
Plain text version of FFI.hs

{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, MagicHash #-}

module PGF2.FFI where

import Foreign ( alloca, poke )
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Control.Exception
import GHC.Ptr
import Data.Int(Int32)

type Touch = IO ()

-- | An abstract data type representing multilingual grammar
-- in Portable Grammar Format.
data PGF = PGF {pgf :: Ptr PgfPGF, touchPGF :: Touch}
data Concr = Concr {concr :: Ptr PgfConcr, touchConcr :: Touch}

-- libgu API

data GuEnum
data GuExn
data GuIn
data GuKind
data GuType
data GuString
data GuStringBuf
data GuMapItor
data GuOut
data GuSeq
data GuPool

foreign import ccall fopen :: CString -> CString -> IO (Ptr ())

foreign import ccall "gu/mem.h gu_new_pool"
  gu_new_pool :: IO (Ptr GuPool)

foreign import ccall "gu/mem.h gu_malloc"
  gu_malloc :: Ptr GuPool -> CInt -> IO (Ptr a)

foreign import ccall "gu/mem.h gu_pool_free"
  gu_pool_free :: Ptr GuPool -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "gu/mem.h &gu_pool_free"
  gu_pool_finalizer :: FinalizerPtr GuPool

foreign import ccall "gu/exn.h gu_new_exn"
  gu_new_exn :: Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuExn)

foreign import ccall "gu/exn.h gu_exn_is_raised"
  gu_exn_is_raised :: Ptr GuExn -> IO Bool

foreign import ccall "gu/exn.h gu_exn_caught_"
  gu_exn_caught :: Ptr GuExn -> CString -> IO Bool

gu_exn_type_GuErrno = Ptr "GuErrno"# :: CString

gu_exn_type_PgfLinNonExist = Ptr "PgfLinNonExist"# :: CString

gu_exn_type_PgfExn = Ptr "PgfExn"# :: CString

gu_exn_type_PgfParseError = Ptr "PgfParseError"# :: CString

gu_exn_type_PgfTypeError = Ptr "PgfTypeError"# :: CString

foreign import ccall "gu/string.h gu_string_in"
  gu_string_in :: CString -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuIn)

foreign import ccall "gu/string.h gu_new_string_buf"
  gu_new_string_buf :: Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuStringBuf)

foreign import ccall "gu/string.h gu_string_buf_out"
  gu_string_buf_out :: Ptr GuStringBuf -> IO (Ptr GuOut)

foreign import ccall "gu/file.h gu_file_in"
  gu_file_in :: Ptr () -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuIn)

foreign import ccall "gu/enum.h gu_enum_next"
  gu_enum_next :: Ptr a -> Ptr (Ptr b) -> Ptr GuPool -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "gu/string.h gu_string_buf_freeze"
  gu_string_buf_freeze :: Ptr GuStringBuf -> Ptr GuPool -> IO CString

foreign import ccall unsafe "gu/utf8.h gu_utf8_decode"
  gu_utf8_decode :: Ptr CString -> IO Int32

foreign import ccall unsafe "gu/utf8.h gu_utf8_encode"
  gu_utf8_encode :: Int32 -> Ptr CString -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "gu/seq.h gu_make_seq"
  gu_make_seq :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuSeq)

withGuPool :: (Ptr GuPool -> IO a) -> IO a
withGuPool f = bracket gu_new_pool gu_pool_free f

newOut :: Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuStringBuf, Ptr GuOut)
newOut pool =
   do sb  <- gu_new_string_buf pool
      out <- gu_string_buf_out sb
      return (sb,out)

peekUtf8CString :: CString -> IO String
peekUtf8CString ptr =
  alloca $ \pptr ->
    poke pptr ptr >> decode pptr
    decode pptr = do
      x <- gu_utf8_decode pptr
      if x == 0
        then return []
        else do cs <- decode pptr
                return (((toEnum . fromEnum) x) : cs)

newUtf8CString :: String -> Ptr GuPool -> IO CString
newUtf8CString s pool = do
  -- An UTF8 character takes up to 6 bytes. We allocate enough
  -- memory for the worst case. This is wasteful but those
  -- strings are usually allocated only temporary.
  ptr <- gu_malloc pool (fromIntegral (length s * 6+1))
  alloca $ \pptr ->
    poke pptr ptr >> encode s pptr
  return ptr
    encode []     pptr = do
      gu_utf8_encode 0 pptr
    encode (c:cs) pptr = do
      gu_utf8_encode ((toEnum . fromEnum) c) pptr
      encode cs pptr

-- libpgf API

data PgfPGF
data PgfApplication
data PgfConcr
type PgfExpr = Ptr ()
data PgfExprProb
data PgfFullFormEntry
data PgfMorphoCallback
data PgfPrintContext
type PgfType = Ptr ()
data PgfCallbacksMap
data PgfOracleCallback
data PgfCncTree

