
Plain text version of VoiceXML.hs

-- |
-- Module      : GF.Speech.VoiceXML
-- Creates VoiceXML dialogue systems from PGF grammars.
module GF.Speech.VoiceXML (grammar2vxml) where

--import GF.Data.Operations
--import GF.Data.Str (sstrV)
--import GF.Data.Utilities
import GF.Data.XML
--import GF.Infra.Ident
import PGF
import PGF.Internal

--import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.List (intersperse) -- isPrefixOf, find
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

--import Debug.Trace

-- | the main function
grammar2vxml :: PGF -> CId -> String
grammar2vxml pgf cnc = showsXMLDoc (skel2vxml name language start skel qs) ""
    where skel = pgfSkeleton pgf
          name = showCId cnc
          qs = catQuestions pgf cnc (map fst skel)
          language = languageCode pgf cnc
          start = lookStartCat pgf

-- * VSkeleton: a simple description of the abstract syntax.

type Skeleton = [(CId, [(CId, [CId])])]

pgfSkeleton :: PGF -> Skeleton
pgfSkeleton pgf = [(c,[(f,fst (catSkeleton (lookType (abstract pgf) f))) | (_,f) <- fs]) 
                   | (c,(_,fs,_)) <- Map.toList (cats (abstract pgf))]

-- * Questions to ask 

type CatQuestions = [(CId,String)]

catQuestions :: PGF -> CId -> [CId] -> CatQuestions
catQuestions pgf cnc cats = [(c,catQuestion pgf cnc c) | c <- cats]

catQuestion :: PGF -> CId -> CId -> String
catQuestion pgf cnc cat = showPrintName pgf cnc cat

lin :: StateGrammar -> String -> Err String
lin gr fun = do
             tree <- string2treeErr gr fun
             let ls = map unt $ linTree2strings noMark g c tree
             case ls of
                 [] -> fail $ "No linearization of " ++ fun
                 l:_ -> return l
  where c = cncId gr
        g = stateGrammarST gr
        unt = formatAsText 

getCatQuestion :: CId -> CatQuestions -> String
getCatQuestion c qs = 
    fromMaybe (error "No question for category " ++ showCId c) (lookup c qs)

-- * Generate VoiceXML

skel2vxml :: String -> Maybe String -> CId -> Skeleton -> CatQuestions -> XML
skel2vxml name language start skel qs = 
    vxml language ([startForm] ++ concatMap (uncurry (catForms gr qs)) skel)
  gr = grammarURI name
  startForm = Tag "form" [] [subdialog "sub" [("src", "#"++catFormId start)] 
                                           [param "old" "{ name : '?' }"]]

grammarURI :: String -> String
grammarURI name = name ++ ".grxml"

catForms :: String -> CatQuestions -> CId -> [(CId, [CId])] -> [XML]
catForms gr qs cat fs = 
    comments [showCId cat ++ " category."]
    ++ [cat2form gr qs cat fs] 

cat2form :: String -> CatQuestions -> CId -> [(CId, [CId])] -> XML
cat2form gr qs cat fs = 
  form (catFormId cat) $ 
      [var "old" Nothing, 
       blockCond "old.name != '?'" [assign "term" "old"],
       field "term" []
           [promptString (getCatQuestion cat qs), 
            vxmlGrammar (gr++"#"++catFormId cat)
     ++ concatMap (uncurry (fun2sub gr cat)) fs
     ++ [block [return_ ["term"]{-]-}]]

fun2sub :: String -> CId -> CId -> [CId] -> [XML]
fun2sub gr cat fun args = 
    comments [showCId fun ++ " : (" 
              ++ concat (intersperse ", " (map showCId args))
              ++ ") " ++ showCId cat] ++ ss
  ss = zipWith mkSub [0..] args
  mkSub n t = subdialog s [("src","#"++catFormId t),
                           ("cond","term.name == "++string (showCId fun))] 
              [param "old" v,
               filled [] [assign v (s++".term")]]
    where s = showCId fun ++ "_" ++ show n
          v = "term.args["++show n++"]"

catFormId :: CId -> String
catFormId c = showCId c ++ "_cat"

-- * VoiceXML stuff

vxml :: Maybe String -> [XML] -> XML
vxml ml = Tag "vxml" $ [("version","2.0"),
                      ++ maybe [] (\l -> [("xml:lang", l)]) ml

form :: String -> [XML] -> XML
form id xs = Tag "form" [("id", id)] xs

field :: String -> [(String,String)] -> [XML] -> XML
field name attrs = Tag "field" ([("name",name)]++attrs)

subdialog :: String -> [(String,String)] -> [XML] -> XML
subdialog name attrs = Tag "subdialog" ([("name",name)]++attrs)

filled :: [(String,String)] -> [XML] -> XML
filled = Tag "filled"

vxmlGrammar :: String -> XML
vxmlGrammar uri = ETag "grammar" [("src",uri)]

prompt :: [XML] -> XML
prompt = Tag "prompt" []

promptString :: String -> XML
promptString p = prompt [Data p]
reprompt :: XML
reprompt = ETag "reprompt" []
assign :: String -> String -> XML
assign n e = ETag "assign" [("name",n),("expr",e)]
value :: String -> XML
value expr = ETag "value" [("expr",expr)]

if_ :: String -> [XML] -> XML
if_ c b = if_else c b []

if_else :: String -> [XML] -> [XML] -> XML
if_else c t f = cond [(c,t)] f

cond :: [(String,[XML])] -> [XML] -> XML
cond ((c,b):rest) els = Tag "if" [("cond",c)] (b ++ es)
  where es = [Tag "elseif" [("cond",c')] b' | (c',b') <- rest] 
             ++ if null els then [] else (Tag "else" [] []:els)

goto_item :: String -> XML
goto_item nextitem = ETag "goto" [("nextitem",nextitem)]
return_ :: [String] -> XML
return_ names = ETag "return" [("namelist", unwords names)]

block :: [XML] -> XML
block = Tag "block" []

blockCond :: String -> [XML] -> XML
blockCond cond = Tag "block" [("cond", cond)]
throw :: String -> String -> XML
throw event msg = Tag "throw" [("event",event),("message",msg)] []

nomatch :: [XML] -> XML
nomatch = Tag "nomatch" []

help :: [XML] -> XML
help = Tag "help" []
param :: String -> String -> XML
param name expr = ETag "param" [("name",name),("expr",expr)]

var :: String -> Maybe String -> XML
var name expr = ETag "var" ([("name",name)]++e)
  where e = maybe [] ((:[]) . (,) "expr") expr
script :: String -> XML
script s = Tag "script" [] [CData s]

scriptURI :: String -> XML
scriptURI uri = Tag "script" [("uri", uri)] []
-- * ECMAScript stuff

string :: String -> String
string s = "'" ++ concatMap esc s ++ "'"
  where esc '\'' = "\\'"
        esc c    = [c]

-- * List stuff

isListCat :: (CId, [(CId, [CId])]) -> Bool
isListCat (cat,rules) = "List" `isPrefixOf` showIdent cat && length rules == 2
		    && ("Base"++c) `elem` fs && ("Cons"++c) `elem` fs
    where c = drop 4 (showIdent cat)
	  fs = map (showIdent . fst) rules

isBaseFun :: CId -> Bool
isBaseFun f = "Base" `isPrefixOf` showIdent f

isConsFun :: CId -> Bool
isConsFun f = "Cons" `isPrefixOf` showIdent f

baseSize :: (CId, [(CId, [CId])]) -> Int
baseSize (_,rules) = length bs
    where Just (_,bs) = find (isBaseFun . fst) rules