"), ("number","maximum number of questions"), ("probs","file with biased probabilities for generation") ] }), -} ("p", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "parse", synopsis = "parse a string to abstract syntax expression", explanation = unlines [ "Shows all trees returned by parsing a string in the grammars in scope.", "The -lang flag can be used to restrict this to fewer languages.", "The default start category can be overridden by the -cat flag.", "See also the ps command for lexing and character encoding." ], flags = [ ("cat","target category of parsing"), ("lang","the languages of parsing (comma-separated, no spaces)"), ("number","maximum number of trees returned") ], examples = [ mkEx "p \"this fish is fresh\" | l -lang=Swe -- try parsing with all languages and translate the successful parses to Swedish" ], exec = needPGF $ \ opts ts env -> return . cParse env opts $ toStrings ts }), ("pg", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "print_grammar", synopsis = "prints different information about the grammar", exec = needPGF $ \opts _ env -> prGrammar env opts, options = [ ("cats", "show just the names of abstract syntax categories"), ("fullform", "print the fullform lexicon"), ("funs", "show just the names and types of abstract syntax functions"), ("langs", "show just the names of top concrete syntax modules"), ("lexc", "print the lexicon in Xerox LEXC format"), ("missing","show just the names of functions that have no linearization"), ("words", "print the list of words") ], flags = [ ("lang","the languages that need to be printed") ], examples = [ mkEx "pg -langs -- show the names of top concrete syntax modules", mkEx "pg -funs | ? grep \" S ;\" -- show functions with value cat S" ] }), {- ("pt", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "put_tree", syntax = "pt OPT? TREE", synopsis = "return a tree, possibly processed with a function", explanation = unlines [ "Returns a tree obtained from its argument tree by applying", "tree processing functions in the order given in the command line", "option list. Thus 'pt -f -g s' returns g (f s). Typical tree processors", "are type checking and semantic computation." ], examples = [ mkEx "pt -compute (plus one two) -- compute value", mkEx "p \"4 dogs love 5 cats\" | pt -transfer=digits2numeral | l -- four...five..." ], exec = \env@(pgf, mos) opts -> returnFromExprs . takeOptNum opts . treeOps pgf opts, options = treeOpOptions undefined{-pgf-}, flags = [("number","take at most this many trees")] ++ treeOpFlags undefined{-pgf-} }), -} ("rf", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "read_file", synopsis = "read string or tree input from a file", explanation = unlines [ "Reads input from file. The filename must be in double quotes.", "The input is interpreted as a string by default, and can hence be", "piped e.g. to the parse command. The option -tree interprets the", "input as a tree, which can be given e.g. to the linearize command.", "The option -lines will result in a list of strings or trees, one by line." ], options = [ ("lines","return the list of lines, instead of the singleton of all contents"), ("tree","convert strings into trees") ], exec = needPGF $ \opts _ env@(pgf, mos) -> do let file = optFile opts let exprs [] = ([],empty) exprs ((n,s):ls) | null s = exprs ls exprs ((n,s):ls) = case readExpr s of Just e -> let (es,err) = exprs ls in case inferExpr pgf e of Right (e,t) -> (e:es,err) Left msg -> (es,"on line" <+> n <> ':' $$ msg $$ err) Nothing -> let (es,err) = exprs ls in (es,"on line" <+> n <> ':' <+> "parse error" $$ err) returnFromLines ls = case exprs ls of (es, err) | null es -> return $ pipeMessage $ render (err $$ "no trees found") | otherwise -> return $ pipeWithMessage (map hsExpr es) (render err) s <- restricted $ readFile file case opts of _ | isOpt "lines" opts && isOpt "tree" opts -> returnFromLines (zip [1::Int ..] (lines s)) _ | isOpt "tree" opts -> returnFromLines [(1::Int,s)] _ | isOpt "lines" opts -> return (fromStrings $ lines s) _ -> return (fromString s), flags = [("file","the input file name")] }), ("rt", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "rank_trees", synopsis = "show trees in an order of decreasing probability", explanation = unlines [ "Order trees from the most to the least probable, using either", "even distribution in each category (default) or biased as specified", "by the file given by flag -probs=FILE, where each line has the form", "'function probability', e.g. 