
Plain source file: src/compiler/GF/Grammar/CFG.hs (2014-04-04)

GF.Grammar.CFG is imported by: ...
-- |
-- Module      : GF.Speech.CFG
-- Context-free grammar representation and manipulation.
module GF.Grammar.CFG where

import GF.Data.Utilities
import PGF
--import GF.Infra.Option
import GF.Data.Relation

--import Control.Monad
--import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put, evalState)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
--import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
--import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

-- * Types

type Cat = String

data Symbol c t = NonTerminal c | Terminal t
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

type CFSymbol = Symbol Cat Token

data CFRule = CFRule { 
      lhsCat :: Cat,
      ruleRhs :: [CFSymbol],
      ruleName :: CFTerm 
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data CFTerm
    = CFObj CId [CFTerm] -- ^ an abstract syntax function with arguments
    | CFAbs Int CFTerm -- ^ A lambda abstraction. The Int is the variable id.
    | CFApp CFTerm CFTerm -- ^ Application
    | CFRes Int -- ^ The result of the n:th (0-based) non-terminal
    | CFVar Int -- ^ A lambda-bound variable
    | CFMeta CId -- ^ A metavariable
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data CFG = CFG { cfgStartCat :: Cat,
                 cfgExternalCats :: Set Cat,
                 cfgRules :: Map Cat (Set CFRule) }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- * Grammar filtering

-- | Removes all directly and indirectly cyclic productions.
--   FIXME: this may be too aggressive, only one production
--   needs to be removed to break a given cycle. But which
--   one should we pick?
--   FIXME: Does not (yet) remove productions which are cyclic
--   because of empty productions.
removeCycles :: CFG -> CFG
removeCycles = onRules f
  where f rs = filter (not . isCycle) rs
          where alias = transitiveClosure $ mkRel [(c,c') | CFRule c [NonTerminal c'] _ <- rs]
                isCycle (CFRule c [NonTerminal c'] _) = isRelatedTo alias c' c
                isCycle _ = False

-- | Better bottom-up filter that also removes categories which contain no finite
-- strings.
bottomUpFilter :: CFG -> CFG
bottomUpFilter gr = fix grow (gr { cfgRules = Map.empty })
  where grow g = g `unionCFG` filterCFG (all (okSym g) . ruleRhs) gr
        okSym g = symbol (`elem` allCats g) (const True)

-- | Removes categories which are not reachable from any external category.
topDownFilter :: CFG -> CFG
topDownFilter cfg = filterCFGCats (`Set.member` keep) cfg
    rhsCats = [ (lhsCat r, c') | r <- allRules cfg, c' <- filterCats (ruleRhs r) ]
    uses = reflexiveClosure_ (allCats cfg) $ transitiveClosure $ mkRel rhsCats
    keep = Set.unions $ map (allRelated uses) $ Set.toList $ cfgExternalCats cfg

-- | Merges categories with identical right-hand-sides.
-- FIXME: handle probabilities
mergeIdentical :: CFG -> CFG
mergeIdentical g = onRules (map subst) g
    -- maps categories to their replacement
    m = Map.fromList [(y,concat (intersperse "+" xs)) 
                          | (_,xs) <- buildMultiMap [(rulesKey rs,c) | (c,rs) <- Map.toList (cfgRules g)], y <- xs]
    -- build data to compare for each category: a set of name,rhs pairs
    rulesKey = (\ (CFRule _ r n) -> (n,r))
    subst (CFRule c r n) = CFRule (substCat c) (map (mapSymbol substCat id) r) n
    substCat c = Map.findWithDefault (error $ "mergeIdentical: " ++ c) c m

-- | Keeps only the start category as an external category.
purgeExternalCats :: CFG -> CFG
purgeExternalCats cfg = cfg { cfgExternalCats = Set.singleton (cfgStartCat cfg) }

