[00:19:35] report from the gfss arm wrestling tournament [00:19:46] krasimir won [00:19:54] michal second [00:20:04] christina third [00:30:00] now everyone's listening to their shoulders [00:32:14] christina made an innovation and listened to her knee [00:52:03] next gfss on a boat [00:53:09] I'm just writing down all these good ideas so that we don't forget them [01:48:33] actually let's go to india, they have crocodiles in lakes [01:48:41] bibek told us [04:33:13] evariste: Yes, your vim syntax highlighting module is the one I found via google. And now I see it is at the bottom of http://www.grammaticalframework.org/doc/gf-editor-modes.html [10:09:32] I don't see any link to the RGL source browser at http://www.grammaticalframework.org/lib/doc/browse/ from the GF main page. [10:10:27] There's a link from here http://www.grammaticalframework.org/lib/doc/synopsis.html [10:14:03] the link to cristina's smt tutorial does not work. [10:41:23] halla: I just uploaded the slides now, try again [10:41:38] they're 5MB though [10:41:40] so good luck [10:42:24] I have them locally if you want me to pass them on a USB stick [10:46:56] jstar: thank you, i'd appreciate that, since prasanth's 199 kt slides took about 5 minutes to download. [10:47:28] np.. don't have my wn usb stick though [10:47:57] i'll check if i have mine. [10:49:44] don't have my usb stick with me, but i can download it to my cellphone via usb. [10:49:59] so…bluetooth to your phone? [10:50:12] I have a USB stick [10:50:34] Ah you're already doing it [10:50:42] so we're not [10:50:44] *no [10:50:53] USB is jusy simpler (please) [10:51:05] Alright, I just saw some kind of progress window on halla's screen :D [10:51:11] lol [10:51:59] jstar: no bluetooth, i have a usb cord for my phone. but if we can borrow Inari's usb stick, that is great. [10:52:17] the progress window was for my attempt to access my workmail. [10:52:18] :D [10:52:21] :D [10:53:34] note to self, don't sit in front on Inari when using laptop [10:58:46] Haha, I try not to stalk :P [11:13:11] :D [11:29:48] semantically adequate is a very, very unspecific target for a machine translation... [12:08:20] Do you see the README file here? http://www.grammaticalframework.org/~inari/wordnet/ [12:08:38] I don't see it, even though it is there on the server and all the same permissions [12:10:11] And a direct link works http://www.grammaticalframework.org/~inari/wordnet/README [12:10:34] nope, can't see it. [12:11:07] can confirm that the direct link works fine. [12:19:42] The slides do show up though [12:20:18] jep [12:20:24] jstar: /Users/inari/Sites/wordnet/inari-listenmaa.pdf [12:22:28] inariksit: added, thanks [12:26:06] The readme not showing seems to be a common feature, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7933587/apache-do-not-show-readme-txt-files-in-directory-listing-how-can-i-enable-it [12:38:31] Doesn't help even to change the name [12:38:44] what did oyu change it to? [12:38:45] (tried READ_THIS, READ_THIS.pdf, AAA, AAA.gf) [12:38:56] huh [12:41:06] *** Joins: Kaarel (6d2b50e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [12:41:46] you should prob remove .\inari-listenmaa.pdf too [12:42:00] Yeah [12:42:28] Windows Powershell adds these paths to files, and I copied those first via scp [12:42:45] Others via WinSCP graphical ui, so they didn't get the prefix [12:43:04] Thanks for help [12:43:55] my attitude towards windows has definitely not improved over these past few days [12:44:03] (you're welcome) [12:44:07] :--P [12:45:19] I just changed my locale to Modern Greek to check whether it would support Ancient Greek [12:45:25] Susan asked me to help [12:45:51] Well, it does give me some squares, but not at least this totally unhelpful "invalid character" error message [12:50:39] are you still referring to the standard Windows shell though? [12:51:14] or powershell ? [12:52:13] Powershell [12:52:37] Both seem to have same kind of unicode behaviour anyway [12:53:47] But the normal shell doesn't add the ./ before filenames [12:55:11] meh [12:55:32] surely someone has written a good shell replacement for Windows? [12:56:20] probably not, if pessimism about windows is allowed. [12:57:12] Waiting for google result links to open... [12:57:27] q="terminal for windows" [12:57:36] let me know if you find something worthwhile. [12:58:11] i have not been able to find a decent shell replacement for windows [12:58:12] Read the comments to this http://stackoverflow.com/a/19778/98600 [12:58:16] I lol'ed [12:59:38] man, do i wish my browser could actually open that page. [13:01:23] :D [13:01:27] and it opened, and now i can't stop my giggles. [13:01:40] :) [13:01:40] :) [13:05:06] So anyway, in any shell I can change my code page to unicode, and with some program it does make difference; I remember doing some head -n | tail -n > foo.txt to a Japanese text file, and before changing