
Plain source file: src/compiler/GF/Infra/SIO.hs (2015-03-03)

GF.Infra.SIO is imported by: ...
-- | Shell IO: a monad that can restrict acesss to arbitrary IO and has the
-- ability to capture output that normally would be sent to stdout.
module GF.Infra.SIO(
       -- * The SIO monad
       -- * Running SIO operations
       -- * Unrestricted, safe operations
       -- ** From the standard libraries
       -- ** Specific to GF
       -- * Restricted accesss to arbitrary (potentially unsafe) IO operations
       -- | If the environment variable GF_RESTRICTED is defined, these
       -- operations will fail. Otherwise, they will be executed normally.
       -- Output to stdout will /not/ be captured or redirected.
  ) where
import Prelude hiding (putStrLn,print)
import Control.Applicative(Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad(liftM,ap)
import System.IO(hPutStrLn,hFlush,stdout)
import GF.System.Catch(try)
import System.Process(system)
import System.Environment(getEnv)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan(newChan,writeChan,getChanContents)
import GF.Infra.Concurrency(lazyIO)
import qualified System.CPUTime as IO(getCPUTime)
import qualified System.Directory as IO(getCurrentDirectory)
import qualified System.Random as IO(newStdGen)
import qualified GF.Infra.UseIO as IO(getLibraryDirectory)
import qualified GF.System.Signal as IO(runInterruptibly)
import qualified GF.Command.Importing as GF(importGrammar, importSource)

-- * The SIO monad

type PutStrLn = String -> IO ()
newtype SIO a = SIO {unS::PutStrLn->IO a}

instance Functor SIO where fmap = liftM

instance Applicative SIO where
  pure = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad SIO where
  return x = SIO (const (return x))
  SIO m1 >>= xm2 = SIO $ \ h -> m1 h >>= \ x -> unS (xm2 x) h

-- * Running SIO operations

-- | Run normally
runSIO           = hRunSIO stdout

-- | Redirect 'stdout' to the given handle
hRunSIO h sio    = unS sio (\s->hPutStrLn h s>>hFlush h)

-- | Capture 'stdout'
captureSIO sio   = do ch <- newChan
                      result <- unS sio (writeChan ch . Just)
                      writeChan ch Nothing
                      output <- fmap takeJust (getChanContents ch)
                      return (output,result)
                     takeJust (Just xs:ys) = xs++'\n':takeJust ys
                     takeJust _ = []

-- * Restricted accesss to arbitrary (potentially unsafe) IO operations

restricted io    = SIO (const (restrictedIO io))
restrictedSystem = restricted . system

restrictedIO io =
    either (const io) (const $ fail message) =<< try (getEnv "GF_RESTRICTED")
    message =
      "This operation is not allowed when GF is running in restricted mode."

-- * Unrestricted, safe IO operations

lift0 io         = SIO $ const io
lift1 f io       = SIO $ f . unS io

putStrLn         = putStrLnFlush
putStrLnFlush s  = SIO ($ s)
print x          = putStrLn (show x)

getCPUTime           = lift0   IO.getCPUTime
getCurrentDirectory  = lift0   IO.getCurrentDirectory
getLibraryDirectory  = lift0 . IO.getLibraryDirectory
newStdGen            = lift0   IO.newStdGen
runInterruptibly     = lift1   IO.runInterruptibly
lazySIO              = lift1   lazyIO

importGrammar pgf opts files = lift0 $ GF.importGrammar pgf opts files
importSource      opts files = lift0 $ GF.importSource      opts files


(HTML for this module was generated on 2015-03-03. About the conversion tool.)