[11:17:50] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [11:24:26] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [11:48:04] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [11:58:45] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [12:16:37] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Quit: Quitte) [13:05:27] it seems that when I was away my IRC bouncer was disconnected for some time [13:05:55] as a result there is a hole in the logs between 2014-05-31 and 2014-06-20 [13:06:31] I guess inariksit also has logs, but they're probably in a different format? [13:06:41] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o jstar [13:06:44] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o inariksit [13:06:48] I have them all in a single file [13:07:46] I guess we can manually trim the missing section and upload that as a single file [13:07:51] so at least it's indexable [13:08:24] yeah [13:08:33] I'll do that now [13:08:36] filename can be something like freenode_#gf_20140531-20140620.log [13:23:26] http://www.grammaticalframework.org/irc/freenode_%23gf_20140531-20140620.log [13:25:13] that was very quiet period :P [13:28:16] super, thanks! :) [13:28:29] no problem :) [13:28:34] still no release 3.6 btw [13:28:44] should I fix some more bugs then! [13:28:55] oh yeah forgot about that [13:29:51] do you know if the translation app is in android market? [13:30:24] they planned to do it before midsummer, but I didn't hear if they did it [13:32:27] It is [13:32:36] Masx: ok cool! [13:32:49] what's the name? I didn't find with Grammatical Framework [13:32:54] uploaded today, even [13:33:23] Human Language Compiler [13:33:44] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.grammaticalframework.ui.android [13:34:24] thanks! [14:19:10] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [14:34:38] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [14:46:06] I'm interested in the parsing of non-finite, participial clauses used as adjectival phrases sought here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/gf-dev/7P517txElAg [14:47:06] "The boy wearing the red shirt is going to school." [14:49:17] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [14:49:21] hmm yeah, RGL doesn't parse that [14:49:42] this is the closest [14:49:43] Lang> p "the boy who is writing a song is going to school" [14:49:44] PhrUtt NoPConj (UttS (UseCl (TTAnt TPres ASimul) PPos (PredVP (DetCN (DetQuant DefArt NumSg) (RelCN (UseN boy_N) (UseRCl (TTAnt TPres ASimul) PPos (RelVP IdRP (ProgrVP (ComplSlash (SlashV2a write_V2) (DetCN (DetQuant IndefArt NumSg) (UseN song_N)))))))) (AdvVP (ProgrVP (UseV go_V)) (PrepNP to_Prep (MassNP (UseN school_N))))))) NoVoc [14:50:04] (changed vocabulary because no wearing and shirt in the small lexicon :P) [14:50:09] haha :) [14:50:39] and for participials, there is only the past form [14:50:41] Lang> p -cat=NP "the boy written" [14:50:41] PPartNP (DetCN (DetQuant DefArt NumSg) (UseN boy_N)) write_V2 [14:51:36] I don't actually understand the original poster's problem [14:53:01] I mean, sure it's ambiguous, [NP of [NP of NP]] or [[NP of NP] of NP] but what's the reordering need? [14:53:32] I would probably try mkAP (mkA2 wearing_A noPrep) a_red_shirt_NP [14:54:26] Defining "wearing" as an A. [14:55:03] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:57:08] I'm going to write her an answer in ~2h [14:57:15] or if you want to write yourself, go ahead :) [15:03:06] I won't write anything. I don't understand what his/her problem is. There isn't a lot of detail. It appears English is not one of the languages involved. [15:09:06] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [15:25:06] They can just preprocess the texts making the non-finite clauses finite with complementizers. [16:08:42] omg I just spontaneously thought of a solution that involves dependent types [16:08:53] I'm becoming a unicorn :-D [16:08:58] haha! [16:09:22] hmm now going to fetch a tent, then write the answer! [16:09:34] tent \o/ [18:08:22] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [18:48:08] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [20:05:06] *** Joins: myoriel (~Myoriel@aftr-88-217-180-49.dynamic.mnet-online.de) [20:21:36] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [20:34:45] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [21:19:23] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [22:26:54] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Remote host closed the connection) [22:38:00] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [23:01:41] *** Quits: myoriel (~Myoriel@aftr-88-217-180-49.dynamic.mnet-online.de) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)