'youPol_Pron 0.01'." ], exec = needPGF $ \opts es env@(pgf, _) -> do let tds = sortBy (\(_,p) (_,q) -> compare p q) [(t, treeProbability pgf t) | t <- map cExpr (toExprs es)] if isOpt "v" opts then putStrLn $ unlines [PGF2.showExpr [] t ++ "\t--" ++ show d | (t,d) <- tds] else return () returnFromExprs $ map (hsExpr . fst) tds, flags = [ ("probs","probabilities from this file (format 'f 0.6' per line)") ], options = [ ("v","show all trees with their probability scores") ], examples = [ mkEx "p \"you are here\" | rt -probs=probs | pt -number=1 -- most probable result" ] }), {- ("tq", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "translation_quiz", syntax = "tq -from=LANG -to=LANG (-cat=CAT)? (-probs=FILE)? TREE?", synopsis = "start a translation quiz", exec = \env@(pgf, mos) opts xs -> do let from = optLangFlag "from" pgf opts let to = optLangFlag "to" pgf opts let typ = optType pgf opts let mt = mexp xs pgf <- optProbs opts pgf restricted $ translationQuiz mt pgf from to typ return void, flags = [ ("from","translate from this language"), ("to","translate to this language"), ("cat","translate in this category"), ("number","the maximum number of questions"), ("probs","file with biased probabilities for generation") ], examples = [ mkEx ("tq -from=Eng -to=Swe -- any trees in startcat"), mkEx ("tq -from=Eng -to=Swe (AdjCN (PositA ?2) (UseN ?)) -- only trees of this form") ] }), ("vd", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "visualize_dependency", synopsis = "show word dependency tree graphically", explanation = unlines [ "Prints a dependency tree in the .dot format (the graphviz format, default)", "or the CoNLL/MaltParser format (flag -output=conll for training, malt_input", "for unanalysed input).", "By default, the last argument is the head of every abstract syntax", "function; moreover, the head depends on the head of the function above.", "The graph can be saved in a file by the wf command as usual.", "If the -view flag is defined, the graph is saved in a temporary file", "which is processed by graphviz and displayed by the program indicated", "by the flag. The target format is png, unless overridden by the", "flag -format." ], exec = \env@(pgf, mos) opts es -> do let debug = isOpt "v" opts let file = valStrOpts "file" "" opts let outp = valStrOpts "output" "dot" opts mlab <- case file of "" -> return Nothing _ -> (Just . H.getDepLabels . lines) `fmap` restricted (readFile file) let lang = optLang pgf opts let grphs = unlines $ map (H.graphvizDependencyTree outp debug mlab Nothing pgf lang) es if isFlag "view" opts || isFlag "format" opts then do let file s = "_grphd." ++ s let view = optViewGraph opts let format = optViewFormat opts restricted $ writeUTF8File (file "dot") grphs restrictedSystem $ "dot -T" ++ format ++ " " ++ file "dot" ++ " > " ++ file format restrictedSystem $ view ++ " " ++ file format return void else return $ fromString grphs, examples = [ mkEx "gr | vd -- generate a tree and show dependency tree in .dot", mkEx "gr | vd -view=open -- generate a tree and display dependency tree on a Mac", mkEx "gr -number=1000 | vd -file=dep.labels -output=malt -- generate training treebank", mkEx "gr -number=100 | vd -file=dep.labels -output=malt_input -- generate test sentences" ], options = [ ("v","show extra information") ], flags = [ ("file","configuration file for labels per fun, format 'fun l1 ... label ... l2'"), ("format","format of the visualization file (default \"png\")"), ("output","output format of graph source (default \"dot\")"), ("view","program to open the resulting file (default \"open\")"), ("lang","the language of analysis") ] }), -} ("vp", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "visualize_parse", synopsis = "show parse tree graphically", explanation = unlines [ "Prints a parse tree in the .dot format (the graphviz format).", "The graph can be saved in a file by the wf command as usual.", "If the -view flag is defined, the graph is saved in a temporary file", "which is processed by graphviz and displayed