-- * Removing left recursion

-- The LC_LR algorithm from
removeLeftRecursion :: CFG -> CFG
removeLeftRecursion gr 
    = gr { cfgRules = groupProds $ concat [scheme1, scheme2, scheme3, scheme4] }
    scheme1 = [CFRule a [x,NonTerminal a_x] n' | 
               a <- retainedLeftRecursive, 
               x <- properLeftCornersOf a,
               not (isLeftRecursive x),
               let a_x = mkCat (NonTerminal a) x,
               -- this is an extension of LC_LR to avoid generating
               -- A-X categories for which there are no productions:
               a_x `Set.member` newCats,
               let n' = symbol (\_ -> CFApp (CFRes 1) (CFRes 0))
                               (\_ -> CFRes 0) x] 
    scheme2 = [CFRule a_x (beta++[NonTerminal a_b]) n' | 
               a <- retainedLeftRecursive, 
               b@(NonTerminal b') <- properLeftCornersOf a,
               isLeftRecursive b,
               CFRule _ (x:beta) n <- catRules gr b', 
               let a_x = mkCat (NonTerminal a) x,
               let a_b = mkCat (NonTerminal a) b,
               let i = length $ filterCats beta,
               let n' = symbol (\_ -> CFAbs 1 (CFApp (CFRes i) (shiftTerm n)))
                               (\_ -> CFApp (CFRes i) n) x]
    scheme3 = [CFRule a_x beta n' |
               a <- retainedLeftRecursive, 
               x <- properLeftCornersOf a,
               CFRule _ (x':beta) n <- catRules gr a,
               x == x',
               let a_x = mkCat (NonTerminal a) x,
               let n' = symbol (\_ -> CFAbs 1 (shiftTerm n)) 
                               (\_ -> n) x]
    scheme4 = catSetRules gr $ Set.fromList $ filter (not . isLeftRecursive . NonTerminal) cats

    newCats = Set.fromList (map lhsCat (scheme2 ++ scheme3))

    shiftTerm :: CFTerm -> CFTerm
    shiftTerm (CFObj f ts) = CFObj f (map shiftTerm ts)
    shiftTerm (CFRes 0) = CFVar 1
    shiftTerm (CFRes n) = CFRes (n-1)
    shiftTerm t = t
    -- note: the rest don't occur in the original grammar

    cats = allCats gr
    rules = allRules gr

    directLeftCorner = mkRel [(NonTerminal c,t) | CFRule c (t:_) _ <- allRules gr]
    leftCorner = reflexiveClosure_ (map NonTerminal cats) $ transitiveClosure directLeftCorner
    properLeftCorner = transitiveClosure directLeftCorner
    properLeftCornersOf = Set.toList . allRelated properLeftCorner . NonTerminal
    isProperLeftCornerOf = flip (isRelatedTo properLeftCorner)

    leftRecursive = reflexiveElements properLeftCorner
    isLeftRecursive = (`Set.member` leftRecursive)

    retained = cfgStartCat gr `Set.insert`
                Set.fromList [a | r <- allRules (filterCFGCats (not . isLeftRecursive . NonTerminal) gr),
                                  NonTerminal a <- ruleRhs r]
    isRetained = (`Set.member` retained)

    retainedLeftRecursive = filter (isLeftRecursive . NonTerminal) $ Set.toList retained

    mkCat :: CFSymbol -> CFSymbol -> Cat
    mkCat x y = showSymbol x ++ "-" ++ showSymbol y
        where showSymbol = symbol id show

-- | Get the sets of mutually recursive non-terminals for a grammar.
mutRecCats :: Bool    -- ^ If true, all categories will be in some set.
                      --   If false, only recursive categories will be included.
           -> CFG -> [Set Cat]
mutRecCats incAll g = equivalenceClasses $ refl $ symmetricSubrelation $ transitiveClosure r
  where r = mkRel [(c,c') | CFRule c ss _ <- allRules g, NonTerminal c' <- ss]
        refl = if incAll then reflexiveClosure_ (allCats g) else reflexiveSubrelation

-- * Approximate context-free grammars with regular grammars.

makeSimpleRegular :: CFG -> CFG
makeSimpleRegular = makeRegular . topDownFilter . bottomUpFilter . removeCycles

