[00:00:45] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:44:37] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [12:03:44] *** Joins: chru (~christina@2001:638:504:2099:5c2c:3e4b:3054:6818) [12:10:49] hi. is anyone familiar with the dependencies GF needs? did anything change from 3.4 to 3.5? [12:11:04] i need to install GF without root permission and there's missing dependencies (of course), which, however, are installed locally. [12:11:31] (i probably had the same problem when installing 3.4, but i don't remember ;) ) [15:10:08] chru, an easy way to install all dependencies is to run 'cabal install --only-dependencies' [15:11:28] ah, that would be cool. but the worst thing is that i don't have cabal. (there's a trade-off between trying to get it installed without cabal and getting our admin to install cabal -- not sure which one is easier...) [15:13:14] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/gf-3.5 ← list of the (haskell) dependencies [15:13:51] ah, perfect. thanks! [15:14:30] You should be able to install cabal easily without root access: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Cabal-Install#Unix [15:14:48] that might be easier than tracking packages by hand [15:32:26] indeed! (i remember that i had tried before but had some problems, but now it worked just fine. great.) [15:35:01] ok, now that was super easy :) thanks! [15:45:19] hm, so "cabal install gf" works fine, but when i try to "cabal install" in the github mirror, i get an error during configuration (with a cabal file, actually): setup: Distribution/Simple/PackageIndex.hs:126:8-13: Assertion failed [16:25:42] ok, that was a cabal-install bug... [16:34:54] phew. finally. thanks again and sorry for spamming the irc... [17:08:57] haha no problem, this channel could use some more talk :P [17:45:44] *** Parts: chru (~christina@2001:638:504:2099:5c2c:3e4b:3054:6818) () [19:41:59] *** Joins: myoriel (~Myoriel@2001:a60:1438:9201:d10e:d28d:f22f:41d5) [21:08:03] *** Quits: myoriel (~Myoriel@2001:a60:1438:9201:d10e:d28d:f22f:41d5) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:13:54] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)