
Plain text version of FiniteState.hs

-- |
-- Module      : FiniteState
-- Maintainer  : BB
-- Stability   : (stable)
-- Portability : (portable)
-- > CVS $Date: 2005/11/10 16:43:44 $
-- > CVS $Author: bringert $
-- > CVS $Revision: 1.16 $
-- A simple finite state network module.
module GF.Speech.FiniteState (FA(..), State, NFA, DFA,
                              startState, finalStates,
                              states, transitions,
                              newFA, newFA_,
                              newState, newStates,
                              newTransition, newTransitions,
                              insertTransitionWith, insertTransitionsWith,
                              mapStates, mapTransitions,
                              nonLoopTransitionsTo, nonLoopTransitionsFrom,
                              moveLabelsToNodes, removeTrivialEmptyNodes,
                              unusedNames, renameStates,
                              prFAGraphviz, faToGraphviz) where

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
--import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

--import GF.Data.Utilities
import GF.Data.Graph
import qualified GF.Data.Graphviz as Dot

type State = Int

-- | Type parameters: node id type, state label type, edge label type
--   Data constructor arguments: nodes and edges, start state, final states
data FA n a b = FA !(Graph n a b) !n ![n]

type NFA a = FA State () (Maybe a)

type DFA a = FA State () a

startState :: FA n a b -> n
startState (FA _ s _) = s

finalStates :: FA n a b -> [n]
finalStates (FA _ _ ss) = ss

states :: FA n a b -> [(n,a)]
states (FA g _ _) = nodes g

transitions :: FA n a b -> [(n,n,b)]
transitions (FA g _ _) = edges g

newFA :: Enum n => a -- ^ Start node label
      -> FA n a b
newFA l = FA g s []
    where (g,s) = newNode l (newGraph [toEnum 0..])

-- | Create a new finite automaton with an initial and a final state.
newFA_ :: Enum n => (FA n () b, n, n)
newFA_ = (fa'', s, f)
    where fa = newFA ()
          s = startState fa
          (fa',f) = newState () fa
          fa'' = addFinalState f fa'

addFinalState :: n -> FA n a b -> FA n a b
addFinalState f (FA g s ss) = FA g s (f:ss)

newState :: a -> FA n a b -> (FA n a b, n)
newState x (FA g s ss) = (FA g' s ss, n)
    where (g',n) = newNode x g

newStates :: [a] -> FA n a b -> (FA n a b, [(n,a)])
newStates xs (FA g s ss) = (FA g' s ss, ns)
    where (g',ns) = newNodes xs g

newTransition :: n -> n -> b -> FA n a b -> FA n a b
newTransition f t l = onGraph (newEdge (f,t,l))

newTransitions :: [(n, n, b)] -> FA n a b -> FA n a b
newTransitions es = onGraph (newEdges es)

insertTransitionWith :: Eq n =>
                        (b -> b -> b) -> (n, n, b) -> FA n a b -> FA n a b
insertTransitionWith f t = onGraph (insertEdgeWith f t)

insertTransitionsWith :: Eq n =>
                         (b -> b -> b) -> [(n, n, b)] -> FA n a b -> FA n a b
insertTransitionsWith f ts fa =
    foldl' (flip (insertTransitionWith f)) fa ts

mapStates :: (a -> c) -> FA n a b -> FA n c b
mapStates f = onGraph (nmap f)

mapTransitions :: (b -> c) -> FA n a b -> FA n a c
mapTransitions f = onGraph (emap f)

modifyTransitions :: ([(n,n,b)] -> [(n,n,b)]) -> FA n a b -> FA n a b
modifyTransitions f = onGraph (\ (Graph r ns es) -> Graph r ns (f es))

removeState :: Ord n => n -> FA n a b -> FA n a b
removeState n = onGraph (removeNode n)

minimize :: Ord a => NFA a -> DFA a
minimize = determinize . reverseNFA . dfa2nfa . determinize . reverseNFA

unusedNames :: FA n a b -> [n]
unusedNames (FA (Graph names _ _) _ _) = names

-- | Gets all incoming transitions to a given state, excluding
-- transtions from the state itself.
nonLoopTransitionsTo :: Eq n => n -> FA n a b -> [(n,b)]
nonLoopTransitionsTo s fa =
    [(f,l) | (f,t,l) <- transitions fa, t == s && f /= s]

nonLoopTransitionsFrom :: Eq n => n -> FA n a b -> [(n,b)]
nonLoopTransitionsFrom s fa =
    [(t,l) | (f,t,l) <- transitions fa, f == s && t /= s]

loops :: Eq n => n -> FA n a b -> [b]
loops s fa = [l | (f,t,l) <- transitions fa, f == s && t == s]

