
Plain text version of ReadFiles.hs

-- |
-- Module      : ReadFiles
-- Maintainer  : AR
-- Stability   : (stable)
-- Portability : (portable)
-- > CVS $Date: 2005/11/11 23:24:34 $ 
-- > CVS $Author: aarne $
-- > CVS $Revision: 1.26 $
-- Decide what files to read as function of dependencies and time stamps.
-- make analysis for GF grammar modules. AR 11\/6\/2003--24\/2\/2004
-- to find all files that have to be read, put them in dependency order, and
-- decide which files need recompilation. Name is returned for them,
-- and @file.gfo@ otherwise.

module GF.Compile.ReadFiles
           ( getAllFiles,ModName,ModEnv,importsOfModule,
             parseSource,getOptionsFromFile,getPragmas) where

import Prelude hiding (catch)
import GF.System.Catch
import GF.Infra.UseIO
import GF.Infra.Option
import GF.Infra.Ident
import GF.Data.Operations
import GF.Grammar.Lexer
import GF.Grammar.Parser
import GF.Grammar.Grammar
import GF.Grammar.Binary(VersionTagged(..),decodeModuleHeader)

import System.IO(mkTextEncoding)
import GF.Text.Coding(decodeUnicodeIO)

import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS

import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe(isJust)
import Data.Char(isSpace)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time(UTCTime)
import GF.System.Directory(getModificationTime,doesFileExist,canonicalizePath)
import System.FilePath
import GF.Text.Pretty

type ModName = String
type ModEnv  = Map.Map ModName (UTCTime,[ModName])

-- | Returns a list of all files to be compiled in topological order i.e.
-- the low level (leaf) modules are first.
--getAllFiles :: (MonadIO m,ErrorMonad m) => Options -> [InitPath] -> ModEnv -> FileName -> m [FullPath]
getAllFiles opts ps env file = do
  -- read module headers from all files recursively
  ds <- reverse `fmap` get [] [] (justModuleName file)
  putIfVerb opts $ "all modules:" +++ show [name | (name,_,_,_,_,_) <- ds]
  return $ paths ds
    -- construct list of paths to read
    paths ds = concatMap mkFile ds
        mkFile (f,st,time,has_src,imps,p) =
          case st of 
            CSComp             -> [p </> gfFile f]
            CSRead | has_src   -> [gf2gfo opts (p </> gfFile f)]
                   | otherwise -> [p </> gfoFile f]
            CSEnv              -> []

    -- | traverses the dependency graph and returns a topologicaly sorted
    -- list of ModuleInfo. An error is raised if there is circular dependency
 {- get :: [ModName]          -- ^ keeps the current path in the dependency graph to avoid cycles
        -> [ModuleInfo]       -- ^ a list of already traversed modules
        -> ModName            -- ^ the current module
        -> IOE [ModuleInfo]   -- ^ the final -}
    get trc ds name
      | name `elem` trc = raise $ "circular modules" +++ unwords trc
      | (not . null) [n | (n,_,_,_,_,_) <- ds, name == n]     --- file already read
                        = return ds
      | otherwise       = do
           (name,st0,t0,has_src,imps,p) <- findModule name
           ds <- foldM (get (name:trc)) ds imps
           let (st,t) | has_src &&
                        flag optRecomp opts == RecompIfNewer &&
                        (not . null) [f | (f,st,t1,_,_,_) <- ds, elem f imps && liftM2 (>=) t0 t1 /= Just True]
                                  = (CSComp,Nothing)
                      | otherwise = (st0,t0)
           return ((name,st,t,has_src,imps,p):ds)

    gfoDir = flag optGFODir opts

    -- searches for module in the search path and if it is found
    -- returns 'ModuleInfo'. It fails if there is no such module
  --findModule :: ModName -&gt; IOE ModuleInfo
    findModule name = do
      (file,gfTime,gfoTime) <- findFile gfoDir ps name

      let mb_envmod = Map.lookup name env
          (st,t) = selectFormat opts (fmap fst mb_envmod) gfTime gfoTime

      (st,(mname,imps)) <-
          case st of
            CSEnv  -> return (st, (name, maybe [] snd mb_envmod))
            CSRead -> do let gfo = if isGFO file then file else gf2gfo opts file
                         t_imps <- gfoImports gfo
                         case t_imps of
                           Tagged imps -> return (st,imps)
                             | isGFO file -> raise (file ++ " is compiled with different GF version and I can't find the source file")
                             | otherwise  -> do imps <- gfImports opts file
                                                return (CSComp,imps)
            CSComp -> do imps <- gfImports opts file
                         return (st,imps)
      testErr (mname == name)
              ("module name" +++ mname +++ "differs from file name" +++ name)
      return (name,st,t,isJust gfTime,imps,dropFileName file)

findFile gfoDir ps name =
    maybe noSource haveSource =<< getFilePath ps (gfFile name)
    haveSource gfFile =
      do gfTime  <- getModificationTime gfFile
         mb_gfoTime <- maybeIO $ getModificationTime (gf2gfo' gfoDir gfFile)
         return (gfFile, Just gfTime, mb_gfoTime)

    noSource =
        maybe noGFO haveGFO =<< getFilePath gfoPath (gfoFile name)
        gfoPath = maybe id (:) gfoDir ps

        haveGFO gfoFile =
          do gfoTime <- getModificationTime gfoFile
             return (gfoFile, Nothing, Just gfoTime)

        noGFO = raise (render ("File" <+> gfFile name <+> "does not exist." $$
                               "searched in:" <+> vcat ps))