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_read"
  pgf_read :: CString -> Ptr GuPool -> Ptr GuExn -> IO (Ptr PgfPGF)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_abstract_name"
  pgf_abstract_name :: Ptr PgfPGF -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_iter_languages"
  pgf_iter_languages :: Ptr PgfPGF -> Ptr GuMapItor -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_get_language"
  pgf_get_language :: Ptr PgfPGF -> CString -> IO (Ptr PgfConcr)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_concrete_name"
  pgf_concrete_name :: Ptr PgfConcr -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_concrete_load"
  pgf_concrete_load :: Ptr PgfConcr -> Ptr GuIn -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_concrete_unload"
  pgf_concrete_unload :: Ptr PgfConcr -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_language_code"
  pgf_language_code :: Ptr PgfConcr -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_iter_categories"
  pgf_iter_categories :: Ptr PgfPGF -> Ptr GuMapItor -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_start_cat"
  pgf_start_cat :: Ptr PgfPGF -> Ptr GuPool -> IO PgfType

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_iter_functions"
  pgf_iter_functions :: Ptr PgfPGF -> Ptr GuMapItor -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_iter_functions_by_cat"
  pgf_iter_functions_by_cat :: Ptr PgfPGF -> CString -> Ptr GuMapItor -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_function_type"
   pgf_function_type :: Ptr PgfPGF -> CString -> IO PgfType

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_print_name"
  pgf_print_name :: Ptr PgfConcr -> CString -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_has_linearization"
  pgf_has_linearization :: Ptr PgfConcr -> CString -> IO Bool

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_linearize"
  pgf_linearize :: Ptr PgfConcr -> PgfExpr -> Ptr GuOut -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_lzr_concretize"
  pgf_lzr_concretize :: Ptr PgfConcr -> PgfExpr -> Ptr GuExn -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuEnum)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_lzr_wrap_linref"
  pgf_lzr_wrap_linref :: Ptr PgfCncTree -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr PgfCncTree)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_lzr_linearize_simple"
  pgf_lzr_linearize_simple :: Ptr PgfConcr -> Ptr PgfCncTree -> CInt -> Ptr GuOut -> Ptr GuExn -> Ptr GuPool -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_align_words"
  pgf_align_words :: Ptr PgfConcr -> PgfExpr -> Ptr GuExn -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuSeq)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_parse_with_heuristics"
  pgf_parse_with_heuristics :: Ptr PgfConcr -> PgfType -> CString -> Double -> Ptr PgfCallbacksMap -> Ptr GuExn -> Ptr GuPool -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuEnum)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_lookup_sentence"
  pgf_lookup_sentence :: Ptr PgfConcr -> PgfType -> CString -> Ptr GuPool -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuEnum)

type LiteralMatchCallback = CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr PgfExprProb)

foreign import ccall "wrapper"
  wrapLiteralMatchCallback :: LiteralMatchCallback -> IO (FunPtr LiteralMatchCallback)

type LiteralPredictCallback = CInt -> CString -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr PgfExprProb)

foreign import ccall "wrapper"
  wrapLiteralPredictCallback :: LiteralPredictCallback -> IO (FunPtr LiteralPredictCallback)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_new_callbacks_map"
  pgf_new_callbacks_map :: Ptr PgfConcr -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr PgfCallbacksMap)

foreign import ccall
  hspgf_callbacks_map_add_literal :: Ptr PgfConcr -> Ptr PgfCallbacksMap -> CString -> FunPtr LiteralMatchCallback -> FunPtr LiteralPredictCallback -> Ptr GuPool -> IO ()

type OracleCallback = CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO Bool
type OracleLiteralCallback = CString -> CString -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr PgfExprProb)

foreign import ccall "wrapper"
  wrapOracleCallback :: OracleCallback -> IO (FunPtr OracleCallback)

foreign import ccall "wrapper"
  wrapOracleLiteralCallback :: OracleLiteralCallback -> IO (FunPtr OracleLiteralCallback)

foreign import ccall
  hspgf_new_oracle_callback :: CString -> FunPtr OracleCallback -> FunPtr OracleCallback -> FunPtr OracleLiteralCallback -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr PgfOracleCallback)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_parse_with_oracle"
  pgf_parse_with_oracle :: Ptr PgfConcr -> CString -> CString -> Ptr PgfOracleCallback -> Ptr GuExn -> Ptr GuPool -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuEnum)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_lookup_morpho"
  pgf_lookup_morpho :: Ptr PgfConcr -> CString -> Ptr PgfMorphoCallback -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

type LookupMorphoCallback = Ptr PgfMorphoCallback -> CString -> CString -> Float -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "wrapper"
  wrapLookupMorphoCallback :: LookupMorphoCallback -> IO (FunPtr LookupMorphoCallback)