-- | Give new names to all nodes.
renameStates :: Ord x => [y] -- ^ Infinite supply of new names
             -> FA x a b
             -> FA y a b
renameStates supply (FA g s fs) = FA (renameNodes newName rest g) s' fs'
    where (ns,rest) = splitAt (length (nodes g)) supply
          newNodes = Map.fromList (zip (map fst (nodes g)) ns)
          newName n = Map.findWithDefault (error "FiniteState.newName") n newNodes
          s' = newName s
          fs' = map newName fs

-- | Insert an NFA into another
insertNFA :: NFA a -- ^ NFA to insert into
          -> (State, State) -- ^ States to insert between
          -> NFA a -- ^ NFA to insert.
          -> NFA a
insertNFA (FA g1 s1 fs1) (f,t) (FA g2 s2 fs2)
    = FA (newEdges es g') s1 fs1
    es = (f,ren s2,Nothing):[(ren f2,t,Nothing) | f2 <- fs2]
    (g',ren) = mergeGraphs g1 g2

onGraph :: (Graph n a b -> Graph n c d) -> FA n a b -> FA n c d
onGraph f (FA g s ss) = FA (f g) s ss

-- | Make the finite automaton have a single final state
--   by adding a new final state and adding an edge
--   from the old final states to the new state.
oneFinalState :: a        -- ^ Label to give the new node
              -> b        -- ^ Label to give the new edges
              -> FA n a b -- ^ The old network
              -> FA n a b -- ^ The new network
oneFinalState nl el fa =
    let (FA g s fs,nf) = newState nl fa
        es = [ (f,nf,el) | f <- fs ]
     in FA (newEdges es g) s [nf]

-- | Transform a standard finite automaton with labelled edges
--   to one where the labels are on the nodes instead. This can add
--   up to one extra node per edge.
moveLabelsToNodes :: (Ord n,Eq a) => FA n () (Maybe a) -> FA n (Maybe a) ()
moveLabelsToNodes = onGraph f
  where f g@(Graph c _ _) = Graph c' ns (concat ess)
         where is = [ ((n,l),inc) | (n, (l,inc,_)) <- Map.toList (nodeInfo g)]
               (c',is') = mapAccumL fixIncoming c is
               (ns,ess) = unzip (concat is')

-- | Remove empty nodes which are not start or final, and have
--   exactly one outgoing edge or exactly one incoming edge.
removeTrivialEmptyNodes :: (Eq a, Ord n) => FA n (Maybe a) () -> FA n (Maybe a) ()
removeTrivialEmptyNodes = pruneUnusable . skipSimpleEmptyNodes

-- | Move edges to empty nodes to point to the next node(s).
--   This is not done if the pointed-to node is a final node.
skipSimpleEmptyNodes :: (Eq a, Ord n) => FA n (Maybe a) () -> FA n (Maybe a) ()
skipSimpleEmptyNodes fa = onGraph og fa
  og g@(Graph c ns es) = if es' == es then g else og (Graph c ns es')
    es' = concatMap changeEdge es
    info = nodeInfo g
    changeEdge e@(f,t,())
      | isNothing (getNodeLabel info t)
       -- &amp;&amp; (i * o &lt;= i + o)
        && not (isFinal fa t)
          = [ (f,t',()) | (_,t',()) <- getOutgoing info t]
      | otherwise = [e]
--     where i = inDegree info t
--           o = outDegree info t

isInternal :: Eq n => FA n a b -> n -> Bool
isInternal (FA _ start final) n = n /= start && n `notElem` final

isFinal :: Eq n => FA n a b -> n -> Bool
isFinal (FA _ _ final) n = n `elem` final

-- | Remove all internal nodes with no incoming edges
--   or no outgoing edges.
pruneUnusable :: Ord n => FA n (Maybe a) () -> FA n (Maybe a) ()
pruneUnusable fa = onGraph f fa
 f g = if Set.null rns then g else f (removeNodes rns g)
  where info = nodeInfo g
        rns = Set.fromList [ n | (n,_) <- nodes g,
                             isInternal fa n,
                             inDegree info n == 0
                             || outDegree info n == 0]

