
Plain text version of GFDoc.hs

-- |
-- Maintainer  : AR
-- Stability   : (stable)
-- Portability : (portable)
-- > CVS $Date: 2005/04/16 05:40:50 $ 
-- > CVS $Author: peb $
-- > CVS $Revision: 1.7 $
-- produce a HTML document from a list of GF grammar files. AR 6\/10\/2002
-- Added @--!@ (NewPage) and @--*@ (Item) 21\/11\/2003

module Main (main) where

import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.Process
import System.Directory -- from package directory>=1.2
import System.Environment
import Data.Time -- from package time>=1.5
--import System.Locale -- from package old-locale
--import System.Time -- from package old-time

-- to read files and write a file

main :: IO ()
main = do
  xx <- getArgs
   (typ,format,names) = case xx of
    "-latex"  : xs -> (0,doc2latex,xs)
    "-htmls"  : xs -> (2,doc2html,xs)
    "-txt"    : xs -> (3,doc2txt,xs)
    "-txt2"   : xs -> (3,doc2txt2,xs)
    "-txthtml": xs -> (4,doc2txt,xs)
    xs            -> (1,doc2html,xs)
  if null xx
     then do
       putStrLn welcome
       putStrLn help
     else flip mapM_ names (\name -> do  
       ss <- readFile name
       time <- modTime name
       let outfile = fileFormat typ name
       writeFile outfile $ format $ pDoc time ss)
  case typ of
     2 -> 
       mapM_ (\name -> system $ "htmls " ++ (fileFormat typ name)) names
     4 ->
       mapM_ (\name -> 
               system $ "txt2tags -thtml --toc " ++ (fileFormat typ name)) names
     _ -> return ()
  return ()

modTime :: FilePath -> IO ModTime
-- Works with directory&gt;=1.2, time&gt;=1.5
modTime name =
  do zt <- utcToLocalZonedTime =<< getModificationTime name
     let timeFmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"
     return $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale timeFmt zt
-- Works with directory<1.2, old-time, old-locale
modTime name =
    t <- getModificationTime name
    ct <- toCalendarTime t
    let timeFmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"
    return $ formatCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale timeFmt ct

welcome = unlines [
  "gfdoc - a rudimentary GF document generator.",
  "(c) Aarne Ranta ( 2002 under GNU GPL."

help = unlines $ [
  "Usage: gfdoc (-latex|-htmls|-txt|-txthtml) <file>+",
  "The program operates with lines in GF code, treating them into LaTeX",
  "(flag -latex), to a set of HTML documents (flag -htmls), to a txt2tags file",
  "(flag -txt), to HTML via txt (flag -txthtml), or to one",
  "HTML file (by default). The output is written in a file",
  "whose name is formed from the input file name by replacing its suffix",
  "with html or tex; in case of set of HTML files, the names are prefixed",
  "by 01-, 02-, etc, and each file has navigation links.",
  "The translation is line by line",
  "depending as follows on how the line begins",
  " --[Int]    heading of level Int",  
  " --         new paragraph",
  " --!        new page (in HTML, recognized by the htmls program)",
  " --.        end of document",
  " --*[Text]  Text paragraph starting with a bullet",
  " --[Text]   Text belongs to text paragraph",
  " [Text]     Text belongs to code paragraph",
  " --%        (in the end of a line): ignore this line",
  "Within a text paragraph, text enclosed between certain characters",
  "is treated specially:",
  " *[Text]*   emphasized (boldface)",
  " \"[Text]\"   example string (italics)",
  " $[Text]$   example code (courier)",
  "For other formatting and links, we recommend the txt2tags format."

fileFormat typ x = body ++ suff where
  body = reverse $ dropWhile (/='.') $ reverse x
  suff = case typ of
    0 -> "tex"
    _ | typ < 3 -> "html"
    _ -> "txt"

-- the document datatype

data Doc = Doc Title ModTime [Paragraph]

type ModTime = String

type Title = [TextItem]

data Paragraph = 
   Text [TextItem]         -- text line starting with --
 | List [[TextItem]]       -- 
 | Code String             -- other text line
 | Item [TextItem]         -- bulleted item: line prefixed by --*
 | New                     -- new paragraph: line consisting of --
 | NewPage                 -- new parage: line consisting of --!
 | Heading Int [TextItem]  -- text line starting with --n where n = 1,2,3,4

data TextItem =
   Str String
 | Emp String  -- emphasized,     *...*
 | Lit String  -- string literal, "..."
 | Inl String  -- inlined code,   '...'