type MapItorCallback = Ptr GuMapItor -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "wrapper"
  wrapMapItorCallback :: MapItorCallback -> IO (FunPtr MapItorCallback)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_fullform_lexicon"
  pgf_fullform_lexicon :: Ptr PgfConcr -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuEnum)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_fullform_get_string"
  pgf_fullform_get_string :: Ptr PgfFullFormEntry -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_fullform_get_analyses"
  pgf_fullform_get_analyses :: Ptr PgfFullFormEntry -> Ptr PgfMorphoCallback -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_expr_apply"
  pgf_expr_apply :: Ptr PgfApplication -> Ptr GuPool -> IO PgfExpr

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_expr_unapply"
  pgf_expr_unapply :: PgfExpr -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr PgfApplication)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_expr_abs"
  pgf_expr_abs :: CInt -> CString -> PgfExpr -> Ptr GuPool -> IO PgfExpr

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_expr_unabs"
  pgf_expr_unabs :: PgfExpr -> IO (Ptr a)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_expr_meta"
  pgf_expr_meta :: CInt -> Ptr GuPool -> IO PgfExpr

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_expr_unmeta"
  pgf_expr_unmeta :: PgfExpr -> IO (Ptr a)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_expr_string"
  pgf_expr_string :: CString -> Ptr GuPool -> IO PgfExpr

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_expr_int"
  pgf_expr_int :: CInt -> Ptr GuPool -> IO PgfExpr

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_expr_float"
  pgf_expr_float :: CDouble -> Ptr GuPool -> IO PgfExpr

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_expr_unlit"
  pgf_expr_unlit :: PgfExpr -> CInt -> IO (Ptr a)

foreign import ccall "pgf/expr.h pgf_expr_arity"
  pgf_expr_arity :: PgfExpr -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall "pgf/expr.h pgf_check_expr"
  pgf_check_expr :: Ptr PgfPGF -> Ptr PgfExpr -> PgfType -> Ptr GuExn -> Ptr GuPool -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/expr.h pgf_infer_expr"
  pgf_infer_expr :: Ptr PgfPGF -> Ptr PgfExpr -> Ptr GuExn -> Ptr GuPool -> IO PgfType

foreign import ccall "pgf/expr.h pgf_check_type"
  pgf_check_type :: Ptr PgfPGF -> Ptr PgfType -> Ptr GuExn -> Ptr GuPool -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/expr.h pgf_compute"
  pgf_compute :: Ptr PgfPGF -> PgfExpr -> Ptr GuExn -> Ptr GuPool -> Ptr GuPool -> IO PgfExpr

foreign import ccall "pgf/expr.h pgf_print_expr"
  pgf_print_expr :: PgfExpr -> Ptr PgfPrintContext -> CInt -> Ptr GuOut -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/expr.h pgf_print_expr_tuple"
  pgf_print_expr_tuple :: CInt -> Ptr PgfExpr -> Ptr PgfPrintContext -> Ptr GuOut -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/expr.h pgf_print_type"
  pgf_print_type :: PgfType -> Ptr PgfPrintContext -> CInt -> Ptr GuOut -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_generate_all"
  pgf_generate_all :: Ptr PgfPGF -> PgfType -> Ptr GuExn -> Ptr GuPool -> Ptr GuPool -> IO (Ptr GuEnum)

foreign import ccall "pgf/pgf.h pgf_print"
  pgf_print :: Ptr PgfPGF -> Ptr GuOut -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/expr.h pgf_read_expr"
  pgf_read_expr :: Ptr GuIn -> Ptr GuPool -> Ptr GuExn -> IO PgfExpr

foreign import ccall "pgf/expr.h pgf_read_expr_tuple"
  pgf_read_expr_tuple :: Ptr GuIn -> CInt -> Ptr PgfExpr -> Ptr GuPool -> Ptr GuExn -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall "pgf/expr.h pgf_read_expr_matrix"
  pgf_read_expr_matrix :: Ptr GuIn -> CInt -> Ptr GuPool -> Ptr GuExn -> IO (Ptr GuSeq)

foreign import ccall "pgf/expr.h pgf_read_type"
  pgf_read_type :: Ptr GuIn -> Ptr GuPool -> Ptr GuExn -> IO PgfType

foreign import ccall "pgf/graphviz.h pgf_graphviz_abstract_tree"
  pgf_graphviz_abstract_tree :: Ptr PgfPGF -> PgfExpr -> Ptr GuOut -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "pgf/graphviz.h pgf_graphviz_parse_tree"
  pgf_graphviz_parse_tree :: Ptr PgfConcr -> PgfExpr -> Ptr GuOut -> Ptr GuExn -> IO ()