
Plain text version of CFG.hs

-- |
-- Module      : GF.Grammar.CFG
-- Context-free grammar representation and manipulation.
module GF.Grammar.CFG where

import GF.Data.Utilities
import PGF
import GF.Data.Relation

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

-- * Types

type Cat = String

data Symbol c t = NonTerminal c | Terminal t
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data Rule c t = Rule { 
      ruleLhs  :: c,
      ruleRhs  :: [Symbol c t],
      ruleName :: CFTerm 
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data Grammar c t = Grammar { 
      cfgStartCat     :: c,
      cfgExternalCats :: Set c,
      cfgRules        :: Map c (Set (Rule c t)) }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data CFTerm
    = CFObj CId [CFTerm] -- ^ an abstract syntax function with arguments
    | CFAbs Int CFTerm -- ^ A lambda abstraction. The Int is the variable id.
    | CFApp CFTerm CFTerm -- ^ Application
    | CFRes Int -- ^ The result of the n:th (0-based) non-terminal
    | CFVar Int -- ^ A lambda-bound variable
    | CFMeta CId -- ^ A metavariable
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

type CFSymbol = Symbol  Cat Token
type CFRule   = Rule    Cat Token
type CFG      = Grammar Cat Token

type Param         = Int
type ParamCFSymbol = Symbol (Cat,[Param]) Token
type ParamCFRule   = Rule    (Cat,[Param]) Token
type ParamCFG      = Grammar (Cat,[Param]) Token

-- * Grammar filtering

-- | Removes all directly and indirectly cyclic productions.
--   FIXME: this may be too aggressive, only one production
--   needs to be removed to break a given cycle. But which
--   one should we pick?
--   FIXME: Does not (yet) remove productions which are cyclic
--   because of empty productions.
removeCycles :: (Ord c,Ord t) => Grammar c t -> Grammar c t
removeCycles = onRules f
  where f rs = filter (not . isCycle) rs
          where alias = transitiveClosure $ mkRel [(c,c') | Rule c [NonTerminal c'] _ <- rs]
                isCycle (Rule c [NonTerminal c'] _) = isRelatedTo alias c' c
                isCycle _ = False

-- | Better bottom-up filter that also removes categories which contain no finite
-- strings.
bottomUpFilter :: (Ord c,Ord t) => Grammar c t -> Grammar c t
bottomUpFilter gr = fix grow (gr { cfgRules = Map.empty })
  where grow g = g `unionCFG` filterCFG (all (okSym g) . ruleRhs) gr
        okSym g = symbol (`elem` allCats g) (const True)

-- | Removes categories which are not reachable from any external category.
topDownFilter :: (Ord c,Ord t) => Grammar c t -> Grammar c t
topDownFilter cfg = filterCFGCats (`Set.member` keep) cfg
    rhsCats = [ (ruleLhs r, c') | r <- allRules cfg, c' <- filterCats (ruleRhs r) ]
    uses = reflexiveClosure_ (allCats cfg) $ transitiveClosure $ mkRel rhsCats
    keep = Set.unions $ map (allRelated uses) $ Set.toList $ cfgExternalCats cfg

-- | Merges categories with identical right-hand-sides.
-- FIXME: handle probabilities
mergeIdentical :: CFG -> CFG
mergeIdentical g = onRules (map subst) g
    -- maps categories to their replacement
    m = Map.fromList [(y,concat (intersperse "+" xs)) 
                          | (_,xs) <- buildMultiMap [(rulesKey rs,c) | (c,rs) <- Map.toList (cfgRules g)], y <- xs]
    -- build data to compare for each category: a set of name,rhs pairs
    rulesKey = (\ (Rule _ r n) -> (n,r))
    subst (Rule c r n) = Rule (substCat c) (map (mapSymbol substCat id) r) n
    substCat c = Map.findWithDefault (error $ "mergeIdentical: " ++ c) c m

-- | Keeps only the start category as an external category.
purgeExternalCats :: Grammar c t -> Grammar c t
purgeExternalCats cfg = cfg { cfgExternalCats = Set.singleton (cfgStartCat cfg) }

