[02:20:06] *** Joins: darinm (~darinm@unaffiliated/darinmorrison) [06:50:03] LangEng won't parse "say something", but "speak something" is OK. [08:29:14] Yeah, it just doesn't have a very large lexicon [08:29:49] It's not supposed to be used as an application itself, resource grammars have a lexicon of about 300 words [08:51:47] So DictEng is the big lexicon, or DictGer/DictFin/DictUrd etc. for other languages, DictEngXxx for lexicons that use the same abstract syntax with DictEng [08:55:18] You can use ParseEng, or add DictEng manually to your LangEng if you want (althoug there are some overlaps, same things defined in two modules so just use ParseEng :P) [09:45:11] *** Quits: darinm (~darinm@unaffiliated/darinmorrison) (Quit: ¬(P ∧ ¬P)) [10:11:44] That works. ParseEng looks to be "big iron." [22:24:39] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@