Plain text version of PGFToCFG.hs

-- |
-- Module      : GF.Speech.PGFToCFG
-- Approximates PGF grammars with context-free grammars.
module GF.Speech.PGFToCFG (bnfPrinter, pgfToCFG) where

import PGF(showCId)
import PGF.Internal as PGF
--import GF.Infra.Ident
import GF.Grammar.CFG hiding (Symbol)

import Data.Array.IArray as Array
--import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
--import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

bnfPrinter :: PGF -> CId -> String
bnfPrinter = toBNF id

toBNF :: (CFG -> CFG) -> PGF -> CId -> String
toBNF f pgf cnc = prCFG $ f $ pgfToCFG pgf cnc

type Profile = [Int]

pgfToCFG :: PGF
          -> CId   -- ^ Concrete syntax name
          -> CFG
pgfToCFG pgf lang = mkCFG (showCId (lookStartCat pgf)) extCats (startRules ++ concatMap ruleToCFRule rules)
    cnc = lookConcr pgf lang

    rules :: [(FId,Production)]
    rules = [(fcat,prod) | (fcat,set) <- IntMap.toList ( cnc)
                         , prod <- Set.toList set]

    fcatCats :: Map FId Cat
    fcatCats = Map.fromList [(fc, showCId c ++ "_" ++ show i)
                                 | (c,CncCat s e lbls) <- Map.toList (cnccats cnc),
                                   (fc,i) <- zip (range (s,e)) [1..]]

    fcatCat :: FId -> Cat
    fcatCat c = Map.findWithDefault ("Unknown_" ++ show c) c fcatCats

    fcatToCat :: FId -> LIndex -> Cat
    fcatToCat c l = fcatCat c ++ row
      where row = if catLinArity c == 1 then "" else "_" ++ show l

    -- gets the number of fields in the lincat for the given category
    catLinArity :: FId -> Int
    catLinArity c = maximum (1:[rangeSize (bounds rhs) | (CncFun _ rhs, _) <- topdownRules c])

    topdownRules cat = f cat []
        f cat rules = maybe rules (Set.foldr g rules) (IntMap.lookup cat (productions cnc))

        g (PApply funid args) rules = (cncfuns cnc ! funid,args) : rules
        g (PCoerce cat)       rules = f cat rules

    extCats :: Set Cat
    extCats = Set.fromList $ map ruleLhs startRules

    startRules :: [CFRule]
    startRules = [Rule (showCId c) [NonTerminal (fcatToCat fc r)] (CFRes 0)
                      | (c,CncCat s e lbls) <- Map.toList (cnccats cnc),
                        fc <- range (s,e), not (isPredefFId fc),
                        r <- [0..catLinArity fc-1]]

    ruleToCFRule :: (FId,Production) -> [CFRule]
    ruleToCFRule (c,PApply funid args) =
        [Rule (fcatToCat c l) (mkRhs row) (profilesToTerm [fixProfile row n | n <- [0..length args-1]])
           | (l,seqid) <- Array.assocs rhs
           , let row = sequences cnc ! seqid
           , not (containsLiterals row)]
        CncFun f rhs = cncfuns cnc ! funid

        mkRhs :: Array DotPos Symbol -> [CFSymbol]
        mkRhs = concatMap symbolToCFSymbol . Array.elems

        containsLiterals :: Array DotPos Symbol -> Bool
        containsLiterals row = not (null ([n | SymLit n _ <- Array.elems row] ++
                                          [n | SymVar n _ <- Array.elems row]))

        symbolToCFSymbol :: Symbol -> [CFSymbol]
        symbolToCFSymbol (SymCat n l)    = [let PArg _ fid = args!!n in NonTerminal (fcatToCat fid l)]
        symbolToCFSymbol (SymKS t)       = [Terminal t]
        symbolToCFSymbol (SymKP syms as) = concatMap symbolToCFSymbol syms
                                           ---- ++ [t | Alt ss _ &lt;- as, t &lt;- ss]
                                           ---- should be alternatives in [[CFSymbol]]
                                           ---- AR 3/6/2010
        symbolToCFSymbol SymBIND         = [Terminal "&+"]
        symbolToCFSymbol SymSOFT_BIND    = []
        symbolToCFSymbol SymSOFT_SPACE   = []
        symbolToCFSymbol SymCAPIT        = [Terminal "&|"]
        symbolToCFSymbol SymALL_CAPIT    = [Terminal "&|"]
        symbolToCFSymbol SymNE           = []

        fixProfile :: Array DotPos Symbol -> Int -> Profile
        fixProfile row i = [k | (k,j) <- nts, j == i]
              nts = zip [0..] [j | nt <- Array.elems row, j <- getPos nt]

              getPos (SymCat j _) = [j]
              getPos (SymLit j _) = [j]
              getPos _            = []

        profilesToTerm :: [Profile] -> CFTerm
        profilesToTerm ps = CFObj f (zipWith profileToTerm argTypes ps)
            where (argTypes,_) = catSkeleton $ lookType (abstract pgf) f

        profileToTerm :: CId -> Profile -> CFTerm
        profileToTerm t [] = CFMeta t
        profileToTerm _ xs = CFRes (last xs) -- FIXME: unify
    ruleToCFRule (c,PCoerce c') =
        [Rule (fcatToCat c l) [NonTerminal (fcatToCat c' l)] (CFRes 0)
           | l <- [0..catLinArity c-1]]