-- Use the transformation algorithm from \"Regular Approximation of Context-free
-- Grammars through Approximation\", Mohri and Nederhof, 2000
-- to create an over-generating regular grammar for a context-free 
-- grammar
makeRegular :: CFG -> CFG
makeRegular g = g { cfgRules = groupProds $ concatMap trSet (mutRecCats True g) }
  where trSet cs | allXLinear cs rs = rs
                 | otherwise = concatMap handleCat (Set.toList cs)
            where rs = catSetRules g cs
                  handleCat c = [CFRule c' [] (mkCFTerm (c++"-empty"))] -- introduce A' -> e
                                ++ concatMap (makeRightLinearRules c) (catRules g c)
                      where c' = newCat c
                  makeRightLinearRules b' (CFRule c ss n) = 
                      case ys of
                              [] -> newRule b' (xs ++ [NonTerminal (newCat c)]) n -- no non-terminals left
                              (NonTerminal b:zs) -> newRule b' (xs ++ [NonTerminal b]) n 
                                        ++ makeRightLinearRules (newCat b) (CFRule c zs n)
                      where (xs,ys) = break (`catElem` cs) ss
                            -- don't add rules on the form A -> A
                            newRule c rhs n | rhs == [NonTerminal c] = []
                                            | otherwise = [CFRule c rhs n]
        newCat c = c ++ "$"

-- * CFG Utilities

mkCFG :: Cat -> Set Cat -> [CFRule] -> CFG
mkCFG start ext rs = CFG { cfgStartCat = start, cfgExternalCats = ext, cfgRules = groupProds rs }

groupProds :: [CFRule] -> Map Cat (Set CFRule)
groupProds = Map.fromListWith Set.union . map (\r -> (lhsCat r,Set.singleton r))

uniqueFuns :: CFG -> CFG
uniqueFuns cfg = CFG {cfgStartCat     = cfgStartCat cfg
                     ,cfgExternalCats = cfgExternalCats cfg
                     ,cfgRules        = Map.fromList (snd (mapAccumL uniqueFunSet Set.empty (Map.toList (cfgRules cfg))))
    uniqueFunSet funs (cat,rules) =
      let (funs',rules') = mapAccumL uniqueFun funs (Set.toList rules)
      in (funs',(cat,Set.fromList rules'))
    uniqueFun funs (CFRule cat items (CFObj fun args)) = (Set.insert fun' funs,CFRule cat items (CFObj fun' args))
        fun' = head [fun'|suffix<-"":map show ([2..]::[Int]),
                          let fun'=mkCId (showCId fun++suffix),
                          not (fun' `Set.member` funs)]

-- | Gets all rules in a CFG.
allRules :: CFG -> [CFRule]
allRules = concat . map Set.toList . Map.elems . cfgRules

-- | Gets all rules in a CFG, grouped by their LHS categories.
allRulesGrouped :: CFG -> [(Cat,[CFRule])]
allRulesGrouped = Map.toList . Set.toList . cfgRules

-- | Gets all categories which have rules.
allCats :: CFG -> [Cat]
allCats = Map.keys . cfgRules

-- | Gets all categories which have rules or occur in a RHS.
allCats' :: CFG -> [Cat]
allCats' cfg = Set.toList (Map.keysSet (cfgRules cfg) `Set.union` 
                           Set.fromList [c | rs <- Map.elems (cfgRules cfg), 
                                             r  <- Set.toList rs, 
                                             NonTerminal c <- ruleRhs r])

-- | Gets all rules for the given category.
catRules :: CFG -> Cat -> [CFRule]
catRules gr c = Set.toList $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty c (cfgRules gr)

-- | Gets all rules for categories in the given set.
catSetRules :: CFG -> Set Cat -> [CFRule]
catSetRules gr cs = allRules $ filterCFGCats (`Set.member` cs) gr

mapCFGCats :: (Cat -> Cat) -> CFG -> CFG
mapCFGCats f cfg = mkCFG (f (cfgStartCat cfg)) 
                         ( f (cfgExternalCats cfg))
                         [CFRule (f lhs) (map (mapSymbol f id) rhs) t | CFRule lhs rhs t <- allRules cfg]

onCFG :: (Map Cat (Set CFRule) -> Map Cat (Set CFRule)) -> CFG -> CFG
onCFG f cfg = cfg { cfgRules = f (cfgRules cfg) }

onRules :: ([CFRule] -> [CFRule]) -> CFG -> CFG
onRules f cfg = cfg { cfgRules = groupProds $ f $ allRules cfg }

-- | Clean up CFG after rules have been removed.
cleanCFG :: CFG -> CFG
cleanCFG = onCFG (Map.filter (not . Set.null))