fixIncoming :: (Ord n, Eq a) => [n]
            -> (Node n (),[Edge n (Maybe a)]) -- ^ A node and its incoming edges
            -> ([n],[(Node n (Maybe a),[Edge n ()])]) -- ^ Replacement nodes with their
                                                      -- incoming edges.
fixIncoming cs c@((n,()),es) = (cs'', ((n,Nothing),es'):newContexts)
  where ls = nub $ map edgeLabel es
        (cs',cs'') = splitAt (length ls) cs
        newNodes = zip cs' ls
        es' = [ (x,n,()) | x <- map fst newNodes ]
        -- separate cyclic and non-cyclic edges
        (cyc,ncyc) = partition (\ (f,_,_) -> f == n) es
                  -- keep all incoming non-cyclic edges with the right label
        to (x,l) = [ (f,x,()) | (f,_,l') <- ncyc, l == l']
                  -- for each cyclic edge with the right label,
                  -- add an edge from each of the new nodes (including this one)
                  ++ [ (y,x,()) | (f,_,l') <- cyc, l == l', (y,_) <- newNodes]
        newContexts = [ (v, to v) | v <- newNodes ]

--alphabet :: Eq b =&gt; Graph n a (Maybe b) -&gt; [b]
--alphabet = nub . catMaybes . map edgeLabel . edges

determinize :: Ord a => NFA a -> DFA a
determinize (FA g s f) = let (ns,es) = h (Set.singleton start) Set.empty Set.empty
                             (ns',es') = (Set.toList ns, Set.toList es)
                             final = filter isDFAFinal ns'
                             fa = FA (Graph undefined [(n,()) | n <- ns'] es') start final
                         in renameStates [0..] fa
  where info = nodeInfo g
--        reach = nodesReachable out
        start = closure info $ Set.singleton s
        isDFAFinal n = not (Set.null (Set.fromList f `Set.intersection` n))
        h currentStates oldStates es
            | Set.null currentStates = (oldStates,es)
            | otherwise = ((h $! uniqueNewStates) $! allOldStates) $! es'
            allOldStates = oldStates `Set.union` currentStates
            (newStates,es') = new (Set.toList currentStates) Set.empty es
            uniqueNewStates = newStates Set.\\ allOldStates
        -- Get the sets of states reachable from the given states
        -- by consuming one symbol, and the associated edges.
        new [] rs es = (rs,es)
        new (n:ns) rs es = new ns rs' es'
          where cs = reachable info n --reachable reach n
                rs' = rs `Set.union` Set.fromList (map snd cs)
                es' = es `Set.union` Set.fromList [(n,s,c) | (c,s) <- cs]

-- | Get all the nodes reachable from a list of nodes by only empty edges.
closure :: Ord n => NodeInfo n a (Maybe b) -> Set n -> Set n
closure info x = closure_ x x
  where closure_ acc check | Set.null check = acc
                           | otherwise = closure_ acc' check'
            reach = Set.fromList [y | x <- Set.toList check,
                                      (_,y,Nothing) <- getOutgoing info x]
            acc' = acc `Set.union` reach
            check' = reach Set.\\ acc

-- | Get a map of labels to sets of all nodes reachable
--   from a the set of nodes by one edge with the given
--   label and then any number of empty edges.
reachable :: (Ord n,Ord b) => NodeInfo n a (Maybe b) -> Set n -> [(b,Set n)]
reachable info ns = Map.toList $ (closure info . Set.fromList) $ reachable1 info ns
reachable1 info ns = Map.fromListWith (++) [(c, [y]) | n <- Set.toList ns, (_,y,Just c) <- getOutgoing info n]

reverseNFA :: NFA a -> NFA a
reverseNFA (FA g s fs) = FA g''' s' [s]
    where g' = reverseGraph g
          (g'',s') = newNode () g'
          g''' = newEdges [(s',f,Nothing) | f <- fs] g''

dfa2nfa :: DFA a -> NFA a
dfa2nfa = mapTransitions Just

-- * Visualization

prFAGraphviz :: (Eq n,Show n) => FA n String String -> String
prFAGraphviz  = Dot.prGraphviz . faToGraphviz

--prFAGraphviz_ :: (Eq n,Show n,Show a, Show b) =&gt; FA n a b -&gt; String
--prFAGraphviz_  = Dot.prGraphviz . faToGraphviz . mapStates show . mapTransitions show

faToGraphviz :: (Eq n,Show n) => FA n String String -> Dot.Graph
faToGraphviz (FA (Graph _ ns es) s f)
    = Dot.Graph Dot.Directed Nothing [] (map mkNode ns) (map mkEdge es) []
   where mkNode (n,l) = Dot.Node (show n) attrs
          where attrs = [("label",l)]
                 ++ if n == s then [("shape","box")] else []
                 ++ if n `elem` f then [("style","bold")] else []
         mkEdge (x,y,l) = Dot.Edge (show x) (show y) [("label",l)]

-- * Utilities

--lookups :: Ord k =&gt; [k] -&gt; Map k a -&gt; [a]
--lookups xs m = mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup m) xs