
Plain source file: src/server/PGFService.hs (2015-03-03)

PGFService is imported by: ...
module PGFService(cgiMain,cgiMain',getPath,
                  newPGFCache,flushPGFCache,listPGFCache) where

import PGF (PGF)
import qualified PGF
import PGF.Lexing
import Cache
import CGIUtils(outputJSONP,outputPlain,outputHTML,logError,outputBinary,
import CGI(CGI,readInput,getInput,getVarWithDefault,
import URLEncoding

import Data.Time.Clock(UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Format(formatTime)
-- #if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)

import System.Locale(defaultTimeLocale,rfc822DateFormat)

import Text.JSON
import Text.PrettyPrint as PP(render, text, (<+>))
import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8 (decodeString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS

import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State(State,evalState,get,put)
import Control.Monad.Catch(bracket_)
import Data.Char
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (sortBy,intersperse,mapAccumL,nub,isSuffixOf,nubBy)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import System.Random
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error(isDoesNotExistError)
import System.Directory(removeFile)
import System.Mem(performGC)
import Fold(fold) -- transfer function for OpenMath LaTeX

catchIOE :: IO a -> (E.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a
catchIOE = E.catch

withQSem qsem = bracket_ (liftIO $ waitQSem qsem) (liftIO $ signalQSem qsem)

logFile :: FilePath
logFile = "pgf-error.log"

type Caches = (Cache PGF,())
newPGFCache _ = do pgfCache <- newCache' PGF.readPGF
                   return (pgfCache,())
flushPGFCache (c1,_) = flushCache c1
listPGFCache (c1,_) = (,) # listCache c1 % return []

newCache' rd = do c <- newCache rd
                  forkIO $ forever $ clean c
                  return c
    clean c = do threadDelay 2000000000 -- 2000 seconds, i.e. ~33 minutes
                 expireCache (24*60*60) c -- 24 hours

getPath =
    do path <- getVarWithDefault "PATH_TRANSLATED" "" -- apache mod_fastcgi
       if null path
          then getVarWithDefault "SCRIPT_FILENAME" "" -- lighttpd
          else return path

cgiMain :: Caches -> CGI CGIResult
cgiMain cache = handleErrors . handleCGIErrors $
                  cgiMain' cache =<< getPath

cgiMain' :: Caches -> FilePath -> CGI CGIResult
cgiMain' cache path =
    do command <- liftM (maybe "grammar" (urlDecodeUnicode . UTF8.decodeString))
                        (getInput "command")
       case command of
         "download" -> outputBinary    =<< getFile BS.readFile path
         'c':'-':_  ->
                   serverError "Server configured without C run-time support" ""
         _          -> pgfMain command =<< getFile (readCache' (fst cache)) path

getFile get path =
   either failed return =<< liftIO (E.try (get path))
    failed e = if isDoesNotExistError e
               then notFound path
               else liftIO $ ioError e

-- * C run-time functionality

-- * Lexing

-- | Lexers with a text lexer that tries to be a more clever with the first word
ilexer good = lexer' uncap
    uncap s = case span isUpper s of
                ([c],r) | not (good s) -> toLower c:r
                _ -> s

-- | Standard lexers
lexer = lexer' uncapitInit

lexer' uncap = maybe (return id) lexerfun =<< getInput "lexer" 
    lexerfun name =
       case name of
         "text"  -> return (unwords . lexText' uncap)
         "code"  -> return (unwords . lexCode)
         "mixed" -> return (unwords . lexMixed)
         _ -> badRequest "Unknown lexer" name

type Unlexer = String->String

unlexer :: CGI Unlexer
unlexer = maybe (return id) unlexerfun =<< getInput "unlexer" 
    unlexerfun name =
       case name of
         "text"  -> return (unlexText' . words)
         "code"  -> return (unlexCode . words)
         "mixed" -> return (unlexMixed . words)
         _ -> badRequest "Unknown lexer" name

    unlexText' ("+":ws) = "+ "++unlexText ws
    unlexText' ("*":ws) = "* "++unlexText ws
    unlexText' ws       = unlexText ws

