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More syntax rules

This module defines syntax rules that are not implemented in all languages, but in more than one, so that it makes sense to offer a common API.
  abstract Extra = Cat ** {
      GenNP       : NP -> Quant ;       -- this man's
      GenIP       : IP -> IQuant ;      -- whose
      GenRP       : Num -> CN -> RP ;   -- whose car
      ComplBareVS : VS -> S -> VP ;     -- know you go
      StrandRelSlash   : RP -> ClSlash -> RCl ;   -- that he lives in
      EmptyRelSlash    : ClSlash -> RCl ;   -- he lives in
      StrandQuestSlash : IP -> ClSlash -> QCl ;   -- whom does John live with
VP conjunction, which has different fragments implemented in different languages - never a full VP, though.
      VPI ;
      [VPI] {2} ;
      MkVPI : VP -> VPI ;
      ConjVPI : Conj -> [VPI] -> VPI ;
      ComplVPIVV : VV -> VPI -> VP ;
    -- new 4/12/2009
      VPS ;
      [VPS] {2} ;
      MkVPS : Temp -> Pol -> VP -> VPS ;
      ConjVPS : Conj -> [VPS] -> VPS ;
      PredVPS : NP -> VPS -> S ;
    -- 9/4/2010
      ProDrop : Pron -> Pron ;  -- unstressed subject pronoun becomes []: "(io) sono stanco"
      ICompAP : AP -> IComp ;   -- "how old"
      IAdvAdv : Adv -> IAdv ;   -- "how often"
      CompIQuant : IQuant -> IComp ; -- which (is it) [agreement to NP]
      PrepCN : Prep -> CN -> Adv ;   -- by accident [Prep + CN without article]
    -- fronted/focal constructions, only for main clauses
      Foc ;
      FocObj : NP  -> ClSlash -> Foc ;   -- her I love
      FocAdv : Adv -> Cl      -> Foc ;   -- today I will sleep
      FocAdV : AdV -> Cl      -> Foc ;   -- never will I sleep
      FocAP  : AP  -> NP      -> Foc ;   -- green was the tree
      FocNeg : Cl             -> Foc ;   -- not is he here
      FocVP  : VP  -> NP      -> Foc ;   -- love her I do
      FocVV  : VV -> VP -> NP -> Foc ;   -- to love her I want
      UseFoc : Temp -> Pol -> Foc -> Utt ;
      PartVP : VP -> AP ; -- (the man) looking at Mary
      EmbedPresPart : VP -> SC ; -- looking at Mary (is fun)
this is a generalization of Verb.PassV2 and should replace it in the future.
      PassVPSlash : VPSlash -> VP ; -- be forced to sleep