
Plain source file: src/compiler/GF/Infra/GetOpt.hs (2013-11-05)

GF.Infra.GetOpt is imported by: ...
-- This is a version of System.Console.GetOpt which has been hacked to
-- support long options with a single dash. Since we don't want the annoying
-- clash with short options that start with the same character as a long
-- one, we don't allow short options to be given together (e.g. -zxf),
-- nor do we allow options to be given as any unique prefix.

-- |
-- Module      :  System.Console.GetOpt
-- Copyright   :  (c) Sven Panne 2002-2005
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This library provides facilities for parsing the command-line options
-- in a standalone program.  It is essentially a Haskell port of the GNU 
-- @getopt@ library.

Sven Panne  Oct. 1996 (small
changes Dec. 1997)

Two rather obscure features are missing: The Bash 2.0 non-option hack
(if you don't already know it, you probably don't want to hear about
it...) and the recognition of long options with a single dash
(e.g. '-help' is recognised as '--help', as long as there is no short
option 'h').

Other differences between GNU's getopt and this implementation:

* To enforce a coherent description of options and arguments, there
  are explanation fields in the option/argument descriptor.

* Error messages are now more informative, but no longer POSIX
  compliant... :-(

And a final Haskell advertisement: The GNU C implementation uses well
over 1100 lines, we need only 195 here, including a 46 line example! 

--module System.Console.GetOpt (
module GF.Infra.GetOpt (
   -- * GetOpt
   getOpt, getOpt',

   -- * Examples

   -- |To hopefully illuminate the role of the different data structures,
   -- here are the command-line options for a (very simple) compiler,
   -- done in two different ways.
   -- The difference arises because the type of 'getOpt' is
   -- parameterized by the type of values derived from flags.

   -- ** Interpreting flags as concrete values
   -- $example1

   -- ** Interpreting flags as transformations of an options record
   -- $example2
) where

import Prelude -- necessary to get dependencies right

--import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, find )

-- |What to do with options following non-options
data ArgOrder a
  = RequireOrder                -- ^ no option processing after first non-option
  | Permute                     -- ^ freely intersperse options and non-options
  | ReturnInOrder (String -> a) -- ^ wrap non-options into options

Each 'OptDescr' describes a single option.

The arguments to 'Option' are:

* list of short option characters

* list of long option strings (without \"--\")

* argument descriptor

* explanation of option for user
data OptDescr a =              -- description of a single options:
   Option [Char]                --    list of short option characters
          [String]              --    list of long option strings (without "--")
          (ArgDescr a)          --    argument descriptor
          String                --    explanation of option for user

-- |Describes whether an option takes an argument or not, and if so
-- how the argument is injected into a value of type @a@.
data ArgDescr a
   = NoArg                   a         -- ^   no argument expected
   | ReqArg (String       -> a) String -- ^   option requires argument
   | OptArg (Maybe String -> a) String -- ^   optional argument

data OptKind a                -- kind of cmd line arg (internal use only):
   = Opt       a                --    an option
   | UnreqOpt  String           --    an un-recognized option
   | NonOpt    String           --    a non-option
   | EndOfOpts                  --    end-of-options marker (i.e. "--")
   | OptErr    String           --    something went wrong...

-- | Return a string describing the usage of a command, derived from
-- the header (first argument) and the options described by the 
-- second argument.
usageInfo :: String                    -- header
          -> [OptDescr a]              -- option descriptors
          -> String                    -- nicely formatted decription of options
usageInfo header optDescr = unlines (header:table)
   where (ss,ls,ds)     = (unzip3 . concatMap fmtOpt) optDescr
         table          = zipWith3 paste (sameLen ss) (sameLen ls) ds
         paste x y z    = "  " ++ x ++ "  " ++ y ++ "  " ++ z
         sameLen xs     = flushLeft ((maximum . map length) xs) xs
         flushLeft n xs = [ take n (x ++ repeat ' ') | x <- xs ]

fmtOpt :: OptDescr a -> [(String,String,String)]
fmtOpt (Option sos los ad descr) =
   case lines descr of
     []     -> [(sosFmt,losFmt,"")]
     (d:ds) ->  (sosFmt,losFmt,d) : [ ("","",d') | d' <- ds ]
   where sepBy _  []     = ""
         sepBy _  [x]    = x
         sepBy ch (x:xs) = x ++ ch:' ':sepBy ch xs
         sosFmt = sepBy ',' (map (fmtShort ad) sos)
         losFmt = sepBy ',' (map (fmtLong  ad) los)

fmtShort :: ArgDescr a -> Char -> String
fmtShort (NoArg  _   ) so = "-" ++ [so]
fmtShort (ReqArg _ ad) so = "-" ++ [so] ++ " " ++ ad
fmtShort (OptArg _ ad) so = "-" ++ [so] ++ "[" ++ ad ++ "]"

fmtLong :: ArgDescr a -> String -> String
fmtLong (NoArg  _   ) lo = "--" ++ lo
fmtLong (ReqArg _ ad) lo = "--" ++ lo ++ "=" ++ ad
fmtLong (OptArg _ ad) lo = "--" ++ lo ++ "[=" ++ ad ++ "]"