-- parse document

pDoc :: ModTime -> String -> Doc
pDoc time s = case dropWhile emptyOrPragma (lines s) of
  ('-':'-':'1':title) : paras -> Doc (pItems title) time (map pPara (grp paras))
  paras -> Doc [] time (map pPara (grp paras))
   grp ss = case ss of
     s : rest | ignore s      -> grp rest
              | isEnd s       -> []
              | begComment s  -> let (s1,s2) = getComment (drop 2 s : rest) 
                                 in map ("-- " ++) s1 ++ grp s2 
              | isComment s   -> s : grp rest
              | all isSpace s -> grp rest
     [] -> []
     _ -> unlines code : grp rest where (code,rest) = span (not . isComment) ss 
   pPara s = case s of
     '-':'-':d:text | isDigit d -> Heading (read [d]) (pItems text)
     '-':'-':'!':[]             -> NewPage
     '-':'-':[]                 -> New
     '-':'-':'*':text           -> Item (pItems (dropWhile isSpace text))
     '-':'-':text               -> Text (pItems (dropWhile isSpace text))
     _                          -> Code s
   pItems s = case s of
     '*'  : cs -> get 1 Emp (=='*')  cs
     '"'  : cs -> get 1 Lit (=='"')  cs
     '$'  : cs -> get 1 Inl (=='$') cs
     []        -> []
     _         -> get 0 Str (flip elem "*\"$") s

   get _ _   _     [] = []
   get k con isEnd cs = con beg : pItems (drop k rest) 
                    where (beg,rest) =  span (not . isEnd) cs
   isEnd s = case s of
     '-':'-':'.':_ -> True
     _ -> False

   emptyOrPragma s = all isSpace s || "--#" `isPrefixOf` s

ignore s = case reverse s of
     '%':'-':'-':_ -> True
     _ -> False

-- render in html

doc2html :: Doc -> String
doc2html (Doc title time paras) = unlines $
  tagXML "html" $
    tagXML "body" $
      unwords (tagXML "i" ["Produced by " ++ welcome]) :
      mkTagXML "p" :
      concat (tagXML "h1" [concat (map item2html title)]) :
      empty :
      map para2html paras

para2html :: Paragraph -> String
para2html p = case p of
  Text its      -> concat (map item2html its)
  Item its      -> mkTagXML "li" ++ concat (map item2html its)
  Code s        -> unlines $ tagXML "pre" $ map (indent 2) $ filter (not . ignore) $ 
                                              remEmptyLines $ lines $ spec s
  New           -> mkTagXML "p"
  NewPage       -> mkTagXML "p" ++ "\n" ++ mkTagXML "!-- NEW --"
  Heading i its -> concat $ tagXML ('h':show i) [concat (map item2html its)]

item2html :: TextItem -> String
item2html i = case i of
  Str s -> spec s
  Emp s -> concat $ tagXML "b" [spec s]
  Lit s -> concat $ tagXML "i" [spec s]
  Inl s -> concat $ tagXML "tt" [spec s]

mkTagXML t = '<':t ++ ">"
mkEndTagXML t = mkTagXML ('/':t)
tagXML t ss = mkTagXML t : ss ++ [mkEndTagXML t]

spec = elimLt

elimLt s = case s of
  '<':cs -> "&lt;" ++ elimLt cs
  c  :cs -> c : elimLt cs
  _      -> s

