[02:13:06] *** Joins: Eidel_ (~eidel@c83-249-247-253.bredband.comhem.se) [02:16:12] *** Quits: Eidel (~eidel@c83-249-247-253.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [06:11:59] I am looking up lists of GF objects in my haskell program. To do that I need the objects' datatype to be instances of Eq. [06:14:43] gf --make --output-format=haskell produces a haskell module with the object and datatype, but it only makes the datatype an instance of Show. I need it to be an instance of Eq also. [06:16:44] Is there any way for gf to do this for me, so I don't have to change the haskell module by hand every time I make changes to my gf syntax modules? [08:17:41] *** Joins: myoriel (~Myoriel@aftr-88-217-180-154.dynamic.mnet-online.de) [09:02:52] *** Quits: myoriel (~Myoriel@aftr-88-217-180-154.dynamic.mnet-online.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [09:47:48] I went and changed the "deriving Show" in src/compiler/GF/Compile/PGFtoHaskell.hs to "deriving (Show,Eq)". [09:51:02] drbean: send an email to the mailing list [09:51:02] thomas or krasimir will probably fix it [10:35:29] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@dhcp621-ans.wifi.uit.no) [10:35:34] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@dhcp621-ans.wifi.uit.no) (Changing host) [10:35:35] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [10:44:44] *** Quits: jmv (~jmvanel@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [14:22:46] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [15:07:10] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [15:17:33] Changing "deriving Show" to "deriving (Show,Eq)" in src/compiler/GF/Compile/PGFtoHaskell.pm didn't work. [15:19:07] I can just do, "instance Eq GPN where (==) Gdee Gdee = True ; etc" in my haskell module. [15:47:01] Not the module that PGFtoHaskell.hs produces. [15:47:56] so this solves your problem? [15:53:34] It's a more elegant solution. [16:40:34] and the module that PGFtoHaskell produces is something that changes all the time, but your module does not? [17:27:37] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Remote host closed the connection) [19:49:46] *** Joins: myoriel (~Myoriel@aftr-88-217-180-154.dynamic.mnet-online.de) [20:39:22] *** Quits: myoriel (~Myoriel@aftr-88-217-180-154.dynamic.mnet-online.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:50:54] *** Joins: myoriel (~Myoriel@aftr-88-217-180-154.dynamic.mnet-online.de)