
Plain source file: src/compiler/GF/Compile/Compute/ConcreteNew1.hs (2015-03-03)

GF.Compile.Compute.ConcreteNew1 is imported by: ...
module GF.Compile.Compute.ConcreteNew1
           ( normalForm
           , Value(..), Env, eval, apply, value2term
           ) where

import GF.Grammar hiding (Env, VGen, VApp, VRecType)
import GF.Grammar.Lookup
import GF.Grammar.Predef
import GF.Data.Operations
import Data.List (intersect)
import GF.Text.Pretty

normalForm :: SourceGrammar -> Term -> Term
normalForm gr t = value2term gr [] (eval gr [] t)

data Value
  = VApp QIdent [Value]
  | VGen Int [Value]
  | VMeta MetaId Env [Value]
  | VClosure Env Term
  | VInt Int
  | VFloat Double
  | VString String
  | VSort Ident
  | VImplArg Value
  | VTblType Value Value
  | VRecType [(Label,Value)]
  | VRec [(Label,Value)]
  | VTbl Type [Value]
--  | VC   Value Value
  | VPatt Patt
  | VPattType Value
  | VFV [Value]
  | VAlts Value [(Value, Value)]
  | VError String
  deriving Show

type Env = [(Ident,Value)]

eval :: SourceGrammar -> Env -> Term -> Value
eval gr env (Vr x)   = case lookup x env of
                         Just v  -> v
                         Nothing -> error ("Unknown variable "++showIdent x)
eval gr env (Q x)
  | x == (cPredef,cErrorType)                            -- to be removed
                     = let varP = identS "P"
                       in eval gr [] (mkProd [(Implicit,varP,typeType)] (Vr varP) [])
  | fst x == cPredef = VApp x []
  | otherwise        = case lookupResDef gr x of
                         Ok t    -> eval gr [] t
                         Bad err -> error err
eval gr env (QC x)   = VApp x []
eval gr env (App e1 e2) = apply gr env e1 [eval gr env e2]
eval gr env (Meta i) = VMeta i env []
eval gr env t@(Prod _ _ _ _) = VClosure env t
eval gr env t@(Abs _ _ _) = VClosure env t
eval gr env (EInt n) = VInt n
eval gr env (EFloat f) = VFloat f
eval gr env (K s) = VString s
eval gr env Empty = VString ""
eval gr env (Sort s) 
  | s == cTok = VSort cStr                               -- to be removed
  | otherwise = VSort s
eval gr env (ImplArg t) = VImplArg (eval gr env t)
eval gr env (Table p res) = VTblType (eval gr env p) (eval gr env res)
eval gr env (RecType rs) = VRecType [(l,eval gr env ty) | (l,ty) <- rs]
eval gr env t@(ExtR t1 t2) =
  let error = VError (show ("The term" <+> ppTerm Unqualified 0 t <+> "is not reducible"))
  in case (eval gr env t1, eval gr env t2) of
       (VRecType rs1, VRecType rs2) -> case intersect (map fst rs1) (map fst rs2) of
                                         [] -> VRecType (rs1 ++ rs2)
                                         _  -> error
       (VRec     rs1, VRec     rs2) -> case intersect (map fst rs1) (map fst rs2) of
                                         [] -> VRec (rs1 ++ rs2)
                                         _  -> error
       _                            -> error
eval gr env (FV ts) = VFV (map (eval gr env) ts)
eval gr env t = error ("unimplemented: eval "++show t)

apply gr env t           []     = eval gr env t
apply gr env (Q x)       vs
             | fst x == cPredef = VApp x vs -- hmm
             | otherwise        = case lookupResDef gr x of
                                    Ok t    -> apply gr [] t vs
                                    Bad err -> error err
apply gr env (App t1 t2) vs     = apply gr env t1 (eval gr env t2 : vs)
apply gr env (Abs b x t) (v:vs) = case (b,v) of
                                    (Implicit,VImplArg v) -> apply gr ((x,v):env) t vs
                                    (Explicit,         v) -> apply gr ((x,v):env) t vs
apply gr env t           vs     = error ("apply "++show t)

value2term :: SourceGrammar -> [Ident] -> Value -> Term
value2term gr xs (VApp f vs)      = foldl App (Q f)                  (map (value2term gr xs) vs)
value2term gr xs (VGen j vs)      = foldl App (Vr (reverse xs !! j)) (map (value2term gr xs) vs)
value2term gr xs (VMeta j env vs) = foldl App (Meta j)               (map (value2term gr xs) vs)
value2term gr xs (VClosure env (Prod bt x t1 t2)) = Prod bt x (value2term gr    xs  (eval gr env t1))
                                                              (value2term gr (x:xs) (eval gr ((x,VGen (length xs) []) : env) t2))
value2term gr xs (VClosure env (Abs  bt x t))     = Abs  bt x (value2term gr (x:xs) (eval gr ((x,VGen (length xs) []) : env) t))
value2term gr xs (VInt n) = EInt n
value2term gr xs (VFloat f) = EFloat f
value2term gr xs (VString s) = if null s then Empty else K s
value2term gr xs (VSort s) = Sort s
value2term gr xs (VImplArg v) = ImplArg (value2term gr xs v)
value2term gr xs (VTblType p res) = Table (value2term gr xs p) (value2term gr xs res)
value2term gr xs (VRecType rs) = RecType [(l,value2term gr xs v) | (l,v) <- rs]
value2term gr xs (VFV vs) = FV (map (value2term gr xs) vs)
value2term gr xs v = error ("unimplemented: value2term "++show v)


(HTML for this module was generated on 2015-03-03. About the conversion tool.)