-- * Haskell run-time functionality

--pgfMain :: String -> PGF -> CGI CGIResult
pgfMain command (t,pgf) =
    case command of
      "parse"          -> o =<< doParse pgf # input % cat % limit % trie
      "complete"       -> o =<< doComplete pgf # input % cat % limit % full
      "linearize"      -> o =<< doLinearize pgf # tree % to
      "linearizeAll"   -> o =<< doLinearizes pgf # tree % to
      "linearizeTable" -> o =<< doLinearizeTabular pgf # tree % to
      "random"         -> o =<< join (doRandom pgf # cat % depth % limit % to)
      "generate"       -> o =<< doGenerate pgf # cat % depth % limit % to
      "translate"      -> o =<< doTranslate pgf # input % cat % to % limit %trie
      "translategroup" -> o =<< doTranslateGroup pgf # input % cat % to % limit
      "lookupmorpho"   -> o =<< doLookupMorpho pgf # from1 % textInput
      "grammar"        -> o =<< doGrammar t pgf # requestAcceptLanguage
      "abstrtree"      -> outputGraphviz =<< abstrTree pgf # graphvizOptions % tree
      "alignment"      -> outputGraphviz =<< alignment pgf # tree % to
      "parsetree"      -> outputGraphviz =<< parseTree pgf # from1 % graphvizOptions % tree
      "abstrjson"      -> o . jsonExpr =<< tree
      "browse"         -> join $ doBrowse pgf # optId % cssClass % href % format "html" % getIncludePrintNames
      "external"       -> do cmd <- getInput "external"
                             doExternal cmd =<< textInput
      _                -> badRequest "Unknown command" command
    o x = out t x

    input = do fr <- from
               lex <- mlexer fr
               inp <- textInput
               return (fr,lex inp)

    mlexer Nothing = lexer
    mlexer (Just lang) = ilexer (PGF.isInMorpho morpho)
      where morpho = PGF.buildMorpho pgf lang

    tree :: CGI PGF.Tree
    tree = do ms <- getInput "tree"
              s <- maybe (badRequest "No tree given" "") return ms
              t <- maybe (badRequest "Bad tree" s) return (PGF.readExpr s)
              t <- either (\err -> badRequest "Type incorrect tree"
                                              (unlines $
                                              [PGF.showExpr [] t
                                              ,render (PP.text "error:" <+> PGF.ppTcError err)
                          (return . fst)
                          (PGF.inferExpr pgf t)
              return t

    cat :: CGI (Maybe PGF.Type)
    cat =
       do mcat  <- getInput1 "cat"
          case mcat of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            Just cat -> case PGF.readType cat of
                          Nothing  -> badRequest "Bad category" cat
                          Just typ -> return $ Just typ  -- typecheck the category

    optId :: CGI (Maybe PGF.CId)
    optId = maybe (return Nothing) rd =<< getInput "id"
        rd = maybe err (return . Just) . PGF.readCId
        err = badRequest "Bad identifier" []

    cssClass, href :: CGI (Maybe String)
    cssClass = getInput "css-class"
    href = getInput "href"
    getIncludePrintNames :: CGI Bool
    getIncludePrintNames = maybe False (const True) # getInput "printnames"

    graphvizOptions =
        PGF.GraphvizOptions # bool "noleaves"
                            % bool "nofun"
                            % bool "nocat"
                            % string "nodefont"
                            % string "leaffont"
                            % string "nodecolor"
                            % string "leafcolor"
                            % string "nodeedgestyle"
                            % string "leafedgestyle"
        string name = maybe "" id # getInput name
        bool name = maybe False toBool # getInput name

    from1 = maybe (missing "from") return =<< from
    from = getLang "from"
    to = (,) # getLangs "to" % unlexer

    getLangs = getLangs' readLang
    getLang = getLang' readLang

    readLang :: String -> CGI PGF.Language
    readLang l =
      case PGF.readLanguage l of
        Nothing -> badRequest "Bad language" l
        Just lang | lang `elem` PGF.languages pgf -> return lang
                  | otherwise -> badRequest "Unknown language" l

    full :: CGI Bool
    full = maybe False toBool # getInput "full"

