
Plain text version of Predef.hs

-- | Implementations of predefined functions
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module GF.Compile.Compute.Predef(predef,predefName,delta) where

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Array(array,(!))
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Data.Char (isUpper,toLower,toUpper)
import Control.Monad(ap)

import GF.Data.Utilities (apBoth) --mapSnd

import GF.Compile.Compute.Value
import GF.Infra.Ident (Ident,showIdent) --,varX
import GF.Data.Operations(Err) -- ,err
import GF.Grammar.Predef

class Predef a where
  toValue :: a -> Value
  fromValue :: Value -> Err a

instance Predef Int where
  toValue = VInt
  fromValue (VInt i) = return i
  fromValue v = verror "Int" v

instance Predef Bool where
  toValue = boolV
  fromValue v = case v of
    VCApp (mn,i) [] | mn == cPredef && i == cPTrue -> return True
    VCApp (mn,i) [] | mn == cPredef && i == cPFalse -> return False
    _ -> verror "Bool" v

instance Predef String where
  toValue = string
  fromValue v = case norm v of
                  VString s -> return s
                  _ -> verror "String" v

instance Predef Value where
  toValue = id
  fromValue = return

instance Predef Predefined where
  toValue p = VApp p []
  fromValue v = case v of
                  VApp p _ -> return p
                  _        -> fail $ "Expected a predefined constant, got something else"

instance (Predef a,Predef b) => Predef (a->b) where
  toValue f = VAbs Explicit (varX 0) $ Bind $ err bug (toValue . f) . fromValue
verror t v =
  case v of
    VError e -> fail e
    VGen {}  -> fail $ "Expected a static value of type "++t
                       ++", got a dynamic value"
    _ -> fail $ "Expected a value of type "++t++", got "++show v


predef f = maybe undef return (Map.lookup f predefs)
    undef = fail $ "Unimplemented predfined operator: Predef."++showIdent f

predefs :: Map.Map Ident Predefined
predefs = Map.fromList predefList

predefName pre = predefNames ! pre
predefNames = array (minBound,maxBound) (map swap predefList)

predefList =
     -- cShow, cRead, cMapStr, cEqVal
     -- Canonical values:
    --- add more functions!!!

delta f vs =
    case f of
      Drop    -> fromNonExist vs NonExist (ap2 (drop::Int->String->String))
      Take    -> fromNonExist vs NonExist (ap2 (take::Int->String->String))
      Tk      -> fromNonExist vs NonExist (ap2 tk)
      Dp      -> fromNonExist vs NonExist (ap2 dp)
      EqStr   -> fromNonExist vs PFalse   (ap2 ((==)::String->String->Bool))
      Occur   -> fromNonExist vs PFalse   (ap2 occur)
      Occurs  -> fromNonExist vs PFalse   (ap2 occurs)
      ToUpper -> fromNonExist vs NonExist (ap1 (map toUpper))
      ToLower -> fromNonExist vs NonExist (ap1 (map toLower))
      IsUpper -> fromNonExist vs PFalse   (ap1 (all' isUpper))
      Length  -> fromNonExist vs (0::Int) (ap1 (length::String->Int))
      Plus    -> ap2 ((+)::Int->Int->Int)
      EqInt   -> ap2 ((==)::Int->Int->Bool)
      LessInt -> ap2 ((<)::Int->Int->Bool)
    {- -- | Show | Read | ToStr | MapStr | EqVal -}
      Error   -> ap1 VError
      Trace   -> ap2 vtrace
      -- Canonical values:
      PBool   -> canonical
      Int     -> canonical
      Float   -> canonical
      Ints    -> canonical
      PFalse  -> canonical
      PTrue   -> canonical
      NonExist-> canonical
      BIND    -> canonical
      CAPIT   -> canonical
    canonical = delay
    delay = return (VApp f vs) -- wrong number of arguments

    ap1 f = case vs of
              [v1] -> (toValue . f) `fmap` fromValue v1
              _ -> delay

    ap2 f = case vs of
             [v1,v2] -> toValue `fmap` (f `fmap` fromValue v1 `ap` fromValue v2)
             _ -> delay

    fromNonExist vs a b
      | null [v | v@(VApp NonExist _) <- vs] = b
      | otherwise                            = return (toValue a)

    vtrace :: Value -> Value -> Value
    vtrace x y = y -- tracing is implemented elsewhere

--  unimpl id = bug $ "unimplemented predefined function: "++showIdent id
--  problem id vs = bug $ "unexpected arguments: Predef."++showIdent id++" "++show vs

    tk i s = take (max 0 (length s - i)) s :: String
    dp i s = drop (max 0 (length s - i)) s :: String
    occur s t = isInfixOf (s::String) (t::String)
    occurs s t = any (`elem` (t::String)) (s::String)
    all' = all :: (a->Bool) -> [a] -> Bool

boolV b = VCApp (cPredef,if b then cPTrue else cPFalse) []

norm v =
  case v of
    VC v1 v2 -> case apBoth norm (v1,v2) of
                  (VString s1,VString s2) -> VString (s1++" "++s2)
                  (v1,v2) -> VC v1 v2
    _ -> v
strict v = case v of
             VError err -> Left err
             _ -> Right v
string s = case words s of
             [] -> VString ""
             ss -> foldr1 VC (map VString ss)


swap (x,y) = (y,x)
bug msg = ppbug msg
ppbug doc = error $ render $
                    hang "Internal error in Compute.Predef:" 4 doc