
Plain text version of Lexing.hs

-- | Lexers and unlexers - they work on space-separated word strings
module GF.Text.Lexing (stringOp,opInEnv,bindTok) where

import GF.Text.Transliterations

import Data.Char (isSpace,toUpper,toLower)
import Data.List (intersperse)

stringOp :: (String -> Bool) -> String -> Maybe (String -> String)
stringOp good name = case name of
  "chars"      -> Just $ appLexer (filter (not . all isSpace) . map return)
  "lextext"    -> Just $ appLexer (lexText good)
  "lexcode"    -> Just $ appLexer lexCode
  "lexmixed"   -> Just $ appLexer (lexMixed good)
  "lexgreek"   -> Just $ appLexer lexAGreek
  "lexgreek2"  -> Just $ appLexer lexAGreek2
  "words"      -> Just $ appLexer words
  "bind"       -> Just $ appUnlexer (unwords . bindTok)
  "unchars"    -> Just $ appUnlexer concat
  "unlextext"  -> Just $ appUnlexer (unlexText . unquote . bindTok)
  "unlexcode"  -> Just $ appUnlexer unlexCode
  "unlexmixed" -> Just $ appUnlexer (unlexMixed good . unquote . bindTok)
  "unlexgreek" -> Just $ appUnlexer unlexAGreek
  "unlexnone"  -> Just id
  "unlexid"    -> Just id
  "unwords"    -> Just $ appUnlexer unwords
  "to_html"    -> Just wrapHTML
  _            -> transliterate name

-- perform op in environments beg--end, t.ex. between "--"
--- suboptimal implementation
opInEnv :: String -> String -> (String -> String) -> (String -> String)
opInEnv beg end op = concat . altern False . chop (lbeg, beg) [] where
  chop mk@(lg, mark) s0 s = 
    let (tag,rest) = splitAt lg s in
    if tag==mark then (reverse s0) : mark : chop (switch mk) [] rest 
      else case s of
        c:cs -> chop mk (c:s0) cs
        [] -> [reverse s0]
  switch (lg,mark) = if mark==beg then (lend,end) else (lbeg,beg)
  (lbeg,lend) = (length beg, length end)
  altern m ts = case ts of
    t:ws | not m && t==beg -> t : altern True ws
    t:ws | m     && t==end -> t : altern False ws
    t:ws -> (if m then op t else t) : altern m ws
    [] -> []

appLexer :: (String -> [String]) -> String -> String
appLexer f = unwords . filter (not . null) . f

appUnlexer :: ([String] -> String) -> String -> String
----appUnlexer f = unlines . map (f . words) . lines
appUnlexer f = f . words

wrapHTML :: String -> String
wrapHTML = unlines . tag . intersperse "<br>" . lines where
  tag ss = "<html>":"<head>":"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />":"</head>":"<body>" : ss ++ ["</body>","</html>"]

-- * Text lexing
-- | Text lexing with standard word capitalization of the first word of every sentence
lexText :: (String -> Bool) -> String -> [String]
lexText good = lexText' (uncapitInit good)

-- | Text lexing with custom treatment of the first word of every sentence.
lexText' :: (String->String) -> String -> [String]
lexText' uncap1 = uncap . lext where
  lext s = case s of
    c:cs | isMajorPunct c -> [c] : uncap (lext cs)
    c:cs | isMinorPunct c -> [c] : lext cs
    c:cs | isSpace c ->       lext cs
    _:_ -> let (w,cs) = break (\x -> isSpace x || isPunct x) s in w : lext cs
    _ -> [s]
  uncap s = case s of
    w:ws -> uncap1 w:ws
    _ -> s

unlexText :: [String] -> String
unlexText = capitInit . unlext where
  unlext s = case s of
    w:[] -> w
    w:[c]:[] | isPunct c -> w ++ [c]
    w:[c]:cs | isMajorPunct c -> w ++ [c] ++ " " ++ capitInit (unlext cs)
    w:[c]:cs | isMinorPunct c -> w ++ [c] ++ " " ++ unlext cs
    w:ws -> w ++ " " ++ unlext ws
    _ -> []

-- | Bind tokens separated by Prelude.BIND, i.e. &amp;+
bindTok :: [String] -> [String]
bindTok ws = case ws of
               w1:"&+":w2:ws -> bindTok ((w1++w2):ws)
               "&+":ws       -> bindTok ws
               "&|":(c:cs):ws-> bindTok ((toUpper c:cs) : ws)
               "&|":ws       -> bindTok ws
               w:ws          -> w:bindTok ws
               []            -> []

-- * Code lexing

-- | Haskell lexer, usable for much code
lexCode :: String -> [String]
lexCode ss = case lex ss of
  [(w@(_:_),ws)] -> w : lexCode ws
  _ -> []

-- * Ancient Greek lexing

lexTextAGreek :: String -> [String]
lexTextAGreek s = lext s where
  lext s = case s of
    c:cs | isAGreekPunct c -> [c] : (lext cs)
    c:cs | isSpace c -> lext cs
    _:_ -> let (w,cs) = break (\x -> isSpace x || isAGreekPunct x) s 
           in w : lext cs
    [] -> []

-- Philological greek text may use vowel length indicators. Then '.' is not a sentence 
-- separator, nor is 'v. ' for vowel v. Sentence ends at 'v..' or 'c. ' with non-vowel c.

lexTextAGreek2 :: String -> [String]
lexTextAGreek2 s = lext s where
  lext s = case s of
    c:cs | isAGreekPunct c -> [c] : (lext cs)
    c:cs | isSpace c -> lext cs
    _:_ -> let (w,cs) = break (\x -> isSpace x || isAGreekPunct x) s 
           in case cs of 
                '.':'.':d:ds | isSpace d 
                  -> (w++['.']) : lext ('.':d:ds)
                '.':d:ds | isAGreekPunct d || isSpace d 
                  -> (w++['.']) : lext (d:ds)
                '.':d:ds | not (isSpace d) 
                  -> case lext (d:ds) of
                       e:es -> (w++['.']++e) : es
                       es -> (w++['.']) : es 
                '.':[] -> (w++['.']) : []
                _ -> w : lext cs      
    [] -> []

unlexTextAGreek :: [String] -> String
unlexTextAGreek = unlext where
  unlext s = case s of
    w:[] -> w
    w:[c]:[] | isAGreekPunct c -> w ++ [c]
    w:[c]:cs | isAGreekPunct c -> w ++ [c] ++ " " ++ unlext cs
    w:ws -> w ++ " " ++ unlext ws
    [] -> []

isAGreekPunct = flip elem ".,;