gfImports opts file = importsOfModule `fmap` parseModHeader opts file

gfoImports gfo = fmap importsOfModule `fmap` decodeModuleHeader gfo


-- From the given Options and the time stamps computes
-- whether the module have to be computed, read from .gfo or
-- the environment version have to be used
selectFormat :: Options -> Maybe UTCTime -> Maybe UTCTime -> Maybe UTCTime -> (CompStatus,Maybe UTCTime)
selectFormat opts mtenv mtgf mtgfo =
  case (mtenv,mtgfo,mtgf) of
    (_,_,Just tgf)         | fromSrc  -> (CSComp,Nothing)
    (Just tenv,_,_)        | fromComp -> (CSEnv, Just tenv)
    (_,Just tgfo,_)        | fromComp -> (CSRead,Just tgfo)
    (Just tenv,_,Just tgf) | tenv > tgf -> (CSEnv, Just tenv)
    (_,Just tgfo,Just tgf) | tgfo > tgf -> (CSRead,Just tgfo)
    (Just tenv,_,Nothing) -> (CSEnv,Just tenv) -- source does not exist
    (_,Just tgfo,Nothing) -> (CSRead,Just tgfo)  -- source does not exist
    _ -> (CSComp,Nothing)
    fromComp = flag optRecomp opts == NeverRecomp
    fromSrc  = flag optRecomp opts == AlwaysRecomp

-- internal module dep information

data CompStatus =
   CSComp -- compile: read gf
 | CSRead -- read gfo
 | CSEnv  -- gfo is in env
  deriving Eq

type ModuleInfo = (ModName,CompStatus,Maybe UTCTime,Bool,[ModName],InitPath)

importsOfModule :: SourceModule -> (ModName,[ModName])
importsOfModule (m,mi) = (modName m,depModInfo mi [])
    depModInfo mi =
      depModType (mtype mi)  .
      depExtends (mextend mi) .
      depWith    (mwith mi)  .
      depExDeps  (mexdeps mi).
      depOpens   (mopens mi)

    depModType (MTAbstract)       xs = xs
    depModType (MTResource)       xs = xs
    depModType (MTInterface)      xs = xs
    depModType (MTConcrete m2)    xs = modName m2:xs
    depModType (MTInstance (m2,_))    xs = modName m2:xs

    depExtends es xs = foldr depInclude xs es

    depWith (Just (m,_,is)) xs = modName m : depInsts is xs
    depWith Nothing         xs = xs

    depExDeps eds xs = map modName eds ++ xs

    depOpens os xs = foldr depOpen xs os

    depInsts is xs = foldr depInst xs is

    depInclude (m,_) xs = modName m:xs

    depOpen (OSimple n  ) xs = modName n:xs
    depOpen (OQualif _ n) xs = modName n:xs

    depInst (m,n) xs = modName m:modName n:xs

    modName (MN m) = showIdent m

parseModHeader opts file =
  do --ePutStrLn file
     (_,parsed) <- parseSource opts pModHeader =<< liftIO (BS.readFile file)
     case parsed of
       Right mo          -> return mo
       Left (Pn l c,msg) ->
                  raise (file ++ ":" ++ show l ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ": " ++ msg)

parseSource opts p raw =
  do (coding,utf8) <- toUTF8 opts raw
     return (coding,runP p utf8)

toUTF8 opts0 raw =
  do opts <- getPragmas raw
     let given = flag optEncoding opts -- explicitly given encoding
         coding = getEncoding $ opts0 `addOptions` opts
     utf8 <- if coding=="UTF-8"
             then return raw
             else if coding=="CP1252" -- Latin1
                  then return . UTF8.fromString $ BS.unpack raw -- faster
                  else do --ePutStrLn $ "toUTF8 from "++coding
                          recodeToUTF8 coding raw
     return (given,utf8)

recodeToUTF8 coding raw =
  liftIO $
  do enc <- mkTextEncoding coding
     -- decodeUnicodeIO uses a lot of stack space,
     -- so we need to split the file into smaller pieces
     ls <- mapM (decodeUnicodeIO enc) (BS.lines raw)
     return $ UTF8.fromString (unlines ls)

-- | options can be passed to the compiler by comments in @--#@, in the main file
--getOptionsFromFile :: (MonadIO m,ErrorMonad m) =&gt; FilePath -&gt; m Options
getOptionsFromFile file = do
  opts <- either failed getPragmas =<< (liftIO $ try $ BS.readFile file)
  -- The coding flag should not be inherited by other files
  return (addOptions opts (modifyFlags $ \ f -> f{optEncoding=Nothing}))
    failed _ = raise $ "File " ++ file ++ " does not exist"

getPragmas :: (ErrorMonad m) => BS.ByteString -> m Options
getPragmas = parseModuleOptions . 
             map (BS.unpack . BS.unwords . BS.words . BS.drop 3) .
             filter (BS.isPrefixOf (BS.pack "--#")) .
--           takeWhile (BS.isPrefixOf (BS.pack "--")) .
--           filter (not . BS.null) .
             map (BS.dropWhile isSpace) .

getFilePath :: MonadIO m => [FilePath] -> String -> m (Maybe FilePath)
getFilePath paths file = get paths
    get []     = return Nothing
    get (p:ps) = do let pfile = p </> file
                    exist <- doesFileExist pfile
                    if not exist
                      then get ps
                      else do pfile <- canonicalizePath pfile
                              return (Just pfile)