[08:24:19] *** Joins: jstar (~jstar@unaffiliated/jstar) [08:54:38] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [09:19:47] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [09:39:28] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Quit: Leaving) [09:41:31] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [10:14:22] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:14:59] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [11:09:14] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Quit: Leaving) [11:09:27] *** Joins: spectei (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [11:30:18] *** Quits: spectei (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Quit: Leaving) [11:30:39] *** Joins: spectei (~fran@dhcp128-ans.wifi.uit.no) [11:30:44] *** Quits: spectei (~fran@dhcp128-ans.wifi.uit.no) (Changing host) [11:30:44] *** Joins: spectei (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [16:01:07] *** Quits: drbean (~drbean@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [16:01:36] *** Quits: spectei (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [16:05:51] *** Joins: drbean (~drbean@ [16:32:43] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [16:36:48] *** Joins: spectei (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [17:13:47] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Quit: Quitte) [18:32:37] *** Quits: spectei (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Remote host closed the connection) [19:17:31] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@ [19:17:31] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@ (Changing host) [19:17:31] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [19:22:54] *** Joins: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ [23:36:28] *** Joins: crazydiamond (~crazydiam@dynamic-178-141-72-144.kirov.comstar-r.ru) [23:36:57] hei crazydiamond ! [23:37:21] hi all :) [23:37:29] hi :) [23:37:33] 23:36:19 < spectie> see #gf [23:37:33] 23:36:22 < spectie> it's about haskell [23:37:33] 23:36:23 < spectie> and unicorns [23:37:33] 23:36:26 < spectie> and translation [23:37:33] 23:36:30 < spectie> and monads [23:37:42] that's the advertisement here :D [23:37:48] we need to live up to our reputation! [23:37:52] very nice [23:37:59] it has interlingua too! [23:38:06] and finnish and estonian! [23:38:11] cool [23:38:20] and dependent types [23:38:22] :D [23:38:27] argh I should do the estonian chunks [23:38:37] the ones that are in the directory lib/src/chunk [23:38:44] instead of lib/src/experimental [23:39:15] but yeah, to more serious things, have you heard about gf before? [23:39:29] no [23:39:35] hmm... faktisk! [23:39:35] there will be a GF tutorial probably [23:39:36] at IWCLUL [23:39:38] and crazydiamond is planning to come to IWCLUL [23:39:40] :) [23:39:44] now i let inariksit explain about gf :) [23:39:55] website is on the topic :) we are a grammar formalism that is based on having an abstract syntax and concrete syntaxes [23:40:03] and parsing&generation is bidirectional [23:40:09] so we get machine translation for free [23:40:47] that seems very inspiring [23:40:48] MT is actually more recent application, since we've started to have big enough dictionaries and grammars [23:41:13] I have started this, but after few chapters gave up :D http://learnyouahaskell.com/chapters [23:41:28] in the beginning it was more like controlled natural languages, or interfaces to databases, or question answering [23:41:32] so, I need to another try [23:41:36] ie. small controlled domain [23:41:58] if you've read even a few chapters, you'll be familiar with the GF syntax :) [23:42:16] [1,2,3] :: [4] [23:42:20] it's like haskell except that types have one semicolon instead of two :D [23:42:22] or sth like this i remember [23:42:50] hmm, it should be either 4:[1,2,3] or [1,2,3] ++ [4] [23:43:05] this notation means that the type of [1,2,3] is [4] [23:43:18] which starts to sound like agda :-D [23:43:24] (they also have a channel, #agda :D) [23:43:24] what's concat? [23:43:28] list [23:44:13] for ["hey","!",":)"] concat gives "hey!:)" [23:44:14] inariksit, in general, do you agree that functional programming is becoming more popular in recent times? [23:46:11] you mean like in total number of users, or as a proportion of all programmers? [23:46:17] first is probably true [23:46:24] yes [23:46:33] just because more people are programming now compared to when computers were not so widely available [23:46:38] for the second one I can't really say [23:46:59] I'm from web developers community now [23:47:40] inariksit, btw, have you heard about "Functional core, imperative shell" idea? [23:48:59] hmm no [23:49:42] this? http://blogs.perl.org/users/mascip/2014/06/functional-core-imperative-shell-oo-design-and-isolated-tests-without-mocks.html [23:51:01] yeah [23:51:28] Gary Bernhardt spoke at Reaktor Dev Day this year [23:51:31] in Helsinki [23:51:48] https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/boundaries here's his another talk [23:51:55] interesting idea at 10:15 [23:52:41] hmm, I'll look at those at some other time :) I'm going to sleep soon [23:53:25] okay [23:53:33] are you from Estonia? [23:53:35] so my background is in computational linguistics, I've never actually done any real world imperative/OO programming :-D [23:53:39] no, finland :) [23:53:52] I'm from Russia [23:54:15] :) [23:54:24] and you're coming to the uralistic workshop in tromsö? [23:54:33] yes, I want to [23:56:17] I have project, you may check it out on @hfst [23:56:18] oops [23:56:21] #hfst [23:56:28] I have written abt it [23:56:40] ok, I'll read the backlog! [23:57:01] I was playing guitar so I didn't read irc :D but spectie highligted me so I was distracted [23:58:46] :) [23:58:52] what kind of song? [23:58:57] acoustic or electro? [23:59:01] acoustic [23:59:17] I actually got the guitar 1,5 weeks ago, so I'm not very good :D [23:59:28] I want to do this too :P [23:59:40] do you listen to some popular in Finland bands> [23:59:41] ? [23:59:51] like metal bands? [23:59:52] finnish or otherwise? [23:59:53] ah [23:59:59] Suamenlejjona