codepage in shell, foo.txt appeared question marks [13:05:28] After changing the codepage and running the same command, it printed Japanese characters correctly [13:05:46] okay, that is good to know, it'll be very useful in the future. [13:06:10] The problem is that GF doesn't work with the Unicode, and my only known solution is to change the thing that apparently windows calls locale [13:06:25] what about the font? In Emma's cse the 3 fonts provided as options for the shell didn't have Arabic characters [13:06:35] so there's some registry hack where you can add another font to hte list [13:06:42] which worked, actually [13:06:46] except for the RTL issue [13:06:49] Ah, ok [13:07:08] Does it now work well besides RTL? [13:07:16] (well I could ask her :D) [13:07:22] so hard to actually talk to people [13:07:32] well now she is using Powershell ISE which handles the RTL fonts like a champ [13:07:42] but the problem is that you can't use GF in interactive mode [13:07:51] ...why not? [13:08:08] the ISE shell doesn't work with interactive processes basically [13:08:16] I know what a ridiculous limitation, ight [13:08:31] but anyway she is typing her commands into a file and then piping them into GF as a batch [13:09:09] i guess that's a work around for it, but i have to say it is a ridiculous restriction. [13:09:41] yeah.. there is the regular powershell (not ISE) which works in interactive mode but then seemed to mess up the RTL [13:10:02] and rtl is paramount for some languages. [13:10:08] I think the ideal windows solution would be to change the whole language version of Windows to Arabic :P [13:10:23] I would imagine that version would know how to handle LTR [13:10:23] thankfully japanese can be written LTR as well [13:10:38] did anyone try emacs on windows? it might be able to handle unicode in the shell correctly [13:10:59] But English version doesn't need to be able to handle the RTL or any other than western things of course :P [13:11:03] daherb: No [13:11:10] inariksit: the windows solution exactly that. essentially microsoft does specified product versions for certain language areas. [13:11:18] Yeah [13:11:24] emacs on windows (and the shell therein) might be a good solution [13:11:31] might try it. [13:11:32] I mean, emacs is always a good solution [13:11:36] :P [13:11:50] I'll try it, would be good to have a solution to recommend [13:11:54] ...not always, c'mon, let's be honest here. :D [13:11:54] (Y) [13:12:50] i hope ramona uploads her slides today so that i can review them on my way home. :) [13:14:32] ...I mean, I'll try the emacs solution as soon as I've downloaded 4.6 MB [13:14:46] woah that's really small [13:15:19] but for this connection it might as well be GBs instead of MBs... [13:15:25] You really get distorted views of what's small and big here :--P [13:15:32] :D [13:15:33] indeed [13:15:48] 40 kB downloaded [13:15:53] lol true [13:16:04] but I mean 4.6mb for an entire OS… ;) [13:16:13] :D [13:16:19] this reminds me of the good old isdn days of the late 1990s... [13:17:09] we're missing the modem noises, though. unless somebody wants to play skrillex. [13:17:20] sorry, too much caffeine. [13:17:44] my download speed is more like in the modem days [13:18:12] glacial? [13:18:43] did ISDN modems also make noises? I skipped right from dialup to DSL [13:19:44] I don't know, we did the same thing [13:19:54] jep, they did. not as much as the earlier modems, thankfully. [13:32:54] *** Quits: Kaarel (6d2b50e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [15:34:36] *** Joins: chru (~user@ip-109-43-80-230.web.vodafone.de) [15:37:47] Ooh a new GF IRCer [15:41:21] welcome chru! [15:56:05] does anyone have the moses sourcecode and can give it to me on an usb drive? [15:57:54] wolfgang said he installed it [16:34:40] *** Joins: Kaarel (6d2b50e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:58:06] I was just looking at the function in the Finnish-to-be-copypasted-Estonian resource grammar that handles questions like daherb's :D [16:58:40] < daherb> does anyone have the moses sourcecode and can give it to me on an usb drive? [16:58:45] This is actually very tricky in Finnish [17:05:34] the conjunction in the sentence you mean? [17:05:52] *question [17:07:50] Combining two questions like that, and with that sentence also the reference of "anyone" [17:08:23] Finnish adds question particles to the verb, English has that nice question verb do [17:09:17] "very tricky" maybe I was exaggerating a little :P but just that if I tried to translate that exact structure, it wouldn't sound natural [17:16:11] /quit [17:21:18] halla: Ramona's slides are now up, if it's not too late for you to access them [18:39:20] *** Quits: Kaarel (6d2b50e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [18:45:58] *** Quits: chru (~user@ip-109-43-80-230.web.vodafone.de) (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.7)