[16:14:48] the gf shell command 'tt' is the best thing ever! [16:15:14] thanks for suggesting it in the blog, inariksit! [16:17:06] but it seems that often there are duplicate parses (that tt then can get rid of), e.g. parsing "the first book" gives four parses as an NP [16:17:28] but when piping through tt there are only two different parses. [16:18:28] i find that a bit strange. [19:00:39] glad it was useful ^^ [19:01:33] I only get these two [19:01:33] Lang> p -cat=NP "the first book" [19:01:33] DetCN (DetQuant DefArt NumSg) (AdjCN (AdjOrd (OrdNumeral (num (pot2as3 (pot1as2 (pot0as1 pot01)))))) (UseN book_N)) [19:01:34] DetCN (DetQuantOrd DefArt NumSg (OrdNumeral (num (pot2as3 (pot1as2 (pot0as1 pot01)))))) (UseN book_N)