-- * Removing left recursion

-- The LC_LR algorithm from
removeLeftRecursion :: CFG -> CFG
removeLeftRecursion gr 
    = gr { cfgRules = groupProds $ concat [scheme1, scheme2, scheme3, scheme4] }
    scheme1 = [Rule a [x,NonTerminal a_x] n' | 
               a <- retainedLeftRecursive, 
               x <- properLeftCornersOf a,
               not (isLeftRecursive x),
               let a_x = mkCat (NonTerminal a) x,
               -- this is an extension of LC_LR to avoid generating
               -- A-X categories for which there are no productions:
               a_x `Set.member` newCats,
               let n' = symbol (\_ -> CFApp (CFRes 1) (CFRes 0))
                               (\_ -> CFRes 0) x] 
    scheme2 = [Rule a_x (beta++[NonTerminal a_b]) n' | 
               a <- retainedLeftRecursive, 
               b@(NonTerminal b') <- properLeftCornersOf a,
               isLeftRecursive b,
               Rule _ (x:beta) n <- catRules gr b', 
               let a_x = mkCat (NonTerminal a) x,
               let a_b = mkCat (NonTerminal a) b,
               let i = length $ filterCats beta,
               let n' = symbol (\_ -> CFAbs 1 (CFApp (CFRes i) (shiftTerm n)))
                               (\_ -> CFApp (CFRes i) n) x]
    scheme3 = [Rule a_x beta n' |
               a <- retainedLeftRecursive, 
               x <- properLeftCornersOf a,
               Rule _ (x':beta) n <- catRules gr a,
               x == x',
               let a_x = mkCat (NonTerminal a) x,
               let n' = symbol (\_ -> CFAbs 1 (shiftTerm n)) 
                               (\_ -> n) x]
    scheme4 = catSetRules gr $ Set.fromList $ filter (not . isLeftRecursive . NonTerminal) cats

    newCats = Set.fromList (map ruleLhs (scheme2 ++ scheme3))

    shiftTerm :: CFTerm -> CFTerm
    shiftTerm (CFObj f ts) = CFObj f (map shiftTerm ts)
    shiftTerm (CFRes 0) = CFVar 1
    shiftTerm (CFRes n) = CFRes (n-1)
    shiftTerm t = t
    -- note: the rest don't occur in the original grammar

    cats = allCats gr
--  rules = allRules gr

    directLeftCorner = mkRel [(NonTerminal c,t) | Rule c (t:_) _ <- allRules gr]
--  leftCorner = reflexiveClosure_ (map NonTerminal cats) $ transitiveClosure directLeftCorner
    properLeftCorner = transitiveClosure directLeftCorner
    properLeftCornersOf = Set.toList . allRelated properLeftCorner . NonTerminal
--  isProperLeftCornerOf = flip (isRelatedTo properLeftCorner)

    leftRecursive = reflexiveElements properLeftCorner
    isLeftRecursive = (`Set.member` leftRecursive)

    retained = cfgStartCat gr `Set.insert`
                Set.fromList [a | r <- allRules (filterCFGCats (not . isLeftRecursive . NonTerminal) gr),
                                  NonTerminal a <- ruleRhs r]
--  isRetained = (`Set.member` retained)

    retainedLeftRecursive = filter (isLeftRecursive . NonTerminal) $ Set.toList retained

    mkCat :: CFSymbol -> CFSymbol -> Cat
    mkCat x y = showSymbol x ++ "-" ++ showSymbol y
        where showSymbol = symbol id show

-- | Get the sets of mutually recursive non-terminals for a grammar.
mutRecCats :: Ord c
           => Bool    -- ^ If true, all categories will be in some set.
                      --   If false, only recursive categories will be included.
           -> Grammar c t -> [Set c]
mutRecCats incAll g = equivalenceClasses $ refl $ symmetricSubrelation $ transitiveClosure r
  where r = mkRel [(c,c') | Rule c ss _ <- allRules g, NonTerminal c' <- ss]
        refl = if incAll then reflexiveClosure_ (allCats g) else reflexiveSubrelation

-- * Approximate context-free grammars with regular grammars.

makeSimpleRegular :: CFG -> CFG
makeSimpleRegular = makeRegular . topDownFilter . bottomUpFilter . removeCycles

