[03:20:33] *** Quits: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:10:59] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [06:26:55] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [07:21:06] *** Joins: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) [07:26:04] *** Quits: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [09:17:08] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [09:20:24] *** Joins: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) [09:46:34] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:11:54] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [10:22:04] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Quit: Quitte) [10:56:30] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [11:12:22] *** Joins: chru (~christina@2001:638:504:2099:169:653:3b21:2f11) [11:20:46] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@dhcp710-ans.wifi.uit.no) [11:20:46] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@dhcp710-ans.wifi.uit.no) (Changing host) [11:20:46] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [11:41:02] hi, i have a question (again). [11:41:17] when i build an NP like this: mkNP (every_Det cn), i get one linearization, e.g. "every surfer eats a tasty coconut". however, when i add another variant: mkNP all_Predet (mkNP aPl_Det cn), i suddenyl get four linearizations -- two with "all" and two with "every", with both the singular and the plural form of the verb. so two are correct ("every surfer eats a tasty coconut", "all surfers eat a tasty coconut") and two are wrong ("every surfe [11:42:48] "all surfers eat a tasty coconut" <-- this is semantically pretty weird [11:45:29] chru: that's weird, in StructuralEng all_Predet is defined just as all_Predet = ss "all" ; [11:46:11] spectie: yes, this grammar doesn't yet care about semantics, this will be subject of tomorrow's class ;) [11:46:23] :D [11:46:28] nice [11:46:54] (of course i mean that "tasty coconut" is redundant, all coconuts are tasty) [11:47:03] hehe [11:47:03] :D [11:47:23] inariksit: i also don't understand why adding a second variant should surface a second variant with "every". maybe i messed up something... [11:49:00] predets are a little weird, you can add them to a NP [11:49:11] it's already quantified, so you can even get "all every surfer" [11:50:01] Lang> p "all every child eats cars" [11:50:02] PhrUtt NoPConj (UttS (UseCl (TTAnt TPres ASimul) PPos (PredVP (PredetNP all_Predet (DetCN every_Det (UseN child_N))) (ComplSlash (SlashV2a eat_V2) (DetCN (DetQuant IndefArt NumPl) (UseN car_N)))))) NoVoc [11:50:22] "No two people are not on fire. " [11:50:52] http://www.hrwiki.org/wiki/kids%27_book [11:51:55] hm, ok. i only used the predet because mkDet "all" is not an option... [11:54:32] chru: aarne said it's something with variants [11:54:54] aha [12:01:46] chru: I'd just make my own all_Det, using MorphoEng's mkDeterminer [12:01:54] even though it's not recommended to use low-level hacking :P [12:03:01] and then ideally add an API function to make a determiner :P I guess RGL design just assumes that you don't need to form new items in closed class, but obviously, if there is no all_Det in RGL, you need to [12:03:22] exactly. but the mkDeterminer looks like a good solution for now, thanks. (and it's less low-level than building the record oneself ;) ) [12:04:18] :-P [12:04:21] yeah [12:04:28] I'm going to lunch now [12:04:42] bon profit! [12:58:12] *** Parts: chru (~christina@2001:638:504:2099:169:653:3b21:2f11) () [13:08:56] *** Quits: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:54:20] oh, Google is now indexing the IRC logs! [14:07:23] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [14:09:30] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:15:24] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [15:09:48] how many ECTS would you expect for a one-week summer school, roughly? [15:09:53] 1.5? [15:09:55] 3.0? [15:11:17] whoops wrong channel [15:11:52] 3.0 [15:11:58] is what my MT course in helsinki got [15:12:00] :) [15:12:04] thanks spectie! [15:12:04] 5 days 8 hours/day [15:50:22] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [15:59:17] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [16:02:18] *** Quits: Eidel (~eidel@c83-249-247-253.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:03:54] *** Joins: chru (~christina@elpollodiablo.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE) [16:04:02] *** Quits: chru (~christina@elpollodiablo.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE) (Client Quit) [16:04:24] *** Joins: chru (~christina@elpollodiablo.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE) [16:04:28] *** Joins: Eidel (~eidel@c83-249-247-253.bredband.comhem.se) [16:28:58] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:01:18] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [18:23:57] haha, I only now realised (in the middle of doing something else) that "all" does behave like that; you can say "all my X (is gone)" or "all the X (are nice)", just that "all every" was so strange that I stopped thinking of examples [18:24:46] jstar: a friend had 8 credits from a 2-week summer school [18:24:58] but he also had to do an exam in helsinki [18:27:51] now that you give those examples: indeed! [18:28:22] actually one of my students imitated the all_Det by (mkNP all_Predet (mkNP aPl_Det cn)) [18:31:11] does that add a "the"? [18:31:25] you could still say all surfers instead of all the surfers [18:31:34] but maybe all_Predet combined with a MassNP? :-P [18:31:41] btw, why are your students not here? :D [18:32:56] yes, but "all surfers" was what we were looking for (so some kind of all_Det instead of all_Predet) [18:33:11] and true, i have to point them to the IRC! [18:34:38] ah right, I didn't read properly your line, it was aPl_Det [18:34:42] yes! [18:34:55] when you start your next class, just show them the channel on projector [18:34:58] that's what I do [18:55:19] *** Quits: chru (~christina@elpollodiablo.