[00:01:57] *** Joins: Eidel_ (~eidel@c83-249-241-114.bredband.comhem.se) [00:05:06] *** Quits: Eidel (~eidel@c83-249-241-114.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:13:12] *** Joins: Eidel (~eidel@c83-249-241-114.bredband.comhem.se) [04:16:38] *** Quits: Eidel_ (~eidel@c83-249-241-114.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [04:23:25] *** Quits: drbean (~drbean@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [04:23:25] *** Joins: drbean_ (~drbean@ [04:24:50] *** Quits: crazydiamond (~crazydiam@dynamic-178-141-71-197.kirov.comstar-r.ru) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [04:49:55] *** Joins: Eidel_ (~eidel@c83-249-241-114.bredband.comhem.se) [04:53:00] *** Quits: Eidel (~eidel@c83-249-241-114.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [06:15:52] *** Quits: drbean_ (~drbean@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [06:25:13] *** Joins: drbean (~drbean@ [06:33:58] *** Quits: drbean (~drbean@ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [06:53:05] *** Joins: Eidel (~eidel@c83-249-241-114.bredband.comhem.se) [06:56:53] *** Quits: Eidel_ (~eidel@c83-249-241-114.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [09:13:55] *** Joins: Eidel_ (~eidel@ [09:16:54] *** Quits: Eidel (~eidel@c83-249-241-114.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [09:26:59] *** Quits: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [09:49:49] *** Joins: chru (~cunger@elpollodiablo.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE) [10:23:56] *** Joins: spectie (~fran@unaffiliated/spectie) [10:35:30] *** Quits: chru (~cunger@elpollodiablo.TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE) (Quit: Leaving.) 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[17:10:58] hmm [17:12:02] it says that SyntaxEst doesn't exist, but that's in src/api [17:12:15] I even added ../api to the path of ConstructionEst [17:13:08] Where ? [17:13:15] --# -path=alltenses:.:../abstract:../api [17:13:21] first line of ConstructionEst [17:13:46] Ok yes, I see it now [17:14:14] *** Parts: chru (~cunger@2001:638:504:2099:1ccc:1666:e3f3:8c4) () [17:14:16] I have the same error when I build on my machine, so something is missing somewhere... [17:14:24] okay [17:15:01] *** Quits: spectre (~fran@dhcp439-ans.wifi.uit.no) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [17:15:47] Can you try gf -batch -gf-lib-path=lib/src lib/src/estonian/ConstructionEst.gf [17:16:03] I think that's the command used in the cabal script [17:16:18] ok [17:16:44] Inaris-MacBook-Air:GF inari$ gf -batch -gf-lib-path=lib/src lib/src/estonian/ConstructionEst.gf [17:16:47] File CommonX.gf does not exist. [17:18:05] I have added within the last days: TerminologyEst, DocumentationEst, DocumentationFunctorEst, DocumentationEng and ConstructionEst [17:18:26] what if you just comment out ConstructionEst from Lang? [17:18:29] does it work then? [17:18:46] (everyone else here is drinking wine and I'm fixing GF ;___;) [17:18:59] (so if that fixes it, I'd be happy to continue later :-P) [17:19:35] I can try it with my other computer later tonight and see what happens [17:19:45] or just copy the repository fresh to another place [17:19:55] let's see... [17:20:01] nope, still complaining... [17:22:09] You can always revert your changes if you want to leave things neat for the week-end ;-) [17:22:28] (just keep them locally so you can pick-up from there later) [17:24:07] about not finding SyntaxEst? [17:24:55] yes [17:25:35] weird O_o also, now I added --# -path=alltenses:.:../abstract:../api:../common to the path and tried gf -batch -gf-lib-path=lib/src lib/src/estonian/ConstructionEst.gf [17:25:39] and it seems to be working [17:26:04] yep, worked [17:26:23] yes but I'm not sure that fixes my problem, just the missing CommonX [17:26:37] yeah [17:26:51] grrr [17:27:01] ok, I'll get a fresh copy and try myself [17:28:53] (ah but I have my $GF_LIB_PATH still) [17:29:10] because the fresh copy is also working as long as I add common to the path [17:29:33] ok if I empty my GF_LIB_PATH [17:29:39] I think I located the problem in AllEst... [17:30:21] still works when I empty [17:30:23] ah! [17:30:25] it seems to work if you add the ../api thingy to the path in AllEst [17:30:28] ok, what's that [17:30:30] oh great! [17:30:31] ^^ [17:30:57] have a nice weekend! now off to wine [17:31:08] did you push the fix? [17:31:18] ah no [17:31:24] ok, will do ;-) [17:31:28] ok :) [17:31:29] have a nice time too [17:31:33] ^^ [17:31:33] \o [17:37:09] *** Joins: spectre (~fran@ [17:38:10] *** Quits: spectre (~fran@ (Remote host closed the connection) [17:38:20] *** Joins: Eidel (~eidel@c83-249-241-114.bredband.comhem.se) [17:38:22] *** Joins: spectre (~fran@ [17:39:43] *** Quits: spectre (~fran@ (Client Quit) [17:40:00] *** Joins: spectre (~fran@ [17:41:39] *** Quits: Eidel_ (~eidel@ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [17:41:46] *** Joins: spectie (~spectie@unaffiliated/spectie) [17:46:25] hmm [17:46:48] i got the same build failure email [17:46:57] but i only touched the ConstructionsSpa [17:46:59] and that built [18:26:15] *** Quits: crazydiamond (~crazydiam@dynamic-178-141-72-129.kirov.comstar-r.ru) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [18:49:37] spectre, once the buid fail, jenkins will send emails to evenyone who commit on top of the problem [18:49:56] ah [18:49:57] :) [18:49:57] ok [18:49:58] :) [20:03:26] *** Quits: jmvanel (~jmvanel@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:00:01] *** Joins: crazydiamond (~crazydiam@dynamic-178-141-71-162.kirov.comstar-r.ru)