by the program indicated", "by the flag. The target format is png, unless overridden by the", "flag -format." ], exec = needPGF $ \opts arg env@(pgf, concs) -> do let es = toExprs arg let concs = optConcs env opts let gvOptions=graphvizDefaults{noLeaves = isOpt "noleaves" opts && not (isOpt "showleaves" opts), noFun = isOpt "nofun" opts || not (isOpt "showfun" opts), noCat = isOpt "nocat" opts && not (isOpt "showcat" opts), nodeFont = valStrOpts "nodefont" "" opts, leafFont = valStrOpts "leaffont" "" opts, nodeColor = valStrOpts "nodecolor" "" opts, leafColor = valStrOpts "leafcolor" "" opts, nodeEdgeStyle = valStrOpts "nodeedgestyle" "solid" opts, leafEdgeStyle = valStrOpts "leafedgestyle" "dashed" opts } let grph= if null es || null concs then [] else graphvizParseTree (snd (head concs)) gvOptions (cExpr (head es)) if isFlag "view" opts || isFlag "format" opts then do let file s = "_grph." ++ s let view = optViewGraph opts let format = optViewFormat opts restricted $ writeUTF8File (file "dot") grph restrictedSystem $ "dot -T" ++ format ++ " " ++ file "dot" ++ " > " ++ file format restrictedSystem $ view ++ " " ++ file format return void else return $ fromString grph, examples = [ mkEx "p -lang=Eng \"John walks\" | vp -- generate a tree and show parse tree as .dot script", mkEx "gr | vp -view=\"open\" -- generate a tree and display parse tree on a Mac" ], options = [ ("showcat","show categories in the tree nodes (default)"), ("nocat","don't show categories"), ("showfun","show function names in the tree nodes"), ("nofun","don't show function names (default)"), ("showleaves","show the leaves of the tree (default)"), ("noleaves","don't show the leaves of the tree (i.e., only the abstract tree)") ], flags = [ ("lang","the language to visualize"), ("format","format of the visualization file (default \"png\")"), ("view","program to open the resulting file (default \"open\")"), ("nodefont","font for tree nodes (default: Times -- graphviz standard font)"), ("leaffont","font for tree leaves (default: nodefont)"), ("nodecolor","color for tree nodes (default: black -- graphviz standard color)"), ("leafcolor","color for tree leaves (default: nodecolor)"), ("nodeedgestyle","edge style between tree nodes (solid/dashed/dotted/bold, default: solid)"), ("leafedgestyle","edge style for links to leaves (solid/dashed/dotted/bold, default: dashed)") ] }), ("vt", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "visualize_tree", synopsis = "show a set of trees graphically", explanation = unlines [ "Prints a set of trees in the .dot format (the graphviz format).", "The graph can be saved in a file by the wf command as usual.", "If the -view flag is defined, the graph is saved in a temporary file", "which is processed by graphviz and displayed by the program indicated", "by the flag. The target format is postscript, unless overridden by the", "flag -format." ], exec = needPGF $ \opts arg env@(pgf, _) -> let es = toExprs arg in if isOpt "api" opts then do mapM_ (putStrLn . exprToAPI) es return void else do let gvOptions=graphvizDefaults{noFun = isOpt "nofun" opts, noCat = isOpt "nocat" opts, nodeFont = valStrOpts "nodefont" "" opts, nodeColor = valStrOpts "nodecolor" "" opts, nodeEdgeStyle = valStrOpts "nodeedgestyle" "solid" opts } let grph = unlines (map (graphvizAbstractTree pgf gvOptions . cExpr) es) if isFlag "view" opts || isFlag "format" opts then do let file s = "_grph." ++ s let view = optViewGraph opts let format = optViewFormat opts restricted $ writeUTF8File (file "dot") grph restrictedSystem $ "dot -T" ++ format ++ " " ++ file "dot" ++ " > " ++ file format restrictedSystem $ view ++ " " ++ file format return void else return $ fromString grph, examples = [ mkEx "p \"hello\" | vt -- parse a string and show trees as graph script", mkEx "p \"hello\" | vt -view=\"open\" -- parse a string and display trees on a Mac" ], options = [ ("api", "show the tree with function names converted to 'mkC' with value cats C"), ("nofun","don't show functions but only categories"), ("nocat","don't show categories but only functions") ], flags = [ ("format","format of the visualization file (default \"png\")"), ("view","program to open the resulting file (default \"open\")"), ("nodefont","font for tree nodes (default: Times -- graphviz standard font)"), ("nodecolor","color for tree nodes (default: black -- graphviz standard color)"), ("nodeedgestyle","edge style between tree nodes (solid/dashed/dotted/bold, default: solid)") ] }), ("ai", emptyCommandInfo { longname = "abstract_info", syntax = "ai IDENTIFIER or ai EXPR", synopsis = "Provides an information about a function, an expression or a category from the abstract syntax", explanation = unlines [ "The command has one argument which is either function, expression or", "a category defined in the abstract syntax of the current grammar. ", "If the argument is a function then its type is printed out.", "If it is a category then the category definition is printed.", "If a whole expression is given it prints the expression with refined", "metavariables and the type of the expression." ], exec = needPGF $ \opts args env@(pgf,cncs) -> case map cExpr (toExprs args) of [e] -> case unApp e of Just (id,[]) -> return (fromString (case functionType pgf id of Just ty -> showFun id ty Nothing -> let funs = functionsByCat pgf id in showCat id funs)) where showCat c funs = "cat "++c++ " ;\n\n"++ unlines [showFun f ty| f<-funs, Just ty <- [functionType pgf f]] showFun f ty = "fun "++f++" : "++showType [] ty++" ;" _ -> case inferExpr pgf e of Left msg -> error msg Right (e,ty) -> do putStrLn ("Expression: "++PGF2.showExpr [] e) putStrLn ("Type: "++PGF2.showType [] ty) putStrLn ("Probability: "++show (treeProbability pgf e)) return void _ -> do putStrLn "a single function name or category name is expected" return void, needsTypeCheck = False }) ] where cParse env@(pgf,_) opts ss = parsed [ parse cnc cat s | s<-ss,(lang,cnc)<-cncs] where cat = optType pgf opts cncs = optConcs env opts parsed rs = Piped (Exprs ts,unlines msgs) where ts = [hsExpr t|ParseOk ts<-rs,(t,p)<-takeOptNum opts ts] msgs = concatMap mkMsg rs mkMsg (ParseOk ts) = (map (PGF2.showExpr [] . fst).takeOptNum opts) ts mkMsg (ParseFailed _ tok) = ["Parse failed: "++tok] mkMsg (ParseIncomplete) = ["The sentence is incomplete"] optLins env opts ts = case opts of _ | isOpt "groups" opts -> concatMap snd $ groupResults [[(lang, s) | (lang,concr) <- optConcs env opts,s <- linear opts lang concr t] | t <- ts] _ -> concatMap (optLin env opts) ts optLin env@(pgf,_) opts t = case opts of _ | isOpt "treebank" opts -> (abstractName pgf ++ ": " ++ PGF2.showExpr [] t) : [lang ++ ": " ++ s | (lang,concr) <- optConcs env opts, s<-linear opts lang concr t] _ -> [s | (lang,concr) <- optConcs env opts, s<-linear opts lang concr t] linear :: [Option] -> ConcName -> Concr -> PGF2.Expr -> [String] linear opts lang concr = case opts of _ | isOpt "all" opts -> concat . map (map snd) . tabularLinearizeAll concr _ | isOpt "list" opts -> (:[]) . commaList . concatMap (map snd) . tabularLinearizeAll concr _ | isOpt "table" opts -> concatMap (map (\(p,v) -> p+++":"+++v)) . tabularLinearizeAll concr _ | isOpt "bracket" opts -> (:[]) . unwords . map showBracketedString . bracketedLinearize concr _ -> (:[]) . linearize concr groupResults :: [[(ConcName,String)]] -> [(ConcName,[String])] groupResults = Map.toList . foldr more Map.empty . start . concat where start ls = [(l,[s]) | (l,s) <- ls] more (l,s) = Map.insertWith (\ [x] xs -> if elem x xs then xs else (x : xs)) l s optConcs = optConcsFlag "lang" optConcsFlag f (pgf,cncs) opts = case valStrOpts f "" opts of "" -> Map.toList cncs lang -> mapMaybe pickLang (chunks ',' lang) where pickLang l = pick l `mplus` pick fl where fl = abstractName pgf++l pick l = (,) l `fmap` Map.lookup l cncs {- -- replace each non-atomic constructor with mkC, where C is the val cat tree2mk pgf = H.showExpr [] . t2m where t2m t = case H.unApp t of Just (cid,ts@(_:_)) -> H.mkApp (mk cid) (map t2m ts) _ -> t mk = H.mkCId . ("mk" ++) . H.showCId . H.lookValCat (H.abstract pgf) unlex opts lang = stringOps Nothing (getUnlex opts lang ++ map prOpt opts) ---- getUnlex opts lang = case words (valStrOpts "unlexer" "" opts) of lexs -> case lookup lang [(H.mkCId la,tail le) | lex <- lexs, let (la,le) = span (/='=') lex, not (null le)] of Just le -> chunks ',' le _ -> [] -} commaList [] = [] commaList ws = concat $ head ws : map (", " ++) (tail ws) optFile opts = valStrOpts "file" "_gftmp" opts optType pgf opts = case listFlags "cat" opts of v:_ -> let str = valueString v in case readType str of Just ty -> case checkType pgf ty of Left msg -> error msg Right ty -> ty Nothing -> error ("Can't parse '"++str++"' as a type") _ -> startCat pgf optViewFormat opts = valStrOpts "format" "png" opts optViewGraph opts = valStrOpts "view" "open" opts {- optNum opts = valIntOpts "number" 1 opts -} optNumInf opts = valIntOpts "number" 1000000000 opts ---- 10^9 takeOptNum opts = take (optNumInf opts) returnFromCExprs = returnFromExprs . map hsExpr returnFromExprs es = return $ case es of [] -> pipeMessage "no trees found" _ -> fromExprs es prGrammar env@(pgf,cncs) opts | isOpt "langs" opts = return . fromString . unwords $ (map fst (optConcs env opts)) | isOpt "cats" opts = return . fromString . unwords $ categories pgf | isOpt "funs" opts = return . fromString . unwords $ functions pgf | isOpt "missing" opts = return . fromString . unwords $ [f | f <- functions pgf, not (and [hasLinearization concr f | (_,concr) <- optConcs env opts])] | isOpt "fullform" opts = return $ fromString $ concatMap (prFullFormLexicon . snd) $ optConcs env opts | isOpt "words" opts = return $ fromString $ concatMap (prAllWords . snd) $ optConcs env opts | isOpt "lexc" opts = return $ fromString $ concatMap (prLexcLexicon . snd) $ optConcs env opts | otherwise = return void gizaAlignment pgf src_cnc tgt_cnc e = let src_res = alignWords src_cnc e tgt_res = alignWords tgt_cnc e alignment = [show i++"-"++show j | (i,(_,src_fids)) <- zip [0..] src_res, (j,(_,tgt_fids)) <- zip [0..] tgt_res, not (null (intersect src_fids tgt_fids))] in (unwords (map fst src_res), unwords (map fst tgt_res), unwords alignment) morphos env opts s = [(s,res) | (lang,concr) <- optConcs env opts, let res = lookupMorpho concr s, not (null res)] {- mexp xs = case xs of t:_ -> Just t _ -> Nothing -} -- ps -f -g s returns g (f s) {- treeOps pgf opts s = foldr app s (reverse opts) where app (OOpt op) | Just (Left f) <- treeOp pgf op = f app (OFlag op (VId x)) | Just (Right f) <- treeOp pgf op = f (H.mkCId x) app _ = id treeOpOptions pgf = [(op,expl) | (op,(expl,Left _)) <- allTreeOps pgf] treeOpFlags pgf = [(op,expl) | (op,(expl,Right _)) <- allTreeOps pgf] translationQuiz :: Maybe H.Expr -> H.PGF -> H.Language -> H.Language -> H.Type -> IO () translationQuiz mex pgf ig og typ = do tts <- translationList mex pgf ig og typ infinity mkQuiz "Welcome to GF Translation Quiz." tts morphologyQuiz :: Maybe H.Expr -> H.PGF -> H.Language -> H.Type -> IO () morphologyQuiz mex pgf ig typ = do tts <- morphologyList mex pgf ig typ infinity mkQuiz "Welcome to GF Morphology Quiz." tts -- | the maximal number of precompiled quiz problems infinity :: Int infinity = 256 -} prLexcLexicon :: Concr -> String prLexcLexicon concr = unlines $ "Multichar_Symbols":multichars:"":"LEXICON Root" : [prLexc l p ++ ":" ++ w ++ " # ;" | (w,lps) <- morpho, (l,p,_) <- lps] ++ ["END"] where morpho = fullFormLexicon concr prLexc l p = l ++ concat (mkTags (words p)) mkTags p = case p of "s":ws -> mkTags ws --- remove record field ws -> map ('+':) ws multichars = unwords $ nub $ concat [mkTags (words p) | (w,lps) <- morpho, (l,p,_) <- lps] -- thick_A+(AAdj+Posit+Gen):thick's # ; prFullFormLexicon :: Concr -> String prFullFormLexicon concr = unlines (map prMorphoAnalysis (fullFormLexicon concr)) prAllWords :: Concr -> String prAllWords concr = unwords [w | (w,_) <- fullFormLexicon concr] prMorphoAnalysis :: (String,[MorphoAnalysis]) -> String prMorphoAnalysis (w,lps) = unlines (w:[fun ++ " : " ++ cat | (fun,cat,p) <- lps]) hsExpr c = case unApp c of Just (f,cs) -> H.mkApp (H.mkCId f) (map hsExpr cs) _ -> case unStr c of Just str -> H.mkStr str _ -> case unInt c of Just n -> H.mkInt n _ -> case unFloat c of Just d -> H.mkFloat d _ -> error $ "GF.Command.Commands2.hsExpr "++show c cExpr e = case H.unApp e of Just (f,es) -> mkApp (H.showCId f) (map cExpr es) _ -> case H.unStr e of Just str -> mkStr str _ -> case H.unInt e of Just n -> mkInt n _ -> case H.unFloat e of Just d -> mkFloat d _ -> error $ "GF.Command.Commands2.cExpr "++show e needPGF exec opts ts = do Env mb_pgf cncs <- getPGFEnv case mb_pgf of Just pgf -> liftSIO $ exec opts ts (pgf,cncs) _ -> fail "Import a grammar before using this command"