-- Use the transformation algorithm from \"Regular Approximation of Context-free
-- Grammars through Approximation\", Mohri and Nederhof, 2000
-- to create an over-generating regular grammar for a context-free 
-- grammar
makeRegular :: CFG -> CFG
makeRegular g = g { cfgRules = groupProds $ concatMap trSet (mutRecCats True g) }
  where trSet cs | allXLinear cs rs = rs
                 | otherwise = concatMap handleCat (Set.toList cs)
            where rs = catSetRules g cs
                  handleCat c = [Rule c' [] (mkCFTerm (c++"-empty"))] -- introduce A' -&gt; e
                                ++ concatMap (makeRightLinearRules c) (catRules g c)
                      where c' = newCat c
                  makeRightLinearRules b' (Rule c ss n) = 
                      case ys of
                              [] -> newRule b' (xs ++ [NonTerminal (newCat c)]) n -- no non-terminals left
                              (NonTerminal b:zs) -> newRule b' (xs ++ [NonTerminal b]) n 
                                        ++ makeRightLinearRules (newCat b) (Rule c zs n)
                      where (xs,ys) = break (`catElem` cs) ss
                            -- don't add rules on the form A -&gt; A
                            newRule c rhs n | rhs == [NonTerminal c] = []
                                            | otherwise = [Rule c rhs n]
        newCat c = c ++ "$"

-- * CFG Utilities

mkCFG :: (Ord c,Ord t) => c -> Set c -> [Rule c t] -> Grammar c t
mkCFG start ext rs = Grammar { cfgStartCat = start, cfgExternalCats = ext, cfgRules = groupProds rs }

groupProds :: (Ord c,Ord t) => [Rule c t] -> Map c (Set (Rule c t))
groupProds = Map.fromListWith Set.union . map (\r -> (ruleLhs r,Set.singleton r))

uniqueFuns :: [Rule c t] -> [Rule c t]
uniqueFuns = snd . mapAccumL uniqueFun Set.empty
    uniqueFun funs (Rule cat items (CFObj fun args)) = (Set.insert fun' funs,Rule cat items (CFObj fun' args))
        fun' = head [fun'|suffix<-"":map show ([2..]::[Int]),
                          let fun'=mkCId (showCId fun++suffix),
                          not (fun' `Set.member` funs)]

-- | Gets all rules in a CFG.
allRules :: Grammar c t -> [Rule c t]
allRules = concatMap Set.toList . Map.elems . cfgRules

-- | Gets all rules in a CFG, grouped by their LHS categories.
allRulesGrouped :: Grammar c t -> [(c,[Rule c t])]
allRulesGrouped = Map.toList . Set.toList . cfgRules

-- | Gets all categories which have rules.
allCats :: Grammar c t -> [c]
allCats = Map.keys . cfgRules

-- | Gets all categories which have rules or occur in a RHS.
allCats' :: (Ord c,Ord t) => Grammar c t -> [c]
allCats' cfg = Set.toList (Map.keysSet (cfgRules cfg) `Set.union` 
                           Set.fromList [c | rs <- Map.elems (cfgRules cfg), 
                                             r  <- Set.toList rs, 
                                             NonTerminal c <- ruleRhs r])

-- | Gets all rules for the given category.
catRules :: Ord c => Grammar c t -> c -> [Rule c t]
catRules gr c = Set.toList $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty c (cfgRules gr)

-- | Gets all rules for categories in the given set.
catSetRules :: CFG -> Set Cat -> [CFRule]
catSetRules gr cs = allRules $ filterCFGCats (`Set.member` cs) gr

mapCFGCats :: (Ord c,Ord c',Ord t) => (c -> c') -> Grammar c t -> Grammar c' t
mapCFGCats f cfg = Grammar (f (cfgStartCat cfg)) 
                           ( f (cfgExternalCats cfg))
                           (groupProds [Rule (f lhs) (map (mapSymbol f id) rhs) t | Rule lhs rhs t <- allRules cfg])

onRules :: (Ord c,Ord t) => ([Rule c t] -> [Rule c t]) -> Grammar c t -> Grammar c t
onRules f cfg = cfg { cfgRules = groupProds $ f $ allRules cfg }

-- | Clean up CFG after rules have been removed.
cleanCFG :: Ord c => Grammar c t -> Grammar c t
cleanCFG cfg = cfg{ cfgRules = Map.filter (not . Set.null) (cfgRules cfg) }

