
Plain source file: src/runtime/haskell/PGF/Optimize.hs (2015-03-03)

PGF.Optimize is imported by: ...
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns #-}
module PGF.Optimize
             ( optimizePGF
             , updateProductionIndices
             ) where

import PGF.CId
import PGF.Data
import PGF.Macros
--import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.MArray

import Data.Array.ST as U(unsafeFreeze)

import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified PGF.TrieMap as TrieMap
import qualified Data.List as List
import Control.Monad.ST

optimizePGF :: PGF -> PGF
optimizePGF pgf = pgf{concretes=fmap (updateConcrete (abstract pgf) . 
                                      topDownFilter (lookStartCat pgf) .
                                      bottomUpFilter                    ) (concretes pgf)}

updateProductionIndices :: PGF -> PGF
updateProductionIndices pgf = pgf{concretes = fmap (updateConcrete (abstract pgf)) (concretes pgf)}

topDownFilter :: CId -> Concr -> Concr
topDownFilter startCat cnc =
  let env0         = (Map.empty,Map.empty)
      (env1,defs)  = IntMap.mapAccumWithKey (\env fid funids -> mapAccumL (optimizeFun fid [PArg [] fidVar]) env funids) 
                                            (lindefs cnc)
      (env2,refs)  = IntMap.mapAccumWithKey (\env fid funids -> mapAccumL (optimizeFun fidVar [PArg [] fid]) env funids)
                                            (linrefs cnc)
      (env3,prods) = IntMap.mapAccumWithKey (\env fid set  -> mapAccumLSet (optimizeProd fid) env set)
                                            (productions cnc)
      cats = Map.mapWithKey filterCatLabels (cnccats cnc)
      (seqs,funs) = env3
  in cnc{ sequences   = mkSetArray seqs
        , cncfuns     = mkSetArray funs
        , productions = prods
        , cnccats     = cats
        , lindefs     = defs
        , linrefs     = refs
    fid2cat fid =
      case IntMap.lookup fid fid2catMap of
        Just cat -> cat
        Nothing  -> case [fid | Just set <- [IntMap.lookup fid (productions cnc)], PCoerce fid <- Set.toList set] of
                      (fid:_) -> fid2cat fid
                      _       -> error "unknown forest id"
        fid2catMap = IntMap.fromList ((fidVar,cidVar) :  [(fid,cat) | (cat,CncCat start end lbls) <- Map.toList (cnccats cnc),
                                                                      fid <- [start..end]])

    starts =
      case Map.lookup startCat (cnccats cnc) of
        Just (CncCat _ _ lbls) -> [(startCat,lbl) | lbl <- indices lbls]
        Nothing                -> []

    allRelations =
      Map.unionsWith Set.union
                     [rel fid prod | (fid,set) <- IntMap.toList (productions cnc),
                                     prod <- Set.toList set]
        rel fid (PApply funid args) = Map.fromList [((fid2cat fid,lbl),deps args seqid) | (lbl,seqid) <- assocs lin]
            CncFun _ lin = cncfuns cnc ! funid
        rel fid _                   = Map.empty

        deps args seqid = Set.fromList [let PArg _ fid = args !! r in (fid2cat fid,d) | SymCat r d <- elems seq]
            seq = sequences cnc ! seqid

    -- here we create a mapping from a category to an array of indices.
    -- An element of the array is equal to -1 if the corresponding index
    -- is not going to be used in the optimized grammar, or the new index
    -- if it will be used
    closure :: Map.Map CId (UArray LIndex LIndex)
    closure = runST $ do 
      set <- initSet
      addLitCat cidString set
      addLitCat cidInt    set
      addLitCat cidFloat  set
      addLitCat cidVar    set
      closureSet set starts
      doneSet set
        initSet :: ST s (Map.Map CId (STUArray s LIndex LIndex))
        initSet =
          fmap Map.fromAscList $ sequence
                        [fmap ((,) cat) (newArray (bounds lbls) (-1))
                                             | (cat,CncCat _ _ lbls) <- Map.toAscList (cnccats cnc)]

        addLitCat cat set =
          case Map.lookup cat set of
            Just indices -> writeArray indices 0 0
            Nothing      -> return ()

        closureSet set []                 = return ()
        closureSet set (x@(cat,index):xs) =
          case Map.lookup cat set of
            Just indices -> do v <- readArray indices index
                               writeArray indices index 0
                               if v < 0
                                 then case Map.lookup x allRelations of
                                        Just ys -> closureSet set (Set.toList ys++xs)
                                        Nothing -> closureSet set xs
                                 else closureSet set xs
            Nothing      -> error "unknown cat"

        doneSet set =
          fmap Map.fromAscList $ mapM done (Map.toAscList set)
            done (cat,indices) = do
              (s,e) <- getBounds indices
              reindex indices s e 0
              indices <- U.unsafeFreeze indices
              return (cat,indices)
            reindex indices i j k
              | i <= j    = do v <- readArray indices i
                               if v < 0
                                 then reindex indices (i+1) j k
                                 else writeArray indices i k >>
                                      reindex indices (i+1) j (k+1)
              | otherwise = return ()

    optimizeProd res env (PApply funid args) =
      let (env',funid') = optimizeFun res args env funid
      in (env', PApply funid' args)
    optimizeProd res env prod = (env,prod)
    optimizeFun res args (seqs,funs) funid =
      let (seqs',lin') = mapAccumL addUnique seqs [amap updateSymbol (sequences cnc ! seqid) | 
                                                          (lbl,seqid) <- assocs lin, indicesOf res ! lbl >= 0]
          (funs',funid') = addUnique funs (CncFun fun (mkArray lin'))
      in ((seqs',funs'), funid')
        CncFun fun lin = cncfuns cnc ! funid

