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Adjective: Adjectives and Adjectival Phrases

  abstract Adjective = Cat ** {
The principal ways of forming an adjectival phrase are positive, comparative, relational, reflexive-relational, and elliptic-relational.
      PositA  : A  -> AP ;        -- warm
      ComparA : A  -> NP -> AP ;  -- warmer than I
      ComplA2 : A2 -> NP -> AP ;  -- married to her
      ReflA2  : A2 -> AP ;        -- married to itself
      UseA2   : A2 -> AP ;        -- married
      UseComparA : A  -> AP ;     -- warmer
      CAdvAP  : CAdv -> AP -> NP -> AP ; -- as cool as John
The superlative use is covered in Ord.
      AdjOrd  : Ord -> AP ;       -- warmest
Sentence and question complements defined for all adjectival phrases, although the semantics is only clear for some adjectives.
      SentAP  : AP -> SC -> AP ;  -- good that she is here
An adjectival phrase can be modified by an adadjective, such as very.
      AdAP    : AdA -> AP -> AP ; -- very warm
It can also be postmodified by an adverb, typically a prepositional phrase.
      AdvAP   : AP -> Adv -> AP ; -- warm by nature
The formation of adverbs from adjectives (e.g. quickly) is covered in [Adverb Adverb.html]; the same concerns adadjectives (e.g. extremely).