Process the command-line, and return the list of values that matched
(and those that didn\'t). The arguments are:

* The order requirements (see 'ArgOrder')

* The option descriptions (see 'OptDescr')

* The actual command line arguments (presumably got from 

'getOpt' returns a triple consisting of the option arguments, a list
of non-options, and a list of error messages.
getOpt :: ArgOrder a                   -- non-option handling
       -> [OptDescr a]                 -- option descriptors
       -> [String]                     -- the command-line arguments
       -> ([a],[String],[String])      -- (options,non-options,error messages)
getOpt ordering optDescr args = (os,xs,es ++ map errUnrec us)
   where (os,xs,us,es) = getOpt' ordering optDescr args

This is almost the same as 'getOpt', but returns a quadruple
consisting of the option arguments, a list of non-options, a list of
unrecognized options, and a list of error messages.
getOpt' :: ArgOrder a                         -- non-option handling
        -> [OptDescr a]                       -- option descriptors
        -> [String]                           -- the command-line arguments
        -> ([a],[String], [String] ,[String]) -- (options,non-options,unrecognized,error messages)
getOpt' _        _        []         =  ([],[],[],[])
getOpt' ordering optDescr (arg:args) = procNextOpt opt ordering
   where procNextOpt (Opt o)      _                 = (o:os,xs,us,es)
         procNextOpt (UnreqOpt u) _                 = (os,xs,u:us,es)
         procNextOpt (NonOpt x)   RequireOrder      = ([],x:rest,[],[])
         procNextOpt (NonOpt x)   Permute           = (os,x:xs,us,es)
         procNextOpt (NonOpt x)   (ReturnInOrder f) = (f x :os, xs,us,es)
         procNextOpt EndOfOpts    RequireOrder      = ([],rest,[],[])
         procNextOpt EndOfOpts    Permute           = ([],rest,[],[])
         procNextOpt EndOfOpts    (ReturnInOrder f) = (map f rest,[],[],[])
         procNextOpt (OptErr e)   _                 = (os,xs,us,e:es)

         (opt,rest) = getNext arg args optDescr
         (os,xs,us,es) = getOpt' ordering optDescr rest

-- take a look at the next cmd line arg and decide what to do with it
getNext :: String -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> (OptKind a,[String])
getNext ('-':'-':[]) rest _        = (EndOfOpts,rest)
getNext ('-':'-':xs) rest optDescr = longOpt xs rest optDescr
getNext ('-'    :xs) rest optDescr = longOpt xs rest optDescr
getNext a            rest _        = (NonOpt a,rest)

-- handle long option
longOpt :: String -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> (OptKind a,[String])
longOpt ls rs optDescr = long ads arg rs
   where (opt,arg) = break (=='=') ls
         options   = [ o | o@(Option ss xs _ _) <- optDescr
                         , opt `elem` map (:[]) ss || opt `elem` xs ]
         ads       = [ ad | Option _ _ ad _ <- options ]
         optStr    = ("--"++opt)

         long (_:_:_)      _        rest     = (errAmbig options optStr,rest)
         long [NoArg  a  ] []       rest     = (Opt a,rest)
         long [NoArg  _  ] ('=':_)  rest     = (errNoArg optStr,rest)
         long [ReqArg _ d] []       []       = (errReq d optStr,[])
         long [ReqArg f _] []       (r:rest) = (Opt (f r),rest)
         long [ReqArg f _] ('=':xs) rest     = (Opt (f xs),rest)
         long [OptArg f _] []       rest     = (Opt (f Nothing),rest)
         long [OptArg f _] ('=':xs) rest     = (Opt (f (Just xs)),rest)
         long _            _        rest     = (UnreqOpt ("--"++ls),rest)

-- miscellaneous error formatting

errAmbig :: [OptDescr a] -> String -> OptKind a
errAmbig ods optStr = OptErr (usageInfo header ods)
   where header = "option `" ++ optStr ++ "' is ambiguous; could be one of:"

errReq :: String -> String -> OptKind a
errReq d optStr = OptErr ("option `" ++ optStr ++ "' requires an argument " ++ d ++ "\n")

errUnrec :: String -> String
errUnrec optStr = "unrecognized option `" ++ optStr ++ "'\n"

errNoArg :: String -> OptKind a
errNoArg optStr = OptErr ("option `" ++ optStr ++ "' doesn't allow an argument\n")

-- and here a small and hopefully enlightening example:

data Flag = Verbose | Version | Name String | Output String | Arg String   deriving Show

options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options =
   [Option ['v']     ["verbose"]           (NoArg Verbose)      "verbosely list files",
    Option ['V','?'] ["version","release"] (NoArg Version)      "show version info",
    Option ['o']     ["output"]            (OptArg out "FILE")  "use FILE for dump",
    Option ['n']     ["name"]              (ReqArg Name "USER") "only dump USER's files"]

out :: Maybe String -> Flag
out Nothing  = Output "stdout"
out (Just o) = Output o

test :: ArgOrder Flag -> [String] -> String
test order cmdline = case getOpt order options cmdline of
                        (o,n,[]  ) -> "options=" ++ show o ++ "  args=" ++ show n ++ "\n"
                        (_,_,errs) -> concat errs ++ usageInfo header options
   where header = "Usage: foobar [OPTION...] files..."