        indicesOf fid
          | fid < 0   = listArray (0,0) [0]
          | otherwise =
              case Map.lookup (fid2cat fid) closure of
                Just indices -> indices
                Nothing      -> error "unknown category"

        addUnique seqs seq =
          case Map.lookup seq seqs of
            Just seqid -> (seqs,seqid)
            Nothing    -> let seqid = Map.size seqs
                          in (Map.insert seq seqid seqs, seqid)

        updateSymbol (SymCat r d) = let PArg _ fid = args !! r in SymCat r (indicesOf fid ! d)
        updateSymbol s            = s

    filterCatLabels cat (CncCat start end lbls) =
      case Map.lookup cat closure of
        Just indices -> let lbls' = mkArray [lbl | (i,lbl) <- assocs lbls, indices ! i >= 0]
                        in CncCat start end lbls'
        Nothing      -> error "unknown category"

    mkSetArray map = array (0,Map.size map-1) [(v,k) | (k,v) <- Map.toList map]
    mkArray lst = listArray (0,length lst-1) lst
    mapAccumLSet f b set = let (b',lst) = mapAccumL f b (Set.toList set)
                           in (b',Set.fromList lst)

bottomUpFilter :: Concr -> Concr
bottomUpFilter cnc = cnc{productions=filterProductions IntMap.empty IntSet.empty (productions cnc)}

filterProductions prods0 hoc0 prods
  | prods0 == prods1 = prods0
  | otherwise        = filterProductions prods1 hoc1 prods
    (prods1,hoc1) = IntMap.foldWithKey foldProdSet (IntMap.empty,IntSet.empty) prods

    foldProdSet fid set (prods,hoc)
      | Set.null set1 = (prods,hoc)
      | otherwise     = (IntMap.insert fid set1 prods,hoc1)
        set1 = Set.filter filterRule set
        hoc1 = Set.fold accumHOC hoc set1

    filterRule (PApply funid args) = all (\(PArg _ fid) -> isLive fid) args
    filterRule (PCoerce fid)       = isLive fid
    filterRule _                   = True

    isLive fid = isPredefFId fid || IntMap.member fid prods0 || IntSet.member fid hoc0

    accumHOC (PApply funid args) hoc = List.foldl' (\hoc (PArg hypos _) -> List.foldl' (\hoc (_,fid) -> IntSet.insert fid hoc) hoc hypos) hoc args
    accumHOC _                   hoc = hoc

splitLexicalRules cnc p_prods =
  IntMap.foldWithKey split (IntMap.empty,IntMap.empty) p_prods
    split fid set (lex,syn) =
      let (lex0,syn0) = Set.partition isLexical set
          lex' = if Set.null lex0
                    then lex
                    else let mp = IntMap.unionsWith (TrieMap.unionWith IntSet.union)
                                                     [words funid | PApply funid [] <- Set.toList lex0]
                         in IntMap.insert fid mp lex
          syn' = if Set.null syn0
                    then syn
                    else IntMap.insert fid syn0 syn
      in (lex', syn')
    isLexical (PApply _ []) = True
    isLexical _             = False
    words funid = IntMap.fromList [(lbl,seq2prefix (elems (sequences cnc ! seqid)))
                                            | (lbl,seqid) <- assocs lins]
        CncFun _ lins = cncfuns cnc ! funid
        wf ts = (ts,IntSet.singleton funid)
        seq2prefix []                      = TrieMap.fromList [wf []]
        seq2prefix (SymKS t         :syms) = TrieMap.fromList [wf [t]]
        seq2prefix (SymKP syms0 alts:syms) = TrieMap.unionsWith IntSet.union
                                                (seq2prefix (syms0++syms) : 
                                                  [seq2prefix (syms1 ++ syms) | (syms1,ps) <- alts])
        seq2prefix (SymNE           :syms) = TrieMap.empty
        seq2prefix (SymBIND         :syms) = TrieMap.fromList [wf ["&+"]]
        seq2prefix (SymSOFT_BIND    :syms) = TrieMap.fromList [wf []]
        seq2prefix (SymCAPIT        :syms) = TrieMap.fromList [wf ["&|"]]

updateConcrete abs cnc = 
  let p_prods0      = filterProductions IntMap.empty IntSet.empty (productions cnc)
      (lex,p_prods) = splitLexicalRules cnc p_prods0
      l_prods       = linIndex cnc p_prods0
  in cnc{pproductions = p_prods, lproductions = l_prods, lexicon = lex}
    linIndex cnc productions = 
      Map.fromListWith (IntMap.unionWith Set.union)
                       [(fun,IntMap.singleton res (Set.singleton prod)) | (res,prods) <- IntMap.toList productions
                                                                        , prod <- Set.toList prods
                                                                        , fun <- getFunctions prod]
        getFunctions (PApply funid args) = let CncFun fun _ = cncfuns cnc ! funid in [fun]
        getFunctions (PCoerce fid)       = case IntMap.lookup fid productions of
                                             Nothing    -> []
                                             Just prods -> [fun | prod <- Set.toList prods, fun <- getFunctions prod]


(HTML for this module was generated on 2015-03-03. About the conversion tool.)