-- * Request parameter access and related auxiliary functions

--out = outputJSONP
out t r = do let fmt = formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat t
             setHeader "Last-Modified" fmt
             outputJSONP r

getInput1 x = nonEmpty # getInput x
nonEmpty (Just "") = Nothing
nonEmpty r = r

textInput :: CGI String
textInput = liftM (maybe "" (urlDecodeUnicode . UTF8.decodeString)) $ getInput "input"

getLangs' readLang i = mapM readLang . maybe [] words =<< getInput i

getLang' readLang i =
   do mlang <- getInput i
      case mlang of
        Just l@(_:_) -> Just # readLang l
        _            -> return Nothing

limit, depth :: CGI (Maybe Int)
limit = readInput "limit"
depth = readInput "depth"

start :: CGI Int
start = maybe 0 id # readInput "start"

trie :: CGI Bool
trie = maybe False toBool # getInput "trie"

toBool s = s `elem` ["","yes","true","True"]

missing = badRequest "Missing parameter"
errorMissingId = badRequest "Missing identifier" ""

notFound = throw 404 "Not found"
badRequest = throw 400
serverError = throw 500

throw code msg extra =
    throwCGIError code msg [msg ++(if null extra then "" else ": "++extra)]

format def = maybe def id # getInput "format"

-- * Request implementations

-- Hook for simple extensions of the PGF service
doExternal Nothing input = badRequest "Unknown external command" ""
doExternal (Just cmd) input =
  do liftIO $ logError ("External command: "++cmd)
     cmds <- liftIO $ (fmap lines $ readFile "external_services")
                        `catchIOE` const (return [])
     liftIO $ logError ("External services: "++show cmds)
     if cmd `elem` cmds then ok else err
    err = badRequest "Unknown external command" cmd
    ok =
      do let tmpfile1 = "external_input.txt"
             tmpfile2 = "external_output.txt"
         liftIO $ writeFile "external_input.txt" input
         liftIO $ system $ cmd ++ " " ++ tmpfile1 ++ " > " ++ tmpfile2
         liftIO $ removeFile tmpfile1
         r <- outputJSONP =<< liftIO (readFile tmpfile2)
         liftIO $ removeFile tmpfile2
         return r

doLookupMorpho :: PGF -> PGF.Language -> String -> JSValue
doLookupMorpho pgf from input =
    showJSON [makeObj ["lemma".=l,"analysis".=a]|(l,a)<-ms]
    ms = PGF.lookupMorpho (PGF.buildMorpho pgf from) input

type From = (Maybe PGF.Language,String)
type To = ([PGF.Language],Unlexer)

doTranslate :: PGF -> From -> Maybe PGF.Type -> To -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> JSValue
doTranslate pgf (mfrom,input) mcat (tos,unlex) mlimit trie =
     [makeObj ("from".=from : "brackets".=bs : jsonTranslateOutput po)
          | (from,po,bs) <- parse' pgf input mcat mfrom]
    jsonTranslateOutput output =
      case output of
        PGF.ParseOk trees ->
            addTrie trie trees++
              [makeObj ["tree".=tree,
                            [makeObj ["to".=to, "text".=unlex text,
                               | (to,text,bs)<- linearizeAndBind pgf tos tree]]
                | tree <- maybe id take mlimit trees]]
        PGF.ParseIncomplete -> ["incomplete".=True]
        PGF.ParseFailed n   -> ["parseFailed".=n]
        PGF.TypeError errs -> jsonTypeErrors errs

jsonTypeErrors errs = 
    ["typeErrors".= [makeObj ["fid".=fid, "msg".=show (PGF.ppTcError err)]
                       | (fid,err) <- errs]]