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE) (Quit: Leaving.) [19:17:22] inariksit: 8 sounds like quite a lot! [19:19:08] *** Joins: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) [19:21:16] *** Quits: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) (Remote host closed the connection) [19:33:48] *** Joins: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) [19:34:50] *** Quits: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) (Remote host closed the connection) [19:36:03] *** Joins: Eidel_ (~eidel@c83-249-247-253.bredband.comhem.se) [19:39:53] *** Quits: Eidel (~eidel@c83-249-247-253.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [19:40:02] *** Joins: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) [19:52:52] *** Quits: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) (Remote host closed the connection) [20:11:18] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:30:41] *** Joins: myoriel (~Myoriel@aftr-88-217-180-149.dynamic.mnet-online.de) [20:41:01] *** Joins: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) [21:04:13] jstar: yeah, maybe it was because of the exam in helsinki [21:04:28] hi mmehdig! any progress with the persian grammar fixes? [21:04:46] persian \o/ [21:05:03] Hi, I didn [21:05:20] I didn't do any thing new since yesterday [21:07:35] ok :) [21:08:26] if you're doing some things and have questions, you can ask here anytime [21:08:36] I think I can fix the compounds verbs which ends with 'to be' N0+toBe [21:09:52] that was just a question of the verb "to be" being irregular and the 2-arg smart paradigm didn't cover that properly? [21:10:01] during the lectures with aarne, he mentioned something like np ++ BIND ++ vp [21:10:20] yeah, BIND is that &+ magic token [21:11:22] "to be" verbs in present tens have two forms in Perisan. one of them is actually connects to the noun [21:12:11] clitic ? [21:13:18] clitic-like but it's actual verb. [21:13:27] well, a verb form can be clitic [21:13:29] ok, and the beAux is just the forms that don't connect? [21:13:29] like in turkic [21:13:36] yes [21:13:41] inariyim = i am inari [21:13:50] spectie: hi inari! [21:13:54] LOL [21:13:57] probably in persian it is -am ? [21:14:09] exactly [21:14:18] yes! [21:14:23] can inari say: "inariyam" ? [21:14:25] i cannot say that [21:14:27] because i am not inari [21:14:37] yes she can [21:14:49] ^^ [21:15:00] haha, we can be loose on semantics here :-D [21:15:06] so go ahead, inariyam everyone [21:15:11] haha [21:15:20] you can say: man Francisam [21:15:44] nom-i man Francis ast [21:16:35] "ast" and "hast" is the long form. "-e" is the short form [21:17:07] haha that sounds so indo-european ^^ [21:17:15] or well the possessive suffix (?) -i doesn't [21:17:23] that's izofat [21:17:32] which is like a joiny case [21:18:09] yes we have ezafe. in my accent I say "naam-e man mehdi ast." [21:18:34] :) [21:18:36] informal form: "man mehdi-am" [21:19:14] Lang> p "my name is John" | l [21:19:14] my name is John [21:19:14] نام من جان است [21:19:33] which form does the GF grammar have? [21:20:05] naam-e man John ast. [21:20:40] echo ' نام من جان است' | uconv -x latn [21:20:40] nạm mn jạn ạst [21:20:40] :) [21:20:57] uconv is great (if you don't read some script) [21:21:17] I didn't know this trick :D [21:22:07] mmehdig: right, yeah, that was expected, you just said there's just the non-clitic forms :D [21:22:17] spectie: haha, I was just lamenting that I don't read persoarabit [21:22:18] *c [21:22:21] the problem is in compound verbs. [21:22:24] but this is easier! [21:22:39] even with non-clitic form! [21:24:14] for instance: I hate [something]. (man motenafer hastam as [something]) [21:24:25] motenafer + toBeVerb [21:25:02] I think we have it as toBeAux now. [21:25:17] yeah there was just the beAux when we looked at it [21:31:39] I actually don't know how to fix series of similar things. like "tire_V". because the closest translations in persian are "to be tired", and "to become tired", "to make tired" [21:32:43] to make tired would be tire_V2 [21:32:47] "to be" and its pseudo-copulas [21:33:42] but yeah, lots of things sound weird if the abstract syntax of a lexicon is english; for domain-specific applications you can pick idiomatic constructions for each language [21:34:11] and for wide-coverage translation, the aim is more like "might sound awkward but it's grammatically and semantically ok" [21:38:34] also for english, it's "X is tired" rather than "X tires" [21:38:57] but anyway there is an underlying verb "tire" whose participle "tired" is [21:39:34] one tires of this [21:39:52] you can use 'tire', but it is slightly different [21:40:06] it's more like "get fed up with/bored of " [21:41:51] ok, right [21:42:32] :) [22:28:38] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [22:46:05] *** Quits: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) (Remote host closed the connection) [22:58:13] *** Joins: mmehdig (~mmehdig@cust-95-80-47-120.csbnet.se) [23:09:40] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Quit: Quitte) [23:15:23] *** Quits: myoriel (~Myoriel@aftr-88-217-180-149.dynamic.mnet-online.de) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [23:51:23] *** Joins: Eidel (~eidel@c83-249-247-253.bredband.comhem.se) [23:54:31] *** Quits: Eidel_ (~eidel@c83-249-247-253.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)