[00:00:17] I'd love to tear it apart if the GF team agrees [00:01:02] for that I'm not sure.. do you know if there are any plans on bringing GF from cabal-install to stack? [00:02:12] I seriously doubt they're going to do a lot of reorganisation [00:02:24] just thinking how it took like 5 years to move from darcs to git [00:02:28] I only use docker build -t (name-to-give-the-image) (path-to-dockerfile) and docker run -it (image-name) bash, if that helps! [00:02:36] hahaha [00:03:38] I've only learned haskell last year, so I don't know for sure, but apparently most haskellers used to use darcs? [00:03:54] now everyone seems to have settled on git, though [00:04:26] I did sudo apt-get install docker, it worked (trying it again it just says docker is already at latest version), but it doesn't find the command docker [00:04:37] is it crucial that it's using dockerfile, or can I just run the steps manually? [00:05:28] hum, I think one shouldn't use the version from the debian archives, only the one from the Docker PPA [00:05:43] but if you're on a Debian machine by all means, just run them! [00:06:14] I only made the dockerfile so that other people could compile GF in one command, no problem [00:06:25] (provided they knew docker, of course) [00:06:50] okay [00:13:01] installing c runtime now [00:13:38] and got /usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file '/usr/local/lib/libgu.so.0.0.0': Permission denied [00:14:17] trying again with sudo [00:16:52] worked, now it's cabal installing pgf2 [00:17:23] failed: [00:17:24] setup-Simple-Cabal-1.16.0-x86_64-linux-ghc-7.6.3: Missing dependency on a [00:17:24] foreign library: [00:17:24] * Missing C library: sg [00:20:11] inariksit: that was the thing i just uncommented in the cabal file if i remember correctly [00:22:43] i mean commented out [00:22:56] i can check tomorrow [00:24:26] I have sg and libsg.so in my usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include [00:26:10] i had the same but it was just unable to find it. but try to remove sg from the extra-libraries in the cabal file [00:27:35] that made it work indeed [00:27:38] oh yeah [00:27:51] there's no sudo in the dockerfile because the default user there is root [00:27:57] forgot to tell you sorry! [00:28:02] no worries! [00:28:36] it's funny that the dependency is not found even though it clearly is there [00:29:05] if you comment it out it may compile, but will it work afterwards? [00:29:31] I managed to compile with that Dockerfile I sent you, but when I call `gf` it blows up on my face :/ [00:30:44] did you try without the -fserver and -fc-runtime flags? [00:30:57] you don't need your gf to be anything special in order to use my testing tool [00:31:16] for me it seemed to be working. at least inaris tool was giving kind of a reasonable output [00:32:04] I'm installing now with -fserver and -fc-runtime just to repeat your steps [00:32:21] inariksit: yep! [00:32:34] inariksit: actually, I don't remember T.T [00:32:35] haha now I got this [00:32:35] user error (The package 'gf' requires Cabal library version -any && >=1.20 but [00:32:35] no suitable version is installed.) [00:32:50] e3928a3bc: can you just try cabal install gf without any fancy flags [00:33:14] daherb: I'll try it then! [00:33:20] to use my library, you are only interacting with PGFs [00:33:29] btw, I have an even more pressing issue now [00:33:45] I can't compile my resource grammar T.T [00:33:49] ;__; [00:33:56] why's that? [00:33:56] https://github.com/GrammaticalFramework/GF/pull/28 [00:34:05] I can't seem to find out why [00:34:21] because the compilation stops in a function which is in the romance functor [00:34:42] (the problem is still my fault, though, because the other romance languages compile) [00:35:37] strange [00:39:04] now I'm installing ghc 8.2.2 [00:39:17] cause I still didn't get GF to compile :-P [00:39:26] also I should go to sleep sometime soon [00:40:01] *** Quits: e3928a3bc (~user@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:41:26] *** Joins: e3928a3bc (~user@ [00:41:57] any luck with plain gf installation? [00:42:13] * inariksit is still installing ghc [00:42:19] not sure if I lost something [00:42:38] inariksit: gosh, that's a long setup time [00:43:00] you mean if I tried compiling the library together with GF? [00:43:59] I mean just cabal install gf [00:44:12] and as a completely separate thing, cabal install pgf2 [00:44:38] cause you don't need your gf to be any special, you're only interacting with PGF files when using my tool [00:47:08] without compiling the C runtime then? [00:47:16] and with no special flags to cabal install gf? [00:47:25] I have to go now, but will check the logs! [00:47:28] bye! [00:47:34] and thanks inariksit !! [00:47:36] *** Quits: e3928a3bc (~user@ (Quit: ERC (IRC client for Emacs 25.2.2)) [00:49:10] yeah, no special flags [00:55:22] very exciting new error messages [00:55:23] cabal: failed to parse output of 'ghc-pkg dump' [14:51:35] *** Quits: proteusguy (~proteus-g@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:04:28] *** Joins: proteusguy (~proteus-g@ [15:10:14] *** Joins: proteus-guy (~proteus-g@ [15:14:09] *** Quits: proteusguy (~proteus-g@ (Ping timeout: 263 seconds) [15:16:05] *** Quits: proteus-guy (~proteus-g@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:29:07] *** Joins: proteus-guy (~proteus-g@ [15:40:27] *** Joins: proteusguy (~proteus-g@ [15:43:21] *** Quits: proteus-guy (~proteus-g@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:46:47] *** Quits: proteusguy (~proteus-g@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [15:59:04] *** Joins: proteusguy (~proteus-g@ [16:50:16] *** Joins: JuanDaugherty (~juan@ [19:17:57] *** Quits: proteusguy (~proteus-g@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:36:59] *** Joins: proteusguy (~proteus-g@