-- used in phrasebook
doTranslateGroup :: PGF -> From -> Maybe PGF.Type -> To -> Maybe Int -> JSValue
doTranslateGroup pgf (mfrom,input) mcat (tos,unlex) mlimit =
    [makeObj ["from".=langOnly (PGF.showLanguage from),
              "to".=langOnly (PGF.showLanguage to),
                 [toJSObject (("text",unlex alt) : disamb lg from ts)
                    | (ts,alt) <- output, let lg = length output]
         (from,po,bs) <- parse' pgf input mcat mfrom,
         (to,output)  <- groupResults [(t, linearizeAndBind pgf tos t) | t <- case po of {PGF.ParseOk ts -> maybe id take mlimit ts; _ -> []}]
   groupResults = Map.toList . foldr more Map.empty . start . collect
       collect tls = [(t,(l,s)) | (t,ls) <- tls, (l,s,_) <- ls, notDisamb l]
       start ls = [(l,[([t],s)]) | (t,(l,s)) <- ls]
       more (l,s) = Map.insertWith (\ [([t],x)] xs -> insertAlt t x xs) l s

   insertAlt t x xs = case xs of
     (ts,y):xs2 -> if x==y then (t:ts,y):xs2 -- if string is there add only tree
                   else (ts,y) : insertAlt t x xs2
     _ -> [([t],x)]

   langOnly = reverse . take 3 . reverse

   disamb lg from ts = 
     if lg < 2 
       then [] 
       else [("tree", "-- " ++ groupDisambs [unlex (disambLang from t) | t <- ts])]

   groupDisambs = unwords . intersperse "/"

   disambLang f t = 
       disfl lang = PGF.mkCId ("Disamb" ++ lang) 
       disf       = disfl (PGF.showLanguage f) 
       disfEng    = disfl (reverse (drop 3 (reverse (PGF.showLanguage f))) ++ "Eng") 
       if elem disf (PGF.languages pgf)         -- if Disamb f exists use it
         then PGF.linearize pgf disf t          
       else if elem disfEng (PGF.languages pgf) -- else try DisambEng
         then PGF.linearize pgf disfEng t 
       else "AST " ++ PGF.showExpr [] t                   -- else show abstract tree

   notDisamb = (/="Disamb") . take 6 . PGF.showLanguage

doParse :: PGF -> From -> Maybe PGF.Type -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> JSValue
doParse pgf (mfrom,input) mcat mlimit trie = showJSON $ map makeObj
     ["from".=from : "brackets".=bs : jsonParseOutput po
        | (from,po,bs) <- parse' pgf input mcat mfrom]
    jsonParseOutput output =
      case output of
        PGF.ParseOk trees   -> ["trees".=maybe id take mlimit trees]
                               ++addTrie trie trees
        PGF.TypeError errs  -> jsonTypeErrors errs
        PGF.ParseIncomplete -> ["incomplete".=True]
        PGF.ParseFailed n   -> ["parseFailed".=n]

addTrie trie trees =
    ["trie".=map head (PGF.toTrie (map PGF.toATree trees))|trie]

doComplete :: PGF -> From -> Maybe PGF.Type -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> JSValue
doComplete pgf (mfrom,input) mcat mlimit full = showJSON
    [makeObj (
        ["from".=from, "brackets".=bs, "text".=s] ++
        if full
          then [ "completions" .= Map.elems (Map.mapWithKey (completionInfo pgf) cs) ]
          else [ "completions" .= Map.keys cs ]
    | from <- froms, let (bs,s,cs) = complete' pgf from cat mlimit input]
    froms = maybe (PGF.languages pgf) (:[]) mfrom
    cat = fromMaybe (PGF.startCat pgf) mcat