-- example runs:
-- putStr (test RequireOrder ["foo","-v"])
--    ==> options=[]  args=["foo", "-v"]
-- putStr (test Permute ["foo","-v"])
--    ==> options=[Verbose]  args=["foo"]
-- putStr (test (ReturnInOrder Arg) ["foo","-v"])
--    ==> options=[Arg "foo", Verbose]  args=[]
-- putStr (test Permute ["foo","--","-v"])
--    ==> options=[]  args=["foo", "-v"]
-- putStr (test Permute ["-?o","--name","bar","--na=baz"])
--    ==> options=[Version, Output "stdout", Name "bar", Name "baz"]  args=[]
-- putStr (test Permute ["--ver","foo"])
--    ==> option `--ver' is ambiguous; could be one of:
--          -v      --verbose             verbosely list files
--          -V, -?  --version, --release  show version info   
--        Usage: foobar [OPTION...] files...
--          -v        --verbose             verbosely list files  
--          -V, -?    --version, --release  show version info     
--          -o[FILE]  --output[=FILE]       use FILE for dump     
--          -n USER   --name=USER           only dump USER's files

{- $example1

A simple choice for the type associated with flags is to define a type
@Flag@ as an algebraic type representing the possible flags and their

>    module Opts1 where
>    import System.Console.GetOpt
>    import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
>    data Flag 
>     = Verbose  | Version 
>     | Input String | Output String | LibDir String
>       deriving Show
>    options :: [OptDescr Flag]
>    options =
>     [ Option ['v']     ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose)       "chatty output on stderr"
>     , Option ['V','?'] ["version"] (NoArg Version)       "show version number"
>     , Option ['o']     ["output"]  (OptArg outp "FILE")  "output FILE"
>     , Option ['c']     []          (OptArg inp  "FILE")  "input FILE"
>     , Option ['L']     ["libdir"]  (ReqArg LibDir "DIR") "library directory"
>     ]
>    inp,outp :: Maybe String -> Flag
>    outp = Output . fromMaybe "stdout"
>    inp  = Input  . fromMaybe "stdin"
>    compilerOpts :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String])
>    compilerOpts argv = 
>       case getOpt Permute options argv of
>          (o,n,[]  ) -> return (o,n)
>          (_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
>      where header = "Usage: ic [OPTION...] files..."

Then the rest of the program will use the constructed list of flags
to determine it\'s behaviour.


{- $example2

A different approach is to group the option values in a record of type
@Options@, and have each flag yield a function of type
@Options -> Options@ transforming this record.

>    module Opts2 where
>    import System.Console.GetOpt
>    import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
>    data Options = Options
>     { optVerbose     :: Bool
>     , optShowVersion :: Bool
>     , optOutput      :: Maybe FilePath
>     , optInput       :: Maybe FilePath
>     , optLibDirs     :: [FilePath]
>     } deriving Show
>    defaultOptions    = Options
>     { optVerbose     = False
>     , optShowVersion = False
>     , optOutput      = Nothing
>     , optInput       = Nothing
>     , optLibDirs     = []
>     }
>    options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
>    options =
>     [ Option ['v']     ["verbose"]
>         (NoArg (\ opts -> opts { optVerbose = True }))
>         "chatty output on stderr"
>     , Option ['V','?'] ["version"]
>         (NoArg (\ opts -> opts { optShowVersion = True }))
>         "show version number"
>     , Option ['o']     ["output"]
>         (OptArg ((\ f opts -> opts { optOutput = Just f }) . fromMaybe "output")
>                 "FILE")
>         "output FILE"
>     , Option ['c']     []
>         (OptArg ((\ f opts -> opts { optInput = Just f }) . fromMaybe "input")
>                 "FILE")
>         "input FILE"
>     , Option ['L']     ["libdir"]
>         (ReqArg (\ d opts -> opts { optLibDirs = optLibDirs opts ++ [d] }) "DIR")
>         "library directory"
>     ]
>    compilerOpts :: [String] -> IO (Options, [String])
>    compilerOpts argv =
>       case getOpt Permute options argv of
>          (o,n,[]  ) -> return (foldl (flip id) defaultOptions o, n)
>          (_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
>      where header = "Usage: ic [OPTION...] files..."

Similarly, each flag could yield a monadic function transforming a record,
of type @Options -> IO Options@ (or any other monad), allowing option
processing to perform actions of the chosen monad, e.g. printing help or
version messages, checking that file arguments exist, etc.



(HTML for this module was generated on 2013-11-05. About the conversion tool.)