-- | Combine two CFGs.
unionCFG :: CFG -> CFG -> CFG
unionCFG x y = onCFG (\rs -> Map.unionWith Set.union rs (cfgRules y)) x

filterCFG :: (CFRule -> Bool) -> CFG -> CFG
filterCFG p = cleanCFG . onCFG ( (Set.filter p))

filterCFGCats :: (Cat -> Bool) -> CFG -> CFG
filterCFGCats p = onCFG (Map.filterWithKey (\c _ -> p c))

countCats :: CFG -> Int
countCats = Map.size . cfgRules . cleanCFG

countRules :: CFG -> Int
countRules = length . allRules

prCFG :: CFG -> String
prCFG = prProductions . map prRule . allRules
      prRule r = (lhsCat r, unwords (map prSym (ruleRhs r)))
      prSym = symbol id (\t -> "\""++ t ++"\"")

prProductions :: [(Cat,String)] -> String
prProductions prods = 
    unlines [rpad maxLHSWidth lhs ++ " ::= " ++ rhs | (lhs,rhs) <- prods]
      maxLHSWidth = maximum $ 0:(map (length . fst) prods)
      rpad n s = s ++ replicate (n - length s) ' '

prCFTerm :: CFTerm -> String
prCFTerm = pr 0
    pr p (CFObj f args) = paren p (showCId f ++ " (" ++ concat (intersperse "," (map (pr 0) args)) ++ ")")
    pr p (CFAbs i t) = paren p ("\\x" ++ show i ++ ". " ++ pr 0 t)
    pr p (CFApp t1 t2) = paren p (pr 1 t1 ++ "(" ++ pr 0 t2 ++ ")")
    pr _ (CFRes i) = "$" ++ show i
    pr _ (CFVar i) = "x" ++ show i
    pr _ (CFMeta c) = "?" ++ showCId c
    paren 0 x = x
    paren 1 x = "(" ++ x ++ ")"

-- * CFRule Utilities

ruleFun :: CFRule -> CId
ruleFun (CFRule _ _ t) = f t
  where f (CFObj n _) = n
        f (CFApp _ x) = f x
        f (CFAbs _ x) = f x
        f _ = mkCId ""

-- | Check if any of the categories used on the right-hand side
--   are in the given list of categories.
anyUsedBy :: [Cat] -> CFRule -> Bool
anyUsedBy cs (CFRule _ ss _) = any (`elem` cs) (filterCats ss)

mkCFTerm :: String -> CFTerm
mkCFTerm n = CFObj (mkCId n) []

ruleIsNonRecursive :: Set Cat -> CFRule -> Bool
ruleIsNonRecursive cs = noCatsInSet cs . ruleRhs

-- | Check if all the rules are right-linear, or all the rules are
--   left-linear, with respect to given categories.
allXLinear :: Set Cat -> [CFRule] -> Bool
allXLinear cs rs = all (isRightLinear cs) rs || all (isLeftLinear cs) rs

-- | Checks if a context-free rule is right-linear.
isRightLinear :: Set Cat  -- ^ The categories to consider
              -> CFRule   -- ^ The rule to check for right-linearity
              -> Bool
isRightLinear cs = noCatsInSet cs . safeInit . ruleRhs

-- | Checks if a context-free rule is left-linear.
isLeftLinear :: Set Cat  -- ^ The categories to consider
             -> CFRule   -- ^ The rule to check for left-linearity
             -> Bool
isLeftLinear cs = noCatsInSet cs . drop 1 . ruleRhs

-- * Symbol utilities

symbol :: (c -> a) -> (t -> a) -> Symbol c t -> a
symbol fc ft (NonTerminal cat) = fc cat
symbol fc ft (Terminal tok) = ft tok

mapSymbol :: (c -> c') -> (t -> t') -> Symbol c t -> Symbol c' t'
mapSymbol fc ft = symbol (NonTerminal . fc) (Terminal . ft)

filterCats :: [Symbol c t] -> [c]
filterCats syms = [ cat | NonTerminal cat <- syms ]

filterToks :: [Symbol c t] -> [t]
filterToks syms = [ tok | Terminal tok <- syms ]

-- | Checks if a symbol is a non-terminal of one of the given categories.
catElem :: Ord c => Symbol c t -> Set c -> Bool
catElem s cs = symbol (`Set.member` cs) (const False) s

noCatsInSet :: Ord c => Set c -> [Symbol c t] -> Bool
noCatsInSet cs = not . any (`catElem` cs)


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