
Plain source file: src/compiler/GF/Command/Parse.hs (2013-11-12)

GF.Command.Parse is imported by: ...
module GF.Command.Parse(readCommandLine, pCommand) where

import PGF(pExpr,pIdent)
import GF.Command.Abstract

import Data.Char(isDigit,isSpace)
import Control.Monad(liftM2)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP

readCommandLine :: String -> Maybe CommandLine
readCommandLine s =
    case [x | (x,cs) <- readP_to_S pCommandLine s, all isSpace cs] of
      [x] -> Just x
      _   -> Nothing

pCommandLine =
  (skipSpaces >> char '-' >> char '-' >> pTheRest >> return [])   -- comment
  (sepBy (skipSpaces >> pPipe) (skipSpaces >> char ';'))

pPipe = sepBy1 (skipSpaces >> pCommand) (skipSpaces >> char '|')

pCommand = (do
  cmd  <- pIdent <++ (char '%' >> pIdent >>= return . ('%':))
  opts <- sepBy pOption skipSpaces
  arg  <- pArgument
  return (Command cmd opts arg)
    <++ (do
  char '?'
  c <- pSystemCommand
  return (Command "sp" [OFlag "command" (VStr c)] ANoArg)

pOption = do
  char '-'
  flg <- pIdent
  option (OOpt flg) (fmap (OFlag flg) (char '=' >> pValue))

pValue = do
  fmap VInt (readS_to_P reads)
  fmap VStr (readS_to_P reads)
  fmap VId  pFilename

pFilename = liftM2 (:) (satisfy isFileFirst) (munch (not . isSpace)) where
  isFileFirst c = not (isSpace c) && not (isDigit c)

pArgument =
  option ANoArg
    (fmap AExpr pExpr
    (skipSpaces >> char '%' >> fmap AMacro pIdent))

pSystemCommand =
    (char '"' >> (manyTill (pEsc <++ get) (char '"')))
    pEsc = char '\\' >> get

pTheRest = munch (const True)


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