[01:06:22] *** Parts: e3928a3b (~user@ ("ERC (IRC client for Emacs 25.1.1)") [01:44:04] *** Quits: vin-ivar (~vin-ivar@unaffiliated/vin-ivar) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1) [02:03:14] *** Joins: vin-ivar (~vin-ivar@unaffiliated/vin-ivar) [02:03:22] *** Quits: vin-ivar (~vin-ivar@unaffiliated/vin-ivar) (Client Quit) [02:03:51] *** Joins: vin-ivar (~vin-ivar@unaffiliated/vin-ivar) [09:53:40] *** Quits: proteus-guy (~proteus-g@cm-134-196-84-233.revip18.asianet.co.th) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:15:28] soon I can celebrate my 200th commit to the GF repo \:D/ [11:15:55] though I tend to do these 4 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-) commits [11:16:02] so morally I'm like at least 1000 or something 8D [11:27:49] *** Joins: proteus-guy (~proteus-g@ [12:10:01] inariksit: you just need to do an interactive rebase and split all your commits into smaller ones ;-) [12:10:18] sounds like an activity I want to spend my time on [12:11:24] fair enough [12:15:28] and answer to e3928a3bc's first question: rf -file=nouns.preproc -lines | p -tr -lang=Eng | l -lang=Dut | wf -file=nouns.proc [12:15:39] i.e. add the flag -tr to p [12:15:59] then you get The parser failed at token X. "..." [12:16:50] and for best practices, not that I know; if it's machine-generated, might as well use a paradigm with a lot of forms, because it doesn't cost you anything to type them [14:31:41] *** Quits: proteus-guy (~proteus-g@ (Remote host closed the connection) [16:34:39] *** Joins: proteus-guy (~proteus-g@cm-134-196-84-142.revip18.asianet.co.th)