
Plain text version of XML.hs

-- |
-- Module      : XML
-- Utilities for creating XML documents.
module GF.Data.XML (XML(..), Attr, comments, showXMLDoc, showsXMLDoc, showsXML, bottomUpXML) where

import GF.Data.Utilities

data XML = Data String | CData String | Tag String [Attr] [XML] | ETag String [Attr] | Comment String | Empty
 deriving (Ord,Eq,Show)

type Attr = (String,String)

comments :: [String] -> [XML]
comments = map Comment

showXMLDoc :: XML -> String
showXMLDoc xml = showsXMLDoc xml ""

showsXMLDoc :: XML -> ShowS
showsXMLDoc xml = showString header . showsXML xml
  where header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"

showsXML :: XML -> ShowS
showsXML = showsX 0 where
  showsX i x = ind i . case x of
    (Data s) -> showString s
    (CData s) -> showString "<![CDATA[" . showString s .showString "]]>"
    (ETag t as) -> showChar '<' . showString t . showsAttrs as . showString "/>"
    (Tag t as cs) -> 
      showChar '<' . showString t . showsAttrs as . showChar '>' . 
      concatS (map (showsX (i+1)) cs) . ind i . 
      showString "</" . showString t . showChar '>'
    (Comment c) -> showString "<!-- " . showString c . showString " -->"
    (Empty) -> id
  ind i = showString ("\n" ++ replicate (2*i) ' ')

showsAttrs :: [Attr] -> ShowS
showsAttrs = concatS . map (showChar ' ' .) . map showsAttr

showsAttr :: Attr -> ShowS
showsAttr (n,v) = showString n . showString "=\"" . showString (escape v) . showString "\""

escape :: String -> String
escape = concatMap escChar
  escChar '<'  = "&lt;"
  escChar '>'  = "&gt;"
  escChar '&'  = "&amp;"
  escChar '"'  = "&quot;"
  escChar c    = [c]

bottomUpXML :: (XML -> XML) -> XML -> XML
bottomUpXML f (Tag n attrs cs) = f (Tag n attrs (map (bottomUpXML f) cs))
bottomUpXML f x = f x