Regular online gathering for the GF community to present ongoing work and catch up with others.
Zoom link for the meeting.
The time is 15:00-16:30 UTC , which means e.g.
Zoom (link removed so that there's only one Zoom link on this web page)
The time is 15:00-16:30 UTC.
Inari Listenmaa: Grammar engineering & language typology
Zoom (link removed so that there's only one Zoom link on this web page)
The time is 14:00-15:30 UTC.
Zoom (link removed so that there's only one Zoom link on this web page)
The time is 14:00-15:30 UTC, see link for more time zones.
Aarne Ranta: Building grammar libraries for mathematics and avoiding manual work (45 min)
The talk addresses the task of creating a multilingual term lexicon from Wikidata labels and using them in a syntax that can parse and generate mathematical texts. The current implementation covers 8 languages and 5381 Wikidata concepts, together with a syntax that is an extension of the ForTheL CNL. The focus of the talk is on a pipeline that tries to make maximal use of existing rule-based and data-driven methods and resources. The pipeline is designed to work on any set of Wikidata objects for any language that has a GF resource grammar and a UD-Pipe parser.
This work is a part of the research project Informath, Informalization of Formal Mathematics. The talk was originally given in the workshop of Libraries of Digital Math, which was a part of the Trimester "Prospects of Formal Mathematics" of Hausdorff institute of Mathematics in Bonn this summer, and the work was mainly carried out during my stay at the Institute. want to thank the organizers and the Hausdorff Institute for inviting me to the Trimester creating ideal conditions for the reported work, much of which is a result of discussions and collaboration with other participants of the Trimester.
Katya Voloshina: Automatically adding morphology to GF-RGL (10 min)
General discussion points (30 min)
- New release of GF
- Time to plan for Summer School 2025!
The meeting is held in Gather:
The time is 12:30–14:00 UTC, which means
Informal catchup, spontaneous presentations what we've been up to
Plenty of space for a longer talk if you have one!
The meeting is held in Gather:
The time is 10:00–11:30 UTC, which means
The meeting is held in Gather:
The time is 13:00–14:30 UTC, which means
The meeting is held in Gather:
The time is Thursday 5 May 10:30–12:00am UTC, which means
The meeting is held in Gather:
The time is Wednesday 9 February 10:00–11:30am UTC, which means
Report on Aarne's research visit to Singapore.
Krasimir's updates about the majestic runtime.
The meeting is held in Gather:
The time is Monday 8 November 10:00–11:30am UTC, which means
There is space for more talks—email Inari ( to be put on the list, or just do a spontaneous screenshare at the meeting.