completionInfo :: PGF -> PGF.Token -> PGF.ParseState -> JSValue
completionInfo pgf token pstate =
  ["token".= token
  ,"funs" .= (map mkFun (nubBy ignoreFunIds funs))
    contInfo = PGF.getContinuationInfo pstate
    funs = snd . head $ Map.toList contInfo -- always get [([],_)] ; funs :: [(fid,cid,seq)]
    ignoreFunIds (_,cid1,seq1) (_,cid2,seq2) = (cid1,seq1) == (cid2,seq2)
    mkFun (funid,cid,seq) = case PGF.functionType pgf cid of
      Just typ ->
        makeObj [ {-"fid".=funid,-} "fun".=cid, "hyps".=hyps', "cat".=cat, "seq".=seq ]
          (hyps,cat,es) = PGF.unType typ
          hyps' = [ PGF.showType [] typ | (_,_,typ) <- hyps ]
      Nothing -> makeObj [ "error".=("Function "++show cid++" not found") ] -- shouldn't happen

doLinearize :: PGF -> PGF.Tree -> To -> JSValue
doLinearize pgf tree (tos,unlex) = showJSON
    [makeObj ["to".=to, "text".=unlex text,"brackets".=bs]
      | (to,text,bs) <- linearizeAndBind pgf tos tree]

doLinearizes :: PGF -> PGF.Tree -> To -> JSValue
doLinearizes pgf tree (tos,unlex) = showJSON
    [makeObj ["to".=to, "texts".=map (unlex . doBind) texts]
       | (to,texts) <- linearizes' pgf tos tree]
    linearizes' pgf tos tree =
        [(to,lins to (transfer to tree)) | to <- langs]
        langs = if null tos then PGF.languages pgf else tos
        lins to = nub . concatMap (map snd) . PGF.tabularLinearizes pgf to

doLinearizeTabular :: PGF -> PGF.Tree -> To -> JSValue
doLinearizeTabular pgf tree (tos,unlex) = showJSON
    [makeObj ["to".=to,
              "table".=[makeObj ["params".=ps,"texts".=map unlex ts]
                         | (ps,ts)<-texts]]
       | (to,texts) <- linearizeTabular pgf tos tree]

doRandom :: PGF -> Maybe PGF.Type -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> To -> CGI JSValue
doRandom pgf mcat mdepth mlimit to =
  liftIO $
  do g <- newStdGen
     let trees = PGF.generateRandomDepth g pgf cat (Just depth)
     return $ showJSON
          [makeObj ["tree".=PGF.showExpr [] tree,
                    "linearizations".= doLinearizes pgf tree to]
             | tree <- limit trees]
  where cat = fromMaybe (PGF.startCat pgf) mcat
        limit = take (fromMaybe 1 mlimit)
        depth = fromMaybe 4 mdepth

doGenerate :: PGF -> Maybe PGF.Type -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> To -> JSValue
doGenerate pgf mcat mdepth mlimit (tos,unlex) =
    showJSON [makeObj ["tree".=PGF.showExpr [] tree,
                          [makeObj ["to".=to, "text".=unlex text]
                             | (to,text,bs) <- linearizeAndBind pgf tos tree]]
                | tree <- limit trees]
    trees = PGF.generateAllDepth pgf cat (Just depth)
    cat = fromMaybe (PGF.startCat pgf) mcat
    limit = take (fromMaybe 1 mlimit)
    depth = fromMaybe 4 mdepth

doGrammar :: UTCTime -> PGF -> Maybe (Accept Language) -> JSValue
doGrammar t pgf macc = showJSON $ makeObj
             ["name".=PGF.abstractName pgf,
              "lastmodified".=show t,
              "userLanguage".=selectLanguage pgf macc,
              "startcat".=PGF.showType [] (PGF.startCat pgf),
    languages =
       [makeObj ["name".= l, 
                  "languageCode".= fromMaybe "" (PGF.languageCode pgf l)]
          | l <- PGF.languages pgf]
    categories = [PGF.showCId cat | cat <- PGF.categories pgf]
    functions  = [PGF.showCId fun | fun <- PGF.functions pgf]

