module PGF.Tree ( Tree(..), tree2expr, expr2tree, prTree ) where import PGF.CId import PGF.Expr hiding (Tree) --import Data.Char import Data.List as List --import Control.Monad --import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP --import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP -- | The tree is an evaluated expression in the abstract syntax -- of the grammar. The type is especially restricted to not -- allow unapplied lambda abstractions. The tree is used directly -- from the linearizer and is produced directly from the parser. data Tree = Abs [(BindType,CId)] Tree -- ^ lambda abstraction. The list of variables is non-empty | Var CId -- ^ variable | Fun CId [Tree] -- ^ function application | Lit Literal -- ^ literal | Meta {-# UNPACK #-} !MetaId -- ^ meta variable deriving (Eq, Ord) ----------------------------------------------------- -- Conversion Expr <-> Tree ----------------------------------------------------- -- | Converts a tree to expression. The conversion -- is always total, every tree is a valid expression. tree2expr :: Tree -> Expr tree2expr = tree2expr [] where tree2expr ys (Fun x ts) = foldl EApp (EFun x) ( (tree2expr ys) ts) tree2expr ys (Lit l) = ELit l tree2expr ys (Meta n) = EMeta n tree2expr ys (Abs xs t) = foldr (\(b,x) e -> EAbs b x e) (tree2expr ( snd (reverse xs)++ys) t) xs tree2expr ys (Var x) = case List.lookup x (zip ys [0..]) of Just i -> EVar i Nothing -> error "unknown variable" -- | Converts an expression to tree. The conversion is only partial. -- Variables and meta variables of function type and beta redexes are not allowed. expr2tree :: Expr -> Tree expr2tree e = abs [] [] e where abs ys xs (EAbs b x e) = abs ys ((b,x):xs) e abs ys xs (ETyped e _) = abs ys xs e abs ys xs e = case xs of [] -> app ys [] e xs -> Abs (reverse xs) (app (map snd xs++ys) [] e) app xs as (EApp e1 e2) = app xs ((abs xs [] e2) : as) e1 app xs as (ELit l) | List.null as = Lit l | otherwise = error "literal of function type encountered" app xs as (EMeta n) | List.null as = Meta n | otherwise = error "meta variables of function type are not allowed in trees" app xs as (EAbs _ x e) = error "beta redexes are not allowed in trees" app xs as (EVar i) = if length xs > i then Var (xs !! i) else Meta i ---- AR 14/12/2010: work-around needed in PGF.Paraphrase.fromDef app xs as (EFun f) = Fun f as app xs as (ETyped e _) = app xs as e prTree :: Tree -> String prTree = showExpr [] . tree2expr