-- | Combine two CFGs.
unionCFG :: (Ord c,Ord t) => Grammar c t -> Grammar c t -> Grammar c t
unionCFG x y = x { cfgRules = Map.unionWith Set.union (cfgRules x) (cfgRules y) }

filterCFG :: (Rule c t -> Bool) -> Grammar c t -> Grammar c t
filterCFG p cfg = cfg { cfgRules = Map.mapMaybe filterRules (cfgRules cfg) }
    filterRules rules = 
      let rules' = Set.filter p rules
      in if Set.null rules' then Nothing else Just rules'

filterCFGCats :: (c -> Bool) -> Grammar c t -> Grammar c t
filterCFGCats p cfg = cfg { cfgRules = Map.filterWithKey (\c _ -> p c) (cfgRules cfg) }

countCats :: Ord c => Grammar c t -> Int
countCats = Map.size . cfgRules . cleanCFG

countRules :: Grammar c t -> Int
countRules = length . allRules

prCFG :: CFG -> String
prCFG = prProductions . map prRule . allRules
      prRule r = (ruleLhs r, unwords (map prSym (ruleRhs r)))
      prSym = symbol id (\t -> "\""++ t ++"\"")

prProductions :: [(Cat,String)] -> String
prProductions prods = 
    unlines [rpad maxLHSWidth lhs ++ " ::= " ++ rhs | (lhs,rhs) <- prods]
      maxLHSWidth = maximum $ 0:(map (length . fst) prods)
      rpad n s = s ++ replicate (n - length s) ' '

prCFTerm :: CFTerm -> String
prCFTerm = pr 0
    pr p (CFObj f args) = paren p (showCId f ++ " (" ++ concat (intersperse "," (map (pr 0) args)) ++ ")")
    pr p (CFAbs i t) = paren p ("\\x" ++ show i ++ ". " ++ pr 0 t)
    pr p (CFApp t1 t2) = paren p (pr 1 t1 ++ "(" ++ pr 0 t2 ++ ")")
    pr _ (CFRes i) = "$" ++ show i
    pr _ (CFVar i) = "x" ++ show i
    pr _ (CFMeta c) = "?" ++ showCId c
    paren 0 x = x
    paren 1 x = "(" ++ x ++ ")"

-- * CFRule Utilities

ruleFun :: Rule c t -> CId
ruleFun (Rule _ _ t) = f t
  where f (CFObj n _) = n
        f (CFApp _ x) = f x
        f (CFAbs _ x) = f x
        f _ = mkCId ""

-- | Check if any of the categories used on the right-hand side
--   are in the given list of categories.
anyUsedBy :: Eq c => [c] -> Rule c t -> Bool
anyUsedBy cs (Rule _ ss _) = any (`elem` cs) (filterCats ss)

mkCFTerm :: String -> CFTerm
mkCFTerm n = CFObj (mkCId n) []

ruleIsNonRecursive :: Ord c => Set c -> Rule c t -> Bool
ruleIsNonRecursive cs = noCatsInSet cs . ruleRhs

-- | Check if all the rules are right-linear, or all the rules are
--   left-linear, with respect to given categories.
allXLinear :: Ord c => Set c -> [Rule c t] -> Bool
allXLinear cs rs = all (isRightLinear cs) rs || all (isLeftLinear cs) rs

-- | Checks if a context-free rule is right-linear.
isRightLinear :: Ord c
              => Set c    -- ^ The categories to consider
              -> Rule c t -- ^ The rule to check for right-linearity
              -> Bool
isRightLinear cs = noCatsInSet cs . safeInit . ruleRhs

-- | Checks if a context-free rule is left-linear.
isLeftLinear :: Ord c
             => Set c    -- ^ The categories to consider
             -> Rule c t -- ^ The rule to check for left-linearity
             -> Bool
isLeftLinear cs = noCatsInSet cs . drop 1 . ruleRhs

-- * Symbol utilities

symbol :: (c -> a) -> (t -> a) -> Symbol c t -> a
symbol fc ft (NonTerminal cat) = fc cat
symbol fc ft (Terminal tok) = ft tok

mapSymbol :: (c -> c') -> (t -> t') -> Symbol c t -> Symbol c' t'
mapSymbol fc ft = symbol (NonTerminal . fc) (Terminal . ft)

filterCats :: [Symbol c t] -> [c]
filterCats syms = [ cat | NonTerminal cat <- syms ]

filterToks :: [Symbol c t] -> [t]
filterToks syms = [ tok | Terminal tok <- syms ]

-- | Checks if a symbol is a non-terminal of one of the given categories.
catElem :: Ord c => Symbol c t -> Set c -> Bool
catElem s cs = symbol (`Set.member` cs) (const False) s

noCatsInSet :: Ord c => Set c -> [Symbol c t] -> Bool
noCatsInSet cs = not . any (`catElem` cs)