outputGraphviz code =
  do fmt <- format "png"
     case fmt of
       "gv" -> outputPlain code
       _ -> outputFPS' fmt =<< liftIO (pipeIt2graphviz fmt code)
    outputFPS' = outputBinary' . mimeType

    mimeType fmt =
      case fmt of
        "png" -> "image/png"
        "gif" -> "image/gif"
        "svg" -> "image/svg+xml"
    -- ...
        _     -> "application/binary"

abstrTree pgf      opts tree = PGF.graphvizAbstractTree pgf opts' tree
  where opts' = (not (PGF.noFun opts),not (PGF.noCat opts))

parseTree pgf lang opts tree = PGF.graphvizParseTree pgf lang opts tree

alignment pgf tree (tos,unlex) = PGF.graphvizAlignment pgf tos' tree
  where tos' = if null tos then PGF.languages pgf else tos

pipeIt2graphviz :: String -> String -> IO BS.ByteString
pipeIt2graphviz fmt code = do
    (Just inh, Just outh, _, pid) <-
        createProcess (proc "dot" ["-T",fmt])
                      { std_in  = CreatePipe,
                        std_out = CreatePipe,
                        std_err = Inherit }

    hSetBinaryMode outh True
    hSetEncoding inh  utf8

    -- fork off a thread to start consuming the output
    output  <- BS.hGetContents outh
    outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
    _ <- forkIO $ E.evaluate (BS.length output) >> putMVar outMVar ()

    -- now write and flush any input
    hPutStr inh code
    hFlush inh
    hClose inh -- done with stdin

    -- wait on the output
    takeMVar outMVar
    hClose outh

    -- wait on the process
    ex <- waitForProcess pid

    case ex of
     ExitSuccess   -> return output
     ExitFailure r -> fail ("pipeIt2graphviz: (exit " ++ show r ++ ")")

browse1json pgf id pn = makeObj . maybe [] obj $ PGF.browse pgf id
    obj (def,ps,cs) = if pn then (baseobj ++ pnames) else baseobj
        baseobj = ["def".=def, "producers".=ps, "consumers".=cs]
        pnames = ["printnames".=makeObj [(show lang).=PGF.showPrintName pgf lang id | lang <- PGF.languages pgf]]

doBrowse pgf (Just id) _ _ "json" pn = outputJSONP $ browse1json pgf id pn
doBrowse pgf Nothing   _ _ "json" pn =
    outputJSONP $ makeObj ["cats".=all (PGF.categories pgf),
                           "funs".=all (PGF.functions pgf)]
    all = makeObj . map one
    one id = PGF.showCId id.=browse1json pgf id pn

doBrowse pgf Nothing cssClass href _ pn = errorMissingId
doBrowse pgf (Just id) cssClass href _ pn = -- default to "html" format
  outputHTML $
  case PGF.browse pgf id of
    Just (def,ps,cs) -> "<PRE>"++annotate def++"</PRE>\n"++
                        (if not (null ps)
                           then "<BR/>"++
                                "<P>"++annotateCIds ps++"</P>\n"
                           else "")++
                        (if not (null cs)
                           then "<BR/>"++
                                "<P>"++annotateCIds cs++"</P>\n"
                           else "")++
                        (if pn
                           then "<BR/>"++
                                "<H3>Print Names</H3>"++
                           else "")
    Nothing          -> ""
    syntax = 
      case PGF.functionType pgf id of
        Just ty -> let (hypos,_,_) = PGF.unType ty
                       e          = PGF.mkApp id (snd $ mapAccumL mkArg (1,1) hypos)
                       rows = ["<TR class=\"my-SyntaxRow\">"++
                               "<TD class=\"my-SyntaxLang\">"++PGF.showCId lang++"</TD>"++
                               "<TD class=\"my-SyntaxLin\">"++PGF.linearize pgf lang e++"</TD>"++
                                            | lang <- PGF.languages pgf]
                   in "<BR/>"++
                      "<TABLE class=\"my-SyntaxTable\">\n"++
                      "<TR class=\"my-SyntaxRow\">"++
                      "<TD class=\"my-SyntaxLang\">"++PGF.showCId (PGF.abstractName pgf)++"</TD>"++
                      "<TD class=\"my-SyntaxLin\">"++PGF.showExpr [] e++"</TD>"++
                      unlines rows++"\n</TABLE>"
        Nothing -> ""