-- render in latex

doc2latex :: Doc -> String
doc2latex (Doc title time paras) = unlines $
  preludeLatex :
  funLatex "title"  [concat (map item2latex title)] :
  funLatex "author" [fontLatex "footnotesize" (welcome)] :
  envLatex "document" (
    funLatex "maketitle" [] :
    map para2latex paras)   

para2latex :: Paragraph -> String
para2latex p = case p of
  Text its      -> concat (map item2latex its)
  Item its      -> "\n\n$\\bullet$" ++ concat (map item2latex its) ++ "\n\n"
  Code s        -> unlines $ envLatex "verbatim" $ map (indent 2) $ 
                                                   remEmptyLines $ lines $ s
  New           -> "\n"
  NewPage       -> "\\newpage"
  Heading i its -> headingLatex i (concat (map item2latex its))

item2latex :: TextItem -> String
item2latex i = case i of
  Str s -> specl s
  Emp s -> fontLatex "bf" (specl s)
  Lit s -> fontLatex "it" (specl s)
  Inl s -> fontLatex "tt" (specl s)

funLatex :: String -> [String] -> String
funLatex f xs = "\\" ++ f ++ concat ["{" ++ x ++ "}" | x <- xs]

envLatex :: String -> [String] -> [String]
envLatex e ss = 
  funLatex "begin" [e] :
  ss ++
  [funLatex "end" [e]]

headingLatex :: Int -> String -> String
-- for slides
-- headingLatex _ s = funLatex "newone" [] ++ "\n" ++ funLatex "heading" [s] 
headingLatex i s = funLatex t [s] where 
  t = case i of
    2 -> "section"
    3 -> "subsection"
    _ -> "subsubsection"

fontLatex :: String -> String -> String
fontLatex f s = "{\\" ++ f ++ " " ++ s ++ "}"

specl = eliml

eliml s = case s of
  '|':cs -> mmath "mid" ++ elimLt cs
  '{':cs -> mmath "\\{" ++ elimLt cs
  '}':cs -> mmath "\\}" ++ elimLt cs
  _      -> s

mmath s = funLatex "mbox" ["$" ++ s ++ "$"]

preludeLatex = unlines $ [

-- render in txt2tags
-- as main document (welcome, top-level subtitles)
-- as chapter (no welcome, subtitle level + i)

doc2txt :: Doc -> String
doc2txt (Doc title time paras) = unlines $
  let tit = concat (map item2txt title) in
      ("Last update: " ++ time):
      "% NOTE: this is a txt2tags file.":
      "% Create an html file from this file using:":
      ("% txt2tags " ++ tit):
      concat (["Produced by " ++ welcome]) :
      "\n" :
      empty :
      map (para2txt 0) paras

doc2txt2 :: Doc -> String
doc2txt2 (Doc title time paras) = unlines $
  let tit = concat (map item2txt title) in
      concat (tagTxt (replicate 2 '=') [tit]):
      empty :
      map (para2txt 2) paras

para2txt :: Int -> Paragraph -> String
para2txt j p = case p of
  Text its      -> concat (map item2txt its)
  Item its      -> "- " ++ concat (map item2txt its)
  Code s        -> unlines $ tagTxt "```" $ map (indent 2) $ 
                                              remEmptyLines $ lines s
  New           -> "\n"
  NewPage       -> "\n" ++ "!-- NEW --"
  Heading i its -> 
    concat $ tagTxt (replicate (i + j) '=') [concat (map item2txt its)]

item2txt :: TextItem -> String
item2txt i = case i of
  Str s -> s
  Emp s -> concat $ tagTxt "**" [spec s]
  Lit s -> concat $ tagTxt "//" [spec s]
  Inl s -> concat $ tagTxt "``" [spec s]

tagTxt t ss = t : ss ++ [t]

-- auxiliaries

empty = ""

isComment = (== "--") . take 2

begComment =  (== "{-") . take 2

getComment ss = case ss of
  "-}":ls -> ([],ls)
  l:ls -> (l : s1, s2) where (s1,s2) = getComment ls
  _    -> ([],[])

indent n = (replicate n ' ' ++)

remEmptyLines = rem False where
  rem prevGood ls = case span empty ls of
    (_ :_, ss@(_ : _)) -> (if prevGood then ("":) else id) $ rem False ss
    (_,    [])         -> []
    (_,    s:ss)       -> s : rem True ss 
  empty = all isSpace