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Symbolic expressions

Note. This module is not automatically included in the main grammar [Lang Lang.html].
  abstract Symbol = Cat, PredefAbs ** {

Noun phrases with symbols and numbers

    SymbPN   : Symb -> PN ;                -- x
    IntPN    : Int -> PN ;                 -- 27
    FloatPN  : Float -> PN ;               -- 3.14159
    NumPN    : Card -> PN ;
    CNNumNP  : CN -> Card -> NP ;          -- level five ; level 5
    CNSymbNP : Det -> CN -> [Symb] -> NP ; -- (the) (2) numbers x and y

Sentence consisting of a formula

    SymbS    : Symb -> S ;                 -- A

Symbols as numerals

    SymbNum  : Symb -> Card ;              -- n
    SymbOrd  : Symb -> Ord ;               -- n'th

Symbol lists

A symbol list has at least two elements. The last two are separated by a conjunction (and in English), the others by commas. This produces x, y and z, in English.
    Symb ;
    [Symb]{2} ;
    MkSymb : String -> Symb ;


    CNIntNP  : CN -> Int -> NP ;           -- level 53 (covered by CNNumNP)