    mkArg (i,j) (_,_,ty) = ((i+1,j+length hypos),e)
        e = foldr (\(j,(bt,_,_)) -> PGF.mkAbs bt (PGF.mkCId ('X':show j))) (PGF.mkMeta i) (zip [j..] hypos)
        (hypos,_,_) = PGF.unType ty

    identifiers = PGF.functions pgf ++ PGF.categories pgf

    annotate []          = []
    annotate (c:cs)
      | isIdentInitial c = let (id,cs') = break (not . isIdentChar) (c:cs)
                           in (if PGF.mkCId id `elem` identifiers
                                 then mkLink id
                                 else if id == "fun" || id == "data" || id == "cat" || id == "def"
                                        then "<B>"++id++"</B>"
                                        else id) ++
                              annotate cs'
      | otherwise        = c : annotate cs

    annotateCIds ids = unwords (map (mkLink . PGF.showCId) ids)
    isIdentInitial c = isAlpha c || c == '_'
    isIdentChar    c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '\''

    hrefAttr id =
      case href of
        Nothing -> ""
        Just s  -> "href=\""++substId id s++"\""

    substId id [] = []
    substId id ('$':'I':'D':cs) = id ++ cs
    substId id (c:cs) = c : substId id cs

    classAttr =
      case cssClass of
        Nothing -> ""
        Just s  -> "class=\""++s++"\""

    mkLink s = "<A "++hrefAttr s++" "++classAttr++">"++s++"</A>"
    annotatePrintNames = "<DL>"++(unwords pns)++"</DL>"
      where pns = ["<DT>"++(show lang)++"</DT><DD>"++(PGF.showPrintName pgf lang id)++"</DD>" | lang <- PGF.languages pgf ]

-- | Render trees as JSON with numbered functions
jsonExpr e = evalState (expr (PGF.toATree e)) 0
    expr e =
      case e of
        PGF.Other e -> return (makeObj ["other".=e])
        PGF.App f es ->
                do js <- mapM expr es
                   let children=["children".=js | not (null js)]
                   return $ makeObj (["fun".=f,"fid".=i]++children)

    inc :: State Int Int
    inc = do i <- get; put (i+1); return i

instance JSON PGF.Trie where
    showJSON (PGF.Oth e) = makeObj ["other".=e]
    showJSON (PGF.Ap f [[]]) = makeObj ["fun".=f] -- leaf
--  showJSON (PGF.Ap f [es]) = makeObj ["fun".=f,"children".=es] -- one alternative
    showJSON (PGF.Ap f alts) = makeObj ["fun".=f,"alts".=alts]

instance JSON PGF.CId where
    readJSON x = readJSON x >>= maybe (fail "Bad language.") return . PGF.readLanguage
    showJSON = showJSON . PGF.showLanguage

instance JSON PGF.Expr where
    readJSON x = readJSON x >>= maybe (fail "Bad expression.") return . PGF.readExpr
    showJSON = showJSON . PGF.showExpr []

instance JSON PGF.BracketedString where
    readJSON x = return (PGF.Leaf "")
    showJSON (PGF.Bracket cat fid index fun _ bs) =
        makeObj ["cat".=cat, "fid".=fid, "index".=index, "fun".=fun, "children".=bs]
    showJSON (PGF.Leaf s) = makeObj ["token".=s]

-- * PGF utilities

cat :: PGF -> Maybe PGF.Type -> PGF.Type
cat pgf mcat = fromMaybe (PGF.startCat pgf) mcat

parse' :: PGF -> String -> Maybe PGF.Type -> Maybe PGF.Language -> [(PGF.Language,PGF.ParseOutput,PGF.BracketedString)]
parse' pgf input mcat mfrom = 
   [(from,po,bs) | from <- froms, (po,bs) <- [PGF.parse_ pgf from cat Nothing input]]
  where froms = maybe (PGF.languages pgf) (:[]) mfrom
        cat = fromMaybe (PGF.startCat pgf) mcat

complete' :: PGF -> PGF.Language -> PGF.Type -> Maybe Int -> String
         -> (PGF.BracketedString, String, Map.Map PGF.Token PGF.ParseState)
complete' pgf from typ mlimit input =
  let (ws,prefix) = tokensAndPrefix input
      ps0 = PGF.initState pgf from typ
      (ps,ws') = loop ps0 ws
      bs       = snd (PGF.getParseOutput ps typ Nothing)
  in if not (null ws')
       then (bs, unwords (if null prefix then ws' else ws'++[prefix]), Map.empty)
       else (bs, prefix, PGF.getCompletions ps prefix)
    order = sortBy (compare `on` map toLower)

    tokensAndPrefix :: String -> ([String],String)
    tokensAndPrefix s | not (null s) && isSpace (last s) = (ws, "")
                      | null ws = ([],"")
                      | otherwise = (init ws, last ws)
        where ws = words s

    loop ps []     = (ps,[])
    loop ps (w:ws) = case PGF.nextState ps (PGF.simpleParseInput w) of
                       Left  es -> (ps,w:ws)
                       Right ps -> loop ps ws

transfer lang = if "LaTeX" `isSuffixOf` show lang
                then fold -- OpenMath LaTeX transfer
                else id

-- | tabulate all variants and their forms
  :: PGF -> [PGF.Language] -> PGF.Tree -> [(PGF.Language,[(String,[String])])]
linearizeTabular pgf tos tree =
    [(to,lintab to (transfer to tree)) | to <- langs]
    langs = if null tos then PGF.languages pgf else tos
    lintab to t = [(p,map doBind (nub [t|(p',t)<-vs,p'==p]))|p<-ps]
        ps = nub (map fst vs)
        vs = concat (PGF.tabularLinearizes pgf to t)

linearizeAndBind pgf mto tree =
    [(to,s,bss) | to<-langs,
                 let bss = PGF.bracketedLinearize pgf to (transfer to tree)
                     s   = unwords . bindTok $ concatMap PGF.flattenBracketedString bss]
    langs = if null mto then PGF.languages pgf else mto

doBind = unwords . bindTok . words

selectLanguage :: PGF -> Maybe (Accept Language) -> PGF.Language
selectLanguage pgf macc = case acceptable of
                            []  -> case PGF.languages pgf of
                                     []  -> error "No concrete syntaxes in PGF grammar."
                                     l:_ -> l
                            Language c:_ -> fromJust (langCodeLanguage pgf c)
  where langCodes = mapMaybe (PGF.languageCode pgf) (PGF.languages pgf)
        acceptable = negotiate (map Language langCodes) macc

langCodeLanguage :: PGF -> String -> Maybe PGF.Language
langCodeLanguage pgf code = listToMaybe [l | l <- PGF.languages pgf, PGF.languageCode pgf l == Just code]

-- * General utilities

infixl 2 #,%

f .= v = (f,showJSON v)
f # x = fmap f x
f % x = ap f x

--cleanFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath
--cleanFilePath = takeFileName


(HTML for this module was generated on